A Dynamic Repertoire for Black The modern chess player faces a challenging task before every game: the choice of opening. For most players, the ideal opening for Black has the following characteristics:
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The authors recommend an economical and quite promising method for White to fight against the Caro-Kann Defence – the Exchange system (3.exd5 cxd5 4.Bd3). This minimalist approach against this classical opening deserves very serious attention today. This is confirmed incidentally by the fact that at present the popularity of the Exchange system (particularly after the year 2017) has increased considerably, and at quite different levels. Easiest way to explain authors' approach is to quote the description given in the previous books of this series: |
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The Caro-Kann is a rare beast among chess openings. While respected as a sound and safe way to start the game, it also avoids symmetry or simplification. This allows Black many ways to keep the game unbalanced and play for a win. |
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Artikel-Nr.: SBLAOPRE1e4
In this book, prolific chess author Cyrus Lakdawala recommends a repertoire for White players who like to open 1 e4. The repertoire is based around two main themes: 1. The suggested variations for White are ones that rely far more on a generic understanding of strategic ideas rather than the memorisation of reams of opening theory. This explains the choice of the Bishop’s Opening (handled “Lopez-style”) against 1...e5 and the Bb5 variations against the Sicilian Defence. Both these lines are designed to create dynamic and interesting middlegame positions rather than attempting to score a quick knockout victory – a generally overambitious aim that often backfires |
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The Caro-Kann Defence arises after the moves 1 e4 c6. With this first move Black (as is also the case with the French Defence - 1 e4 e6) plans 2 ... d5, establishing a well-protected central pawn. The Caro-Kann has a reputation as a rock solid defence that minimises the risk of Black being subjected to undue early pressure. |
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For more than thirty years Anatoly Karpov has been wholly committed to the Classical Variation of the Caro-Kann at top tournaments, including world championship matches. It goes without saying that many successful opening novelties employed by the venerable world chess champion are the result of painstaking work performed by him and his seconds. |
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Artikel-Nr.: SB LATISTFR
The French Defence is a highly reliable response to 1 e4 which is popular at all levels. With the first two moves, Black creates a solid foundation in the centre and seeks to put pressure on White’s position in the early middlegame. In this book, International Master Cyrus Lakdawala explains the basic ideas in the French and examines the important variations. The key ideas are emphasized with notes, tips and warnings and the reader’s understanding is tested with frequent exercises. This book tells you everything you need to know in order to take your first steps with the French Defence. |
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Artikel-Nr.: SB Dr Attacking the Ca Kann
A White Repertoire
The advanced variation of the Caro-Kann Defence is a very good alternative to the classical variation 1.e4 с6 2.d4 d5 3.Nd2 (or 3.Nc3) dxe4 4.Nxe4 Bf5 (4...Nd7). The theory after 3.e5 has developed extensively nowadays too; nevertheless, the positions of the advanced variation are considerably less studied than those in the classical lines, in which there is much less practical fight and much more a comparison of thorough theoretical erudition |
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Artikel-Nr.: SB Houska Opening Repertoire: The Caro-Kann
The Caro-Kann Defence remains a very popular option for Black at all levels of chess. It has always enjoyed a solid reputation, but if anything its popularity has increased in recent years with the realization that the Caro-Kann can also be employed with the intention of reaching sharp dynamic positions, rich in possibilities for both sides and with a guarantee of genuine counterplay for Black. |
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