Die Pirc-Verteidigung ist eine spannende und verlässliche Erwiderung auf 1.e4, ein Weg für Schwarz, die Partie aus dem Gleichgewicht zu bringen, ohne ein extremes Risiko eingehen zu müssen. Die Kämpfer-Qualitäten des Pirc ziehen in Open-Turnieren viele starke Spieler an, die sowohl mit Weiß, aber auch mit Schwarz gewinnen wollen. So wie Marc Narciso Dublan, der damit im diesjährigen Open von Sants in Spanien bemerkenswerte 4/4 holte, gegen Kontrahenten, zu denen GM und starke IM zählten. |
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Artikel-Nr.: SBMATHDEkar
The Pirc is more of a counterattack than a defence: Black allows his opponent to occupy the centre and provokes a confrontation, trusting in the power of the g7-bishop and the dynamic potential in his position. It is the perfect weapon for players who seek a complex strategic fight with the black pieces. |
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Artikel-Nr.: SB DATHPI
This series provides an ideal platform to study chess openings. By continually challenging the reader to answer probing questions throughout the book, the Move by Move format greatly encourages the learning and practising of vital skills just as much as the traditional assimilation of opening knowledge. Carefully selected questions and answers are designed to keep you actively involved and allow you to monitor your progress as you learn. This is an excellent way to study any chess opening and at the same time improve your general chess skills and knowledge. |
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Artikel-Nr.: SB James Vigus: The Pirc in Black and White
The Pirc is an ambitious counter-attacking response to White’s most popular opening move, 1 e4. Black’s philosophy is based around allowing White to build a large and impressive-looking pawn centre, only toplot its downfall by attacking it with pieces or timely pawn strikes. |
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Artikel-Nr.: SB Vi Pirc
Mit der Bitte um Beachtung: Die Umschlagrückseite enthält im Mittelteil fehlerhaft den Katalogtext zum Titel "The Sicilian Dragon".
Chess Developments is a brand new series providing state-of-the-art openings coverage. Chess Developments focuses on the current trends – concentrating on critical lines, theoretical novelties and powerful new ideas. It offers players of all levels the opportunity to keep up-to-date with current opening theory whilst also expanding and improving their repertoires. |
19,95 €
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