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Artikel-Nr.: SBDLTHQUGAAC2nd

A Modern Counterattack in an Ancient Opening

Forging New Paths in an Ancient Opening

The Queen’s Gambit Accepted is one of the oldest known openings in chess. It was first mentioned in chess literature in the late 15th century. Over 500 years later, American Grandmaster Max Dlugy demonstrates in this groundbreaking work that the QGA is still a fighting, uncompromising opening that allows Black to play for a win from the very first move.

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Artikel-Nr.: SBCABETHQUGAkart

This book advocates the 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nf3 d5 move order for Black with 3.Nc3 Bb4 having been covered in the sister volume Playing the Nimzo-Indian. By waiting for the knight to appear on f3 before transposing to a Queen’s Gambit, Black reduces White’s options.

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Artikel-Nr.: SBCABETHQUGAgeb

This book advocates the 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nf3 d5 move order for Black with 3.Nc3 Bb4 having been covered in the sister volume Playing the Nimzo-Indian. By waiting for the knight to appear on f3 before transposing to a Queen’s Gambit, Black reduces White’s options.

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lesen - verstehen - spielen

Was braucht der Schachspieler, wenn er die Spielregeln beherrscht, aber in zu vielen Partien bereits in der Eröffnungsphase in Schwierigkeiten gerät? Diese Frage stand im Mittelpunkt, als unsere Autoren das Material für dieses Buch zusammengestellt und ihre Arbeit begonnen haben. Herausgekommen ist ein Buch, das für den Bereich der Damenbauernspiele Erklärungen und Anleitungen gibt und nicht auf ein Studium von Varianten setzt.

24,80 *

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The Slav (1 d4 d5 2 c4 c6) is a great choice against 1 d4 for players who are after a solid position from the opening but one that also contains dynamic possibilities. The pawn on c6 guarantees Black a firm foothold in the centre but there is also the ever-present possibility to capture on c4 and possibly even try to hold on to this pawn. The Slav is ideal for combining reliability with a promise for dynamic counterplay in the middlegame.

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Artikel-Nr.: SBKOYOJUGU1

Aggressive Enterprise Queen's Gambit Accepted

Grandmasters Kotronias and Ivanov are renowned as leading theoreticians and chess trainers. They offer a unique and world-class complete repertoire based on 1.d4!

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Artikel-Nr.: SBGEAT1d5V2

This book considers a gambit treatment of the Slav and the Semi-Slav. White offers the c4-pawn in order to get a space advantage and a long-term initiative. It also covers the Closed Catalan and the modern line 1.d4 d5 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.Nf3 Be7 5.g3 0-0 6.Bg2 dxc4 7.Ne5. The author’s idea is to throw 1...d5 players off their comfort zone by dragging them into sharp unbalanced positions. If you are fed up with all the mainstream Slav/Meran theory out-there, this book will offer you new refreshing approaches for both sides.

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Artikel-Nr.: SBGEAT1d5V1

This book considers a gambit treatment of the Slav and the Semi-Slav. White offers the c4-pawn in order to get a space advantage and a long-term initiative. It also covers the Closed Catalan and the modern line 1.d4 d5 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.Nf3 Be7 5.g3 0-0 6.Bg2 dxc4 7.Ne5. The author’s idea is to throw 1...d5 players off their comfort zone by dragging them into sharp unbalanced positions. If you are fed up with all the mainstream Slav/Meran theory out-there, this book will offer you new refreshing approaches for both sides.

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Artikel-Nr.: SOKOERDA

lesen - verstehen - spielen

Was braucht der Schachspieler, wenn er die Spielregeln beherrscht, aber in zu vielen Partien bereits in der Eröffnungsphase in Schwierigkeiten gerät? Diese Frage stand im Mittelpunkt, als unsere Autoren dieses Buch über das Damengambit geschrieben haben.

Herausgekommen ist ein Werk, das nach 1.d4 d5 2.c4 ein facettenreiches System sehr unterschiedlicher Spielweisen, die teilweise zu den beliebtesten im Turniergeschehen zählen, von Grund auf erklärt.

19,80 *

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Grandmaster Damian Lemos presents a repertoire for White in the Queen’s Gambit, one of the most famous chess openings. The Queen’s Gambit enjoys a long and illustrious past. It has been played by virtually all the strongest grandmasters in the history of chess, and today it remains a popular choice for players of all levels. White’s opening moves in the Queen’s Gambit are built on sound strategic principles, and it can lead to positions rich in both tactical and positional play. It’s a perfect opening to use in order to develop your chess understanding.

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Understanding before Moving - Vol. 2


International Master Herman Grooten has over thirty-five years' experience as a professional chess trainer. Many of his pupils have gone on to become very strong players. The best known are grandmasters Loek van Wely, Robin Swinkels, Wouter Spoelman, Jan Werle and Benjamin Bok.

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The Chigorin Defence (1 d4 d5 2 c4 Nc6) is a dynamic and provocative response to White’s 1 d4. Rather than set out a defensive stall with systems based on moves such as ...e6 and ...c6, Black prefers to initiative immediate piece play in the centre. The benefits of this strategy are that Black’s queenside pieces, which are often difficult to develop in the Queen’s Gambit, participate in the struggle at once.The Chigorin Defence (1 d4 d5 2 c4 Nc6) is a dynamic and provocative response to White’s 1 d4. Rather than set out a defensive stall with systems based on moves such as ...e6 and ...c6, Black prefers to initiative immediate piece play in the centre. The benefits of this strategy are that Black’s queenside pieces, which are often difficult to develop in the Queen’s Gambit, participate in the struggle at once.

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This new book by the many-times world champion Anatoly Karpov and the author of more than fifty books, grandmaster Nikolay Kalinichenko, is devoted to one of the most complicated and strategically deep openings — the Queen’s Gambit Declined.

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Artikel-Nr.: SB SCHTSESLgeb


Grandmaster Repertoire 20


Lars Schandorff’s two volumes on 1.d4 were celebrated by reviewers and grandmasters. GM Simen Agdestein said: “I have recently been reading Lars Schandorff’s Playing 1.d4 books, thinking that it cannot possibly get more instructive than this.” Meanwhile, GM Boris Avrukh’s verdict was simple: “Lars, I want to play your book".


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The author presents a comprehensive guide to the Queen's Gambit Exchange Variation after 1.d4 d5; 2.c4 e6; 3.Nc3 Nf6; 4.cxd5 exd5; offering a full repertoire for Black against all of White's reasonable possibilities.

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Artikel-Nr.: SB SCHTSESLkart

Grandmaster Repertoire 20


Lars Schandorff’s two volumes on 1.d4 were celebrated by reviewers and grandmasters. GM Simen Agdestein said: “I have recently been reading Lars Schandorff’s Playing 1.d4 books, thinking that it cannot possibly get more instructive than this.” Meanwhile, GM Boris Avrukh’s verdict was simple: “Lars, I want to play your book".

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The continuation of the theoretical book about one of the most popular openings nowadays. The first book which was published in May contained all variations with 3.cxd5 Nxd5 and 4.e4 positions, while the second part of the book includes all the other possibilities for white.

Having the two releases, the reader will have a full Semi-Tarrasch repertoire for Black.


232 Seiten, englisch, kartoniert, 1. Auflage 2018

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The Vienna variation of the Queen’s Gambit Declined is a complex and fascinating system arising after 1 d4 d5 2 c4 e6 3 Nc3 Nf6 4 Nf3 Bb4 5 Bg5 dxc4. This counterattacking weapon has become increasingly popular over the last decade and is frequently seen in games played at the highest level.

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Artikel-Nr.: SB Sak Com Slav 2


Enter a Grandmaster’s Laboratory

Aus dem Vorwort:

The second part of the Complete Slav contains all systems that were not presented In the first part, namely a popular variation 3. Sf3 Sf6 4. Sc3 dxc4 and also all systems after 4...e6. Not to mention the possibilities such as 5. g3 or 5. Db3, I have presented lines after 5. e3 Sbd7 – for starters Meran (6. Ld3 dxc4 7.Lxc4 b5) and Anti-Meran (6. Dc2 Ld6) lines.
Also the variations rising after 5. Lg5 are examined deeply, namely Moscow (5... h6 Lxf6) and Anti-Moscow (5... h6 Lh4) variations as well as Botvinnik system 5... dxc4.
A possibility to cover such a multitude of systems in only one book (it was possible to create even 5 tomes) occurred only because I have tried to shorten the lines almost to the bare minimum.

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This new book is an up to date release about one of the most popular openings nowadays. On the recent Candidates tournament in Berlin, this was the most frequently played opening and the analysis of the author includes all those games as well.

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Artikel-Nr.: SBKOPL1d4


A Black repertoire based on the QGD. All the opening variations for Black have been chosen according to the latest fashion in the games of the top-class grandmasters. For example, after the moves 1.d4 d5 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.cxd5, Kornev analyses a line which has been played often in the last several years by Vladimir Kramnik

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Artikel-Nr.: SB Scheerer: The Blackmar-Diemer Gambit


Do you like setting your opponent problems from the very first move?

Are you happy to roll the dice and take some risks?

Then enter the intriguing world of the Blackmar-Diemer Gambit!


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Artikel-Nr.: SB COTHCORA


The excellent theoretician GM Matthieu Cornette shares his insights about one of the most popular openings nowadays - The Ragozin defense.

"The theory surrounding the Ragozin has developed very fast, but I have never stopped updating my files, and I am still amazed by how good this opening is.

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Artikel-Nr.: SB MAQUGA

First steps

The Queen’s Gambit is one of the great classical openings. All the world champions and elite players have played this opening – most of them for both sides.

In this book the highly experienced coach international master Andrew Martin explains the basic ideas behind all the different variations you can encounter after 1 d4 d5 2 c4. This includes the classical defences (such as the Orthodox, the Lasker and the Slav) as well as the weird and wonderful (such as the Albin Counter-Gambit, the Hennig-Schara Gambit and Marshall's Defence).

22,25 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SB PEPLTHRA geb

A Dynamic Repertoire


The Ragozin is an ideal system against 1.d4: Black establishes a foothold in the centre and quickly develops his pieces on active squares, with good chances for dynamic counterplay or a kingside attack. Black’s opening has proven its worth at the highest level, yet the underlying ideas are simple enough to be learned without excessive memorization of variations.

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A Black Repertoire

This book presents a Black repertoire based on the QGA. The authors consider the Classical System with 3.Nf3 Nf6 4.e3 e6, but they also offer alternative approaches - building up tension with 4...Bg4, and the destructive 4...a6 aimed at quick equalisation. They pay special attention on the ideas behind the moves, leaving the detailed coverage for the "Step by Step" sections.
You'll also find advice against Queen's pawn openings where White refrains from 2.c4.

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Artikel-Nr.: SB KO The Complet Queen Gamb 1

White Repertoire with 1.d4 and 2.c4


Alexei Kornev is an international grandmaster and coach. In 2001 he took the silver in the Russian Cup Final. He is also the winner of a number of international tournaments. Highest ELO so far - 2582.

For many years he has been senior coach of the junior chess school in the city of Vladimir. His students are often among the winners of the Russian junior championships for boys and girls.


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Artikel-Nr.: SB Hen Com Albin Cou Gam

A Dangerous Weapon against the Queen's Gambit


Written by Belgian FIDE master Luc Henris, this book contains a comprehensive presentation of the present-day theory of the Albin Counter-Gambit.

This opening, which has always held a strong attraction for the daring attacking player, is experiencing a remarkable renaissance lately, notably through the efforts of elite Grandmaster Alexander Morozevich.

32,99 *

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Opening Repertoire

The Queen’s Gambit Accepted (1 d4 d5 2 c4 dxc4) has a long history and has always been popular at all levels of play. However, in the past few years it has undergone an explosion of interest, thanks to many new discoveries of possibilities for very dynamic play from Black. One of these is the line 1 d4 d5 2 c4 dxc4 3 e4 b5!?.

24,50 *

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The Adventure Continues!

Nikola Sedlak is a renowned chess player known for his expertise in the London System. He is a grandmaster from Serbia who has been considered one of the strongest players in the country for many years. Sedlak is also a well-known chess trainer and author, who wrote several books on the London System and other chess openings.

29,95 *

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* Preise inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand
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