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Artikel-Nr.: SBPA20ANaud2

Das Schachspiel in Kultur und Alltag

In 20 Antworten auf d2-d4 entfaltet sich das Schachspiel als Schauplatz faszinierender Kurzgeschichten – mal dramatisch, mal heiter, mal mörderisch, mal schicksalhaft, mal tiefgründig. Figuren werden zu Charakteren mit einem eigenen Willen, Spieler geraten in ungewöhnliche Situationen. Sie leiden unter Zeitdruck, bis sie daran zerbrechen, geraten aus Geldgier auf die schiefe Bahn und verstecken Kokain in Schachfiguren. Unschuldige Menschen werden in den Bann eines zwielichtigen Schachspielers gezogen, der nach einer Verlustpartie etwas über die Zukunft seines Gegners sagen kann.

14,00 *

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Get to Know Your Chess Troops! - Vol. 1

SERIES INTRODUCTION There are many various concepts and approaches to creating chess books. Chess strategy books have, more or less, well-known structure and contents. Writers work on “elements, principles, concepts... The chapter titles are more or less known in advance. I suggest an alternative concept. I will try to explain how to use your pieces and how to handle situations with the same pieces in your opponent’s camp!

32,95 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SBLÖPOCH25D

Taschenkalender für Schachspieler

Ob als Begleiter durch das Jahr oder als Geschenk für Gleichgesinnte – der Schachkalender 2025 ist ein Muss für alle, die ihre Leidenschaft für Schach vertiefen möchten.


256 Seiten, kartoniert, Edition Marco, 1. Auflage 2024

14,00 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SBDOSCEU

Warum das königliche Spiel uns begeistert

Schach hatte lange Zeit ein altmodisches Image und wurde mit bebrillten, schüchternen Männern und exzentrischen russischen Genies in Verbindung gebracht. Heute jedoch liegt Schach mehr denn je im Trend und ist überall: 10 Millionen Menschen spielen täglich online Schach, es ist als feministischer Serienhit bei Netflix eingezogen, und in den Mainstream-Medien wird heftig diskutiert, ob Newcomer Hans Niemann gegen das Schach-Genie Magnus Carlsen geschummelt hat.

14,99 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SZLARL24/3

Schwerpunkt: Psychologie


06 EIN WEITES FELD Über die vielfältigen Bereiche der Schachpsychologie

14 MENTALE TRICKKISTE Mihail Marin über Finten, Einschüchterungen und subtile Fallen

8,00 *
Artikel-Nr.: SZTISC11/24

November 2024


03 Kolumne

52 Interview: Dr. Anita Stangl

58 Bundesliga


8,00 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SBLÖPOCH25

Pocket dairy for chessplayers

International edition of Schachkalender, that has been published annually in German since 1983. A mix of historical and current articles unlike anything that you find in magazines or on websites, with puzzles, birthdays and history dates. Reading stuff for your chess journeys in a booklet that fits in your jacket or pants. Original christmas or birthday present among chess friends.


256 Seiten, kartoniert, Edition Marco, 1. Auflage 2024

14,00 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SBHAWLCHPR18xx

Updated and edited by Carsten Hansen

The book presents a selection of lighter chess problems, perfect for newcomers to the genre. The problems were composed by J. Paul Taylor, in his time, one of the most respected chess authorities on chess problems. In this new edition, FIDE Master Carsten Hansen has updated the material and computer-checked all the problems and solutions.

79 Seiten, kartoniert, CarstenChess, 1. Auflage 2024

9,99 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SBHATHMOCH17

A Guide to Composing & Solving Chess Problems

In his day, Philip H. Williams was widely considered a genius in the world of chess problems. Like many of his age, he died too young and suddenly, yet he made a name for himself with several books on chess problems and a broad production of excellent chess problems.

12,99 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SBKLTHCHEU13x

Updated and edited by Carsten Hansen

While Josef Kling is mostly known for his partnership with Bernhard Horwitz in their classic work 'Chess Studies and Endgames', the present book of chess problems and endgame studies precedes that work by a few years. In this new edition, all of the compositions and accompanying analysis have been thoroughly reanalyzed by FIDE Master Carsten Hansen.


Updated and edited by Carsten Hansen

13,98 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SBLATHTW16

Updated and edited by Carsten Hansen

The mate in two chess problems is the most popular category of problems because they can be solved by nearly everybody, simply through the process of elimination. That, however, does not mean that they are easy to solve, are not artistic, elegant, or even outright brilliant.

11,99 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SBWIASEAGBC15xx

Updated and edited by Carsten Hansen

In his day, Philip H. Williams was widely considered a genius in the world of chess problems. Like many of his age, he dies too young and suddenly, yet he made a name for himself with several books on chess problems and a broad production of excellent chess problems.


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Artikel-Nr.: SBDATHSPkart

Murder at the North Sea Chess Tournament

For the first time in history, a chess player from North Korea takes part in the North Sea Chess Tournament. She is under pressure to perform, as are her opponents, including a cheating Italian, an Icelandic womaniser, a Tunisian fundamentalist and Dutch talent Christiaan N'Koulou. Inside and outside the arena, the boundaries of the game are sought and transgressed. Even the secret services interfere with the moves on the board. 

19,95 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SBDATHSPgeb

Murder at the North Sea Chess Tournament

For the first time in history, a chess player from North Korea takes part in the North Sea Chess Tournament. She is under pressure to perform, as are her opponents, including a cheating Italian, an Icelandic womaniser, a Tunisian fundamentalist and Dutch talent Christiaan N'Koulou. Inside and outside the arena, the boundaries of the game are sought and transgressed. Even the secret services interfere with the moves on the board. 

24,95 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SBICFIGOBO1924

Limited 100th anniversary edition

Collector's volume, developed by FIDE for the 100th anniversary - printed in only 500 copies The history of the International Chess Federation (FIDE), one of the oldest global sporting organizations, is not only an important part of the centuries-old story of chess but also charts FIDE's growing influence on the world stage.

58,00 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SBFI100YEOFFI

An illustrated History -1924 2024

Collector's volume, developed by FIDE for the 100th anniversary - printed in only 1000 copies For one hundred years, FIDE has stood at the heart of the global chess scene – standardizing regulations and titles, organizing tournaments and matches, and promoting and protecting the game's integrity.

60,00 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SBSTMO3TO10

for improving chess players

I used to play a lot of chess as a teenager many decades ago. Those days, there were hardly any computers that played the game and there was certainly no Internet. Learning new ideas in the game was possible only through books or magazines and if something was not clear, there weren’t too many people to consult for explanations. I was never a great player and quit when other things in life took precedence. Then, a few years ago, I decided to start playing again and be better than before.

41,95 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SBZLTHIMLOx

Understanding and logic are everything you need with static positions on the board. A chess game is full of decision-making moments, and there are many methods you should use to find solutions. We will present a wide spectrum of ideas that will help you to decide.

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Stationen eines anspruchsvollen Spiels 1900-1950

Schachbücher mit klugen Analysen und Kommentaren guter und gar berühmter Partien sind zur Genüge geschrieben worden. Hingegen versucht das vorliegende Buch quasi in einem Spaziergang dem Leser einen Eindruck über das Flair des Schachspiels in der auch schachhistorisch interessanten ersten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts zu vermitteln. Dabei sollen die kleinen Episoden, in denen Schlüsselmomente der Schachgeschichte zum Leben erweckt werden, nicht nur Schachfreunde ansprechen.

22,80 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SBVO64UNSC

Kunstwerke aus 400 Jahren Schachgeschichte

In Zeiten, in denen nahezu alle jemals gespielten und einigermaßen bedeutsamen Schachpartien auf Knopfdruck digital zur Verfügung stehen, und beliebig verästelte, rechnergenerierte Analysen inklusive weitreichender Kommentare per Mausklick abrufbar sind, schlägt dieses Buch einen anderen Weg ein: den Nachspielenden soll die Ästhetik des königlichen Spiels in überschaubarer Art und Weise vor Augen geführt werden.

27,80 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SBKOSCKÖ

Dieses Buch ist eine Hommage an das Frauenschach. Es räumt auch gründlich mit dem Vorurteil auf, dass Mädchen oder Frauen nicht so gut Schach spielen können wie Männer. Schließlich gibt es genügend Spielerinnen, die diesen anspruchsvollen Sport meisterhaft beherrschen und vielen Männern darin überlegen sind

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Artikel-Nr.: SBVL1000CHPR

1000 Chess Problems is a book where the title tells part of the story, but the vital point in such books is the care and expertise that the author has put into selecting just the right examples. Yakov Vladimirov is superbly qualified for this task, and has selected positions that will instruct and entertain competitive chessplayers.

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It is not really in doubt that Bobby Fischer is one of the greatest (if not the greatest) chess players of all-time. His name is one that it is recognized immediately by almost anyone with even a passing interest in chess. His numerous brilliant games are very well known and have been seen in numerous anthologies.

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Artikel-Nr.: SBBOCA

CAPTURE is a luxurious page turner about modern chess photography, showcasing the rather beautiful colorful world that’s hiding behind sixty-four black and white squares. 

75,00 *

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updated and edited by Carsten Hansen

Once a chess player has learned not to drop pieces, that innate feeling of not wanting to sacrifice them willingly takes place in our consciousness. Why should give up our pieces unless we must?

12,99 *
Artikel-Nr.: Schachka2024

Taschenkalender für Schachspieler

Wer und was bewegt die Schachcommunity? Wie wirken sich der Onlineboom und der Krieg in der Ukraine auf die Schachkultur aus? Wie wurde die vor hundert Jahren gegründete FIDE zum Spielball russischer Interessen? Kriegen die Verbände nach der Ramirez-Affäre ihr Sexismusproblem in den Griff? Was verbindet Schach mit Skat?

14,00 *

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Tales from the Royal Game

The Delight and Distress of Chess

The royal game has the power to make one feel elated or disconsolate. This is true whether one plays serious tournament chess or casual chess just for fun.

In this collection of 34 short stories, author Alexis Levitin, travel set in hand, takes the reader on a journey across several continents – and even into space – exploring the joys of chess and its effect on the lives of those who play.

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Schach gespielt wird nicht nur in Wirklichkeit, es wird auch in erfundenen Geschichten gespielt. Literarische Schachpartien gibt es seit vielen Jahrhunderten. Sie haben deutliche Spuren in der europäischen Literatur hinterlassen. Im Mittelpunkt des Bandes stehen fünf literarische Texte, sogenannte Schach-Poeme, die von Schachpartien handeln. Sie werden hier erstmals ausführlich vorgestellt und in ihrem Zusammenhang von einem professionellen Literaturwissenschaftler erklärt. Das Besondere an der Darstellung ist Matthias Aumüllers Versuch, wissenschaftlich seriöse Forschungsergebnisse auf eine auch Nicht-Philologen ansprechende, unterhaltsame Art und Weise zu präsentieren.

34,80 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SBKUGROFAVGAkart

The Chess Art of Galina Satonina

Galina Satonina (1905–2000) was the leading chess painter of the Soviet era. A multiple-time Kazan and Tatarstan ladies chess champion, she saw life as a game of chess, and her paintings speak the language of Caissa. She painted world champions and other famous players, ranging from early stars Philidor, Morphy and Anderssen, all the way through to Fischer, Karpov and Kasparov. Several of her paintings depict the chess pieces themselves and emotions felt during play, as well as different aspects of the game such as time-trouble and checkmate.

39,50 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SBKUGROFAVGAgeb

The Chess Art of Galina Satonina

Galina Satonina (1905–2000) was the leading chess painter of the Soviet era. A multiple-time Kazan and Tatarstan ladies chess champion, she saw life as a game of chess, and her paintings speak the language of Caissa. She painted world champions and other famous players, ranging from early stars Philidor, Morphy and Anderssen, all the way through to Fischer, Karpov and Kasparov. Several of her paintings depict the chess pieces themselves and emotions felt during play, as well as different aspects of the game such as time-trouble and checkmate.

47,00 *

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* Preise inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand
1 - 30 von 84 Ergebnissen