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Dimitry Kryakvin: The Modern French - Vol. 2


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The author’s view on the French allows Black to obtain fresh creative positions without having to compete with deep knowledge in well trodden paths.

The theoretical material is based on the author’s tournament practice, and passed the test at a GM level during the writing of the book.

Volume 2 focuses on the Advance (3.e5, c5;) and Winawer (3.Nc3, Bb4;) systems. In the Winawer Kryakvin devotes three chapters to 5..Ba5; and four chapters on 5..Bxc3+; with Black playing 6..Qa5; taking immediate aim at White´s queenside weaknesses.


260 Seiten, kartoniert, englisch, 1. Auflage 2020

Diese Kategorie durchsuchen: C00-Französisch
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