Artikel-Nr.: SBKOTHBERE2
I am glad to welcome you to the second volume dedicated to the Benko Gambit. This volume examines the most basic lines. It is these lines that can be found most often at the board. We’ll take a look at the rare and tricky lines and move on to the more popular and classic lines. |
32,95 €
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Artikel-Nr.: SBKOTHBERE1
Why do I recommend my book to you, dear reader? First of all, the lines are all analyzed very deeply. You do not have to turn on the engine and wait for the computer to produce a ready-made solution. Believe me, in analyzing this book, I used the most modern equipment, and thus the reader saves a lot of time. |
34,95 €
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Artikel-Nr.: SBGETHMOEN V2
1.c4 c5, 1...Nf6, and 1...e6 This volume completes the coverage of the Modern English with a repertoire against 1...c5, 1...Nf6, and 1...e6. |
21,95 €
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Chess Miniatures Vol. 2
The Fianchetto Variation of the Queen's Indian Defense, wich arises after 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nf3 b6 4.g3, has been one of White's main weapons against the Queen's Indian since the opening's invention, but thanks to its consistant attention of top players it has been thoroughly developed including main fascinating & sharp sidelines. 100 main games |
15,95 €
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Artikel-Nr.: SB CUTHEN
The English (1.c4) is a fine choice for players who like to enjoy a wide variety of middlegame positions. One of its great attractions is flexibility and diversity: White can play either aggressively or quietly, and the resultant middlegame positions are rich in both strategy and tactics. |
24,95 €
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A Black Repertoire with 1...e5/1...d5
This book offers an active Black repertoire against The English Opening 1.c4, the Reti 1.Nf3, and their siblings that arise after 1.g3.
The authors advocate for seizing space in the centre with ...c6 and d5, followed up by ...e4 or ...d4. They pay special attention on the ideas behind the moves, leaving the detailed coverage for the "Step by Step" sections. 236 Seiten, englisch, kartoniert, 1. Auflage 2016
Verfügbar ab 25.06.2016
23,95 €
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Artikel-Nr.: SB Gi En Mo by Mo
This series provides an ideal platform to study chess openings. By continually challenging the reader to answer probing questions throughout the book, the Move by Move format greatly encourages the learning and practising of vital skills just as much as the traditional assimilation of opening knowledge. Carefully selected questions and answers are designed to keep you actively involved and allow you to monitor your progress as you learn. This is an excellent way to study any chess opening and at the same time improve your general chess skills and knowledge.
23,95 €
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Artikel-Nr.: SB LYTHHEEN
In the last five years we have been observing a noticeable trend of the chess elite to evade the warn off central pawns moves 1.e4 and 2.d4 in favour of 1.c4 and 1.Nf3. Naturally, lower ranked players eagerly followed in the leader's footsteps - indeed not only Carlsen and Kramnik tired of struggling against the Berlin wall or exhausting themselves in futile attempts to refute the Gruenfeld. |
24,95 €
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Artikel-Nr.: Die Englische Eröffnung 1
Großmeister-Repertoire ist eine neue Reihe erstklassiger Theoriebücher, die von starken Großmeistern verfasst werden und auf den Hauptvarianten basieren. Unser Ziel ist es, den Leser mit einem kompletten Repertoire vertraut zu machen, das selbst den Anforderungen eines Eliteturniers genügt, aber natürlich auch auf Vereinsebene ausgezeichnete Dienste leisten wird. |
29,99 €
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Artikel-Nr.: SBCITENERA13
Comprehensive Guide to a Popular Variation of the English Opening. After a long time we are launching a precious edition on the market in the well-known guise of our traditional values and passion for chess. We hope to trigger curiosity and desire of chess players around the globe to have it as an essential piece in their library, as well as a valuable resource in preparing for tournament battles. |
44,99 €
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Artikel-Nr.: SBGADWJGMS3
Die Englische Eröffnung und ähnliche Strukturen
John Watson
384 Seiten, kartoniert, 1. Auflage 2009, deutsch.
21,75 €
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