Fresh Strategies to Play for a Win In the first book ever exclusively devoted to the Exchange French Variation, American grandmaster Alex Fishbein recognizes that the Exchange French is an opening for a player who likes active piece play, fights for the initiative, excels in positions with possibilities on both sides of the board, and finds strategic and tactical nuances that arise out of almost nothing. And if you play the French as Black, then this book will help you deal with White’s 3.exd5 |
24,95 €
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Advance and Winawer The French Defence is coming back to fashion again! One of the leaders in the 2020 Candidates tournament, Ian Nepomniachtchi, successfully staked on it. Lately World champion himself also embraced the French several times. A great expert of this opening is the last challenger for the world title Fabiano Caruana. The French became a real arena of the battle of the engines - neural network genius Leela was confidently repelling the attacks of its powerful rivals. |
21,50 €
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Tarrasch and Various Lines The French Defence is coming back to fashion again! One of the leaders in the 2020 Candidates tournament, Ian Nepomniachtchi, successfully staked his chances on it. Lately the World Champion himself also embraced the French several times. A great expert in this opening is the last challenger for the world title Fabiano Caruana. |
21,50 €
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Vol. 1: Tarrasch and Various Lines, The French Defence is coming back to fashion again! One of the leaders in the 2020 Candidates tournament, Ian Nepomniachtchi, successfully staked his chances on it. Lately the World Champion himself also embraced the French several times. A great expert in this opening is the last challenger for the world title Fabiano Caruana. |
39,00 €
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Artikel-Nr.: SBMITHMOFR2
The Tarrasch variation of the French Defense is reached after 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.Nd2. This is one of the most possible treatments White has available. Using his typical funny and dynamic writing style, David shows that it is possible to play solidly but also remain with the dynamic elements Black has available. He recommends several creative lines, even a bit off the beaten track, but which he has very carefully worked out over the several years of his own practice. Again, Miedema and his love for the French Defense shines through his second volume, the third and final being available at the end of this year. 215 Seiten, kartoniert, englisch, 1. Auflage 2020 |
26,45 €
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The Winawer Here we are, together on this page, both interested in the French Defence with 3.Nc3 Bb4. Before telling you what you can learn from this opening, let me tell you a little story about my journey in the French. I started playing the French after reading John Watson’s Play the French, which improved my play a lot. |
28,95 €
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Opening Repertoire
The French Defence provides a good choice for players who want to create a dynamic, unbalanced situation out of the opening but baulk at the level of study required to master the ferociously complex Sicilian Defence. The French is one of Black´s soundest defences to 1 e4 and is very popular at all levels. White often advances with the space-gaining e4-e5 which, in principle, will generate a small advantage. |
22,95 €
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Artikel-Nr.: SBHACATA B7
This book is a collection of games played by top players in which either White or Black wins in 15 moves or less either a result of brilliant chess tactics, an accumulation of mistakes or blunders. |
12,50 €
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Ein Leben lang Französisch Die Französische Verteidigung (1.e4 e6), die erstmals in der ersten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts merklich ins Blickfeld der Schachgemeinde geriet, zählt bis heute zu den wichtigsten und populärsten Eröffnungen im Schach. Der Autor des vorliegenden Buchs, der deutsche Großmeister Wolfgang Uhlmann, ist ein weltweit angesehener Französisch-Experte, der diese Eröffnung über seine gesamte Schachkarriere praktisch erprobt und ihre Theorie bereichert hat. |
19,80 €
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Artikel-Nr.: SB Lakdawala: The Classical French - Move by Move
This series provides an ideal platform to study chess openings. By continually challenging the reader to answer probing questions throughout the book, the Move by Move format greatly encourages the learning and practising of vital skills just as much as the traditional assimilation of opening knowledge. Carefully selected questions and answers are designed to keep you actively involved and allow you to monitor your progress as you learn. |
22,95 €
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Artikel-Nr.: SB Ber The Fren Def Vol 2 kart
Grandmaster Repertoire 15
The French Defence is one of the most popular and reliable responses to 1.e4. Black invites his opponent to gain space in the centre, with the intention of undermining the enemy position and launching a counterattack. Although the amount of theory has expanded in recent years, the French often leads to positions where positional and strategic understanding prove more relevant than long sequences of computer-generated moves.
24,99 €
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Artikel-Nr.: SB Ber The Fren Def , Vol2
Grandmaster Repertoire 15
The French Defence is one of the most popular and reliable responses to 1.e4. Black invites his opponent to gain space in the centre, with the intention of undermining the enemy position and launching a counterattack. Although the amount of theory has expanded in recent years, the French often leads to positions where positional and strategic understanding prove more relevant than long sequences of computer-generated moves.
29,99 €
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Artikel-Nr.: SB AaNt Play the French kart.
The French Defence is one of the most solid and strategically rich responses to 1.e4. Many opening lines have been analysed to death by computer, but the French is relatively resistant to this growing trend, as the characteristic blocked pawn centre leads to situations where a player with superior understanding can overcome an opponent whose expertise lies in computer-assisted preparation.
24,95 €
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Artikel-Nr.: SB AaNt Play the French geb.
The French Defence is one of the most solid and strategically rich responses to 1.e4. Many opening lines have been analysed to death by computer, but the French is relatively resistant to this growing trend, as the characteristic blocked pawn centre leads to situations where a player with superior understanding can overcome an opponent whose expertise lies in computer-assisted preparation.
29,95 €
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Artikel-Nr.: SB Berg t Fren Defen Vol1 kart.
Grandmaster Repertoire 14
The French Defence is one of the most popular and reliable responses to 1.e4. Black invites his opponent to gain space in the centre, with the intention of undermining the enemy position and launching a counterattack. Although the amount of theory has expanded in recent years, the French often leads to positions where positional and strategic understanding prove more relevant than long sequences of computer-generated moves. Grandmaster Repertoire 14 – The French Defence 1 introduces the Winawer Variation after the opening moves 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.Nc3 Bb4, and provides expert recommendations against all of White’s major possibilities, with the exception of the most critical 7.Qg4 line which will receive special coverage in Volume Two of the series. Volume Three will deal with the Tarrasch, Advance and all of White’s other options.
24,99 €
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Artikel-Nr.: SB Ripp Das Nimzo Gam
Sind Sie auf der Suche nach einer schlagkräftigen Geheimwaffe gegen die Französische Verteidigung? Überraschen Sie Ihre Gegner gerne mal mit investigativem Schach? Dann finden Sie in dem vorliegenden Buch alles was das Herz begehrt.
19,95 €
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Artikel-Nr.: SB Wa Pl Fr 4th
The wait is over. Finally it’s here... the much anticipated 4th edition of John Watson’s Play the French – the must-have book for all French Defence players for over 20 years!
24,95 €
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Artikel-Nr.: SB Mo Fr
This book will change your view of one of the most popular chess openings of all time. The Modern French presents the ambitious black player with an innovative and reliable repertoire, based on sound strategy with a sharp sting.
28,95 €
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Artikel-Nr.: SB Emanuel Berg: The French Defence, Vol. 3 gebunden
Grandmaster Repertoire 16
The French Defence is one of the most popular and reliable responses to 1.e4. Grandmaster Repertoire 16 – The French Defence 3 covers the Tarrasch, Advance and all of White's other options.
29,99 €
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Artikel-Nr.: SBMÜTYFR
Effektives Mittelspieltraining Wer diese oder jene Eröffnung lernen will, kann unter vielen oder gar Dutzenden von Lehrbüchern auswählen. Aber wie sieht es aus, wenn man sich mit der Mittelspielstrategie vertraut machen will, die in Stellungen angewendet werden sollte, die aus genau dieser oder jener Eröffnung hervorgegangen sind? Oder anders ausgedrückt: in Stellungen, die für diese oder jene Eröffnung typisch sind. |
22,80 €
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The variation of the French that starts 1 e4 e6 2 d4 d5 3 Nc3 (or 3 Nd2) 3 ... dxe4 is often called the Rubinstein Variation. It is a great way to simplify the position and ensure that the middlegame battle rewards strategic understanding rather than rote memorisation of opening moves. It is also a very useful weapon to defuse the attacking intentions of aggressive White players who plan an all-out assault in the main lines of the French Defence. |
24,95 €
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Artikel-Nr.: SBJATHFRDEkart geb
A Practical Guide for Black The French Defense looks to be inexhaustible and there cannot be enough books dedicated to it. This book takes a step in the direction of revitalizing our favorite opening! The authors have decided to set the book in order from the less to the more popular and complex lines. |
41,95 €
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Artikel-Nr.: SBJATHFRDEkart
A Practical Guide for Black The French Defense looks to be inexhaustible and there cannot be enough books dedicated to it. This book takes a step in the direction of revitalizing our favorite opening! The authors have decided to set the book in order from the less to the more popular and complex lines. |
36,95 €
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