Yaroslav Zherebukh: The Modernized Grünfeld Defense


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In 2017 he competed in the US championship where he scored a spectacular win over world #2 Fabiano Caruana and qualified to the 2017 World Cup! He has coached a plethora of talented American youths induding world dass GM Jeffery Xiong. Besides his chess activities, Yaro holds an MS in financial economics from Saint Louis University and has experience working for private equity firms in New York City.

The Modernized Grünfeld Defense will be extremely helpful for any chess player looking for a reliable lifetime repertoire against White's 1.d4. It will benefit current Grünfeld players as Yaro unveils his analysis and numerous novelties waiting to be played over the board.


297 Seiten, englisch, kartoniert, 1. Auflage 2020

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