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Andrew Martin : Play the O'Kelly Sicilian


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One of the benefits of the O’Kelly is that White’s natural continuation of 3 d4, although very frequently played, permits Black confortable development and an easy game.

In Play the O’Kelly Sicilian, highly experienced chess author and coach Andrew Martin guides the reader through the complexities of the O’Kelly and carves out a repertoire for Black. He examines all aspects of this fascinating opening and provides the reader with well-researched, fresh, and innovative analysis. Each annotated game has valuable lessons on how to play the opening and contains instructive commentary on typical middlegame plans.

  • A complete repertoire for Black against 1 e4.
  • All key variations analysed in detail.


Andrew Martin is a FIDE Senior Trainer and International Master. He teaches in twelve schools, is an experienced chess writer and has produced numerous chess DVDs.


280 Seiten, kartoniert,  1. Auflage 2022

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Diese Kategorie durchsuchen: B20-Sizilianisch

Robert Ris: Beat the Anti-Sicilians


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We are convinced you'll use this book to spice up your current repertoire against the most annoying Anti-Sicilians. Robert investigated many new interesting lines, providing you enough weapons to unbalance the game in your favor!

240 Seiten,englisch, kartoniert, 1. Auflage 2022

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Diese Kategorie durchsuchen: B20-Sizilianisch

Lukasz Jarmula: The Najdorf Bg5 Revisited - Vol. 2

Artikel-Nr.: SBJATHNABg5V2

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The Bg5 variation gives White very dangerous attacking ideas, and Blacks really needs to know a precise defense to come out of this variation alive. This book provides weapons that are ideal choices for those who revel in forcing opponents into chaotic and uncomfortable positions.

Lukasz Jarmula, a player and writer of international caliber, will be your truthful guide!


416 Seiten, kartoniert, englisch, 1. Auflage 2021

Auch diese Kategorien durchsuchen: B20-Sizilianisch, Repertoires

Adrien Demuth: The Modernized Sicilian Kan


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In comparison with my work on the Reti and the Dutch (my two previous books), I am a newbie on the subject. But I decided to accept the challenge. I found it extremely interesting, as this gave me a fresh look at the positions. I think I managed to ask myself the questions everyone would have asked. I also work as a second for others and am accustomed to working on openings I do not necessarily play as well as finding the key ideas very quickly. So, after a deep initial work to understand the variations, I was ready to start writing!”

Adrien Demuth


272 Seiten, kartoniert, englisch, 1. Auflage 2021

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Diese Kategorie durchsuchen: B20-Sizilianisch

Efstratios Grivas :The Modernized Grivas Sicilian


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In his book the author dissects the most important nuances and themes, making sure that players will be familiar with the resources at their disposal. On top this is a refresher course of his favorite Sicilian packed with many new ideas and interesting twists.

This is his fourth book for Thinkers Publishing.


491 Seiten, kartoniert, englisch, 1. Auflage 2021

Diese Kategorie durchsuchen: B20-Sizilianisch

Lukasz Jarmula :The Najdorf Bg5 Revisited - Vol. 1

Artikel-Nr.: SOSBJATZNABg5V1

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33,95 €
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Thinkers Publishing

352 Seiten, kartoniert, englisch, 1. Auflage 2021

Zustand : Neu

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Auch diese Kategorien durchsuchen: B20-Sizilianisch, Schachbücher

Ranko Szuhanek : Beating the Najdorf Rare Lines


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Over the years some of the variations covered in this book got a strong following among the professionals and amateurs alike (6.h3 in particular), while some remained less explored and essayed only by the very elite (6.a3, or 6.Qd3).

IM Szuhanek presents you his deep and diligent analysis of all the possible (and reasonable) White tries with focus on more common lines. Throughout the book you will find many improvements for both sides, but with author’s clear preference for the black side.

Now you got a highly practical weapon to tackle all the White’s pesky Najdorf options!


262 Seiten, gebunden, englisch, 1. Auflage 2021

Diese Kategorie durchsuchen: B20-Sizilianisch

Chess Informant Team : Enzyklopädie der Schacheröffnungen BII

Artikel-Nr.: SBENDESCB2

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Over the years, and subsequent editions of five ECO tomes (A, B, C, D and E) all the greatest chess players and analysts contributed to the Encyclopaedias, each focusing on the sections which they were most acquainted with, producing astounding analyses and recommendations.

Eighteen years passed since the previous edition of the Encyclopaedia of Chess Openings - Volume B was released. We tried to keep all the major qualities of the previous ECO Volumes intact, but to make the book easier to read and browse through, especially when used as a source of reference. The material we gathered was so rich in details and nuances, so ultimately we decided to publish the ECO B Volume in two parts. We are positive that omitting any of the lines would be a terrible shame, so you will have the pleasure of reading and digesting the material in its completeness.

Finally, we are sure that the human touch should remain crucial, so all the members of the editorial crew gave their absolute best in researching, analysing, evaluating and suggesting lines of the greatest value and strength, thus allowing you to read the book and apply the lines in your own games with complete confidence.


ECO B - Part II contains detailed coverage of ECO codes 50-99


424 Seiten, gebunden, figurine Notation, 5. Auflage 2021

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Auch diese Kategorien durchsuchen: B20-Sizilianisch, B21- Sizilianisch Morra-Gambit, B70-Sizilianisch (Drachenvariante)

Herman Grooten: Sicilian Structures Part 2

Artikel-Nr.: SBGRSISTPA2

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The Richter-Rauzer is, in theory, just one of the possible developments from a Classical Sicilian. We have already dealt with a few games that started with the Classical and where Black shortly played …e7-e6; and 6.Bc4 (the Sozin variation) was rightly treated within the Scheveningen pages. However, it is clear that White’s most popular counter, the Richter-Rauzer variation (6.Bg5) deserves separate attention.

While looking at the variation structure for the Kan and Taimanov and deciding on which model games to use, I noticed a lot of possible transitions to the ‘Hedgehog’ structure. The key features are white pawns on e4 and c4, and at least four black pawns on a6, b6, d6 and e6. This structure is ideally suited to the task of playing for a win as Black, because of the very complicated middlegames that arise. (And one often needs complicated middlegames to have a better chance of ‘converting’ a rating advantage!) The ‘Hedgehog’ is definitely a structure rather than a variation, but it has such a distinctive character of its own that I chose to examine it first in chapter 2. This simplifies later discussion of the Taimanov and Kan variations by removing the need to discuss every possible way of entering a Hedgehog structure.

A few further comments regarding the Hedgehog. This way of setting up the pieces simply on the back two rows, with four ‘spikes’ directly in front, has been used by many strong players, including world champions. (That is because it can also be used in various other openings, including the Symmetrical English or Queen’s Indian.) As for myself, this setup has long been a favorite, and from my very first acquaintance with the structure I was immediately mesmerized by the possibilities for rich strategic play. It is fascinating to see how strong players manage to outwit their – sometimes equally esteemed – opponents even while staying so far within their own territory. In that respect, a parallel may be drawn with the famous “Catenaccio” style in which the Italian national football (soccer) team used to play.

Catenaccio is the Italian word for "chain" and the style is associated with a well-organized defense, to neutralize the attacks of the opponents before they get started. The moment the opponent finally tries to get inside the fortifications, a counter-attack will come with impressive speed. Thus it is also with the Hedgehog in chess. Black stays on the back few rows and White, who has more space, sometimes falls into a trap. When the position suddenly opens, very often the small latent weaknesses in White’s camp will prove to be his undoing. In this book I give a schematic representation of the plans developed both sides have developed over the years, illustrated through model games. Very often, authors will say that they ‘could write a whole book’ on one of their topics; in this case, the wealth of strategic play in the Hedgehog prompted me to do just that. In ‘Key Concepts of Chess – The Hedgehog’, the first in a new series (by the same publisher) you will find this fascinating beast examined in even greater detail, should you be interested.

In each chapter, the majority of the space is taken up by discussion of model games. This is exactly what I also did in previous volumes of this series and represents a core tenet of the Understanding Before Moving philosophy. The main idea is that the reader can thus increase his understanding of practical middlegames that actually arise from the variation in question, and in so doing also develop a better feel for how to handle the opening responsibly.


424 Seiten, kartoniert, englisch, 1. Auflage 2021

Diese Kategorie durchsuchen: B20-Sizilianisch

Ravi Haria: The Modernized Anti-Sicilians - Vol. 1


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The Rossolimo variation with 3.Bb5 is the clearest indication that we are attempting to frustrate Black’s counterplay. By delaying opening the center, we can simply wait for Black to show us how he intends to continue before we make any big commitments. Most importantly, we have the positional threat of Bxc6, which Black has to be wary of if he himself tries to open the center too quickly. In nearly all variations our principal aim is to achieve rapid development, ensuring optimal conditions for a timely central break. In the main three systems (3 ... d6, 3 ... e6 and 3 ... g6), my multiple suggestions are based on the dual concepts of playing as actively as possible, whilst simultaneously frustrating Black’s ideals.

Our repertoire against 3 ... d6 emphasizes our ability to consistently interfere with Black’s co-ordination. We’ll immediately break open the center with 6.c3 and 7.d4, before attempting to create endless practical difficulties in the mainline with an e5- e6 push. It’s important to pay attention to the continuous theme of both pawn and exchange sacrifices, where piece quality is often prioritized over piece quantity. As usual, the various lines continuously offer ‘safer alternatives’ - which are by no means worse, but instead offer the opportunity to take the game in a different direction. Against 3 ... e6, I offer two alternatives: either playing critically with 4.0-0 and 5.d4, or frustrating Black’s development with 4.0-0 and 5.Re1. The first option will result in positions similar to Open Sicilians, except that Black has a slightly inferior knight on g6, as opposed to f6. The latter aims for optimal piece placement which will make it difficult for Black to open the centre - whereas we are ideally positioned to break with c2-c3 and d2-d4. 3 ... g6 is arguably the most critical line against the Rossolimo. As usual, I analysed two distinct options - either capturing on c6 immediately or playing 4.0-0 and 5.c3 with the aim of occupying the centre. In both lines, we’ll often encounter themes revolving around Black’s weakened dark-squares, as well as attempts to suppress Black’s g7-bishop with a strong e5-pawn. You will quickly realize that a combination of our own dynamic piece play, alongside attempting to create endless practical difficulties for our opponent, are at the heart of every variation we discuss. I’d like to thank Daniël Vanheirzeele and Romain Edouard for the opportunity to write this series; Daniel Fernandez for finding the time to continuously critique and edit my analysis; and above all my parents, for their endless support throughout my chess journey.

IM Ravi Haria London, November 2020


520 Seiten, kartoniert, englisch, 1. Auflage 2020

Diese Kategorie durchsuchen: B20-Sizilianisch
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