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The positions arising from the Open Spanish contain ideas so different from the usual Ruy Lopez that I sometimes wonder whether it should really be considered part of it at all.

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Artikel-Nr.: SBROTHBEDEkart

Grandmaster Repertoire

Every player who meets 1.e4 with 1...e5 needs a reliable response to the Ruy Lopez, and The Berlin Defence is an ideal solution. Ever since Vladimir Kramnik used the Berlin to shut down Garry Kasparov’s best efforts in their 2000 World Championship match, practically all of the world’s top players have successfully incorporated the “Berlin Wall” into their repertoires.

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Artikel-Nr.: SBSWTHMORU2

A Complete Repertoire for White

This second volume on the Ruy Lopez consists of two parts. In the first part I focus on modern systems with …Bc5, attempting to dissect both the Archangelsk and Moller Variations. These two variations have quite a rich history but in 2020 there have been several developments. If I had to name one person that contributed the most to the developments in those lines it is, without a doubt, Fabiano Caruana.


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Two Solid, Strategically Complex Ways to Meet the Spanish!

The Breyer and Zaitsev Variations of the Ruy Lopez are two of the most dynamic lines played today. Examining them from both White and Black’s point of view, Greek grandmaster Vassilios Kotronias discusses their strengths, weaknesses and presents suggested improvements where necessary.

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Artikel-Nr.: SBSWTHMORU1

A Complete Repertoire for White

Those words of wisdom were given to me by one of my first coaches when I was a seven-year-old kid in Vietnam. As I made my way into the world’s top forty, I have realized that my coach’s statement could not be more accurate. Throughout my professional career of more than 20 years competing in strong tournaments all over the world, the Ruy Lopez has appeared countless times in my practice with both colors. The main challenge in studying this fascinating opening, in my humble opinion, is to dissect the vast amount of options and absorb the most relevant information for your game. In the absence of an experienced coach who can guide you through those steps, a chess player may spend weeks studying the Ruy Lopez, yet he or she may not fully understand the strategic ideas behind long variations.

32,35 *

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A Complete and Surprising Repertoire against the Ruy Lopez

White players will thoroughly dislike the Neo-Møller!

The Ruy Lopez is one of the most important chess openings, hugely popular with amateurs and masters alike. Black players allowing the Ruy Lopez main lines are usually condemned to passivity, defending a slightly worse (though solid) position for as long as White chooses this situation to continue.

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Artikel-Nr.: SB BETHBEDE

A Straightforward Guide for Black and White


The Berlin Defence has been a highly popular opening in top level chess ever since Vladimir Kramnik famously used it in the 2000 World Championship match to wrest the title from Garry Kasparov. Club players often hesitate to include ‘the Berlin’ in their repertoire because they see the typical Berlin Wall endgame as complex and daunting

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Opening Repertoire

The Ruy Lopez is perhaps the most classical of all chess openings. It dates back to the 16th century and has featured in the opening repertoire of every modern world champion. It is a highly flexible variation: Bobby Fischer used it to create numerous powerful strategic masterpieces. In the hands of Anatoly Karpov it led to many of his trademark positional squeezes, whereas Garry Kasparov often used it as a springboard for his typically powerful attacks.

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This book’s journey began on the first day of January 2018 when one of my New Year resolutions was to write a chess book. The journey has been very long, but certainly fun, and has in many ways made me understand myself better, both as a person and as a chess player!

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A Classic Defence to the Ruy Lopez


The Chigorin Variation is one of the oldest variations of the Ruy Lopez, "invented" at the Monte Carlo tournament in 1902 by Carl Schlechter in his game versus Siegbert Tarrasch.

The strategic part of the book consists of thirty-two fully-annotated games divided into five chapters, with the fifth chapter divided into four subchapters. The Chigorin Variation is rich in ideas which can be used in a range of middlegame positions arising from different variations.

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Chess Miniatures Vol. 3


The Ruy Lopez Main Lines, arise (with a few exceptions for move order and such) after 1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 Bb5 a6 4 Ba4 Nf6 5 0-0. The Ruy Lopez, or Spanish Opening if you like, is one of the oldest openings, named after a Spanish priest who first played it back in the 16th century.

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White players who enjoy playing the Ruy Lopez (1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 Bb5) often expect to have an easy time in the opening. Numerous Black systems allow White to complete development with natural moves which often results in a small but clear advantage.

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Artikel-Nr.: SB POMYSEIN


It’s major news when a legendary player reveals his opening secrets. And when he has rarely written about his games or preparation methods, and was famous for meticulous, ahead-of-his-time opening analysis, it makes it a true publishing event.

19,15 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SB SOTHSPMA


The St. Petersburg grandmaster and coach Solozhenkin reveals the secrets of one of the most complex system of the Ruy Lopez - the Zaitsev Variation. It offers an optimal balance between safety and possibilities of imposing tangled fight.
Mastering the Zaitsev Variation will improve the reader's understanding of chess in general since he would need good orientation in double-edged middlegames, but also fair endgame play. The book offers a complete Black repertoire, starting from 3...a6, and going up to the super-trendy Svidler Variation.

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Artikel-Nr.: SB Vassilios Kotronias: Kotronias on the King´s Indian, Vol. 2 ka.

Mar del Plata I


The King’s Indian Defence is one of Black’s most dynamic and aggressive responses to 1.d4. A favourite weapon of both Fischer and Kasparov, it remains a popular choice at all levels of play.

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Marshall, Schliemann & Gajewski

Sabino Brunello

284 Seiten, kartoniert, 1.Auflage 2009, englisch.

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Artikel-Nr.: SB DreeAnti-Spanish. The Cozio Defence


Alexey Dreev is one of the most popular contemporary Russian grandmasters. He was twice World junior champion (under 16) in 1983 and 1984, silver medalist under 20 in 1984, European champion under 20 in 1988.

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Artikel-Nr.: SB Ber The Fren Def Vol 1 geb.

Grandmaster Repertoire 14


The French Defence is one of the most popular and reliable responses to 1.e4. Black invites his opponent to gain space in the centre, with the intention of undermining the enemy position and launching a counterattack. Although the amount of theory has expanded in recent years, the French often leads to positions where positional and strategic understanding prove more relevant than long sequences of computer-generated moves.

Grandmaster Repertoire 14 – The French Defence 1 introduces the Winawer Variation after the opening moves 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.Nc3 Bb4, and provides expert recommendations against all of White’s major possibilities, with the exception of the most critical 7.Qg4 line which will receive special coverage in Volume Two of the series. Volume Three will deal with the Tarrasch, Advance and all of White’s other options.


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Milos Pavlovic


174 Seiten, kartoniert, 1. Auflage 2009, englisch.

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Artikel-Nr.: SBMik Open Span kart.


The Open Spanish is one of Black’s most direct methods of fighting against the Ruy Lopez. Instead of subjecting himself to the so-called “Spanish torture” of the Closed Ruy Lopez, Black boldly captures the e4-pawn and provokes an early confrontation.


Grandmaster Repertoire 13 - The Open Spanish provides a complete repertoire for Black after 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6, based on the Open Variation which occurs after 5.0-0 Nxe4. Black’s system is built on the principles of fast and active development, and fighting for the initiative whenever the opportunity arises.

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Artikel-Nr.: SBMik Open Span


The Open Spanish is one of Black’s most direct methods of fighting against the Ruy Lopez. Instead of subjecting himself to the so-called “Spanish torture” of the Closed Ruy Lopez, Black boldly captures the e4-pawn and provokes an early confrontation.


Grandmaster Repertoire 13 - The Open Spanish provides a complete repertoire for Black after 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6, based on the Open Variation which occurs after 5.0-0 Nxe4. Black’s system is built on the principles of fast and active development, and fighting for the initiative whenever the opportunity arises.

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Artikel-Nr.: McDonaldTheRuyLopesMove by Move
This is a new series which provides an ideal platform to study chess openings. By continually challenging the reader to answer probing questions throughout the book, the Move by Move format greatly encourages the learning and practising of vital skills just as much as the traditional assimilation of opening knowledge. Carefully selected questions and answers are designed to keep you actively involved and allow you to monitor your progress as you learn. This is an excellent way to study any chess opening and at the same time improve your general chess skills and knowledge.
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Book I: Black Avoids 3...a6

Today's openings are reruns of an old sitcom that we have all seen a hundred times before, while for players in the past, life on the chess board was wild, unexplored territory. Learning the details of that gigantic entity, the Ruy Lopez (from either side), is on par with the time that hateful 7th-grade teacher made us memorize the capital cities of every country in the world--in alphabetical order!

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