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Luc Henris , The Complete Albin Counter-Gambit

Artikel-Nr.: SB Hen Com Albin Cou Gam

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The author has thoroughly re-analysed many positions and reveals the ideas behind his pet lines in the gambit. He presents instructive material from games played in recent years, mostly at master and grandmaster level.

The depth of the author's work really reveals itself in the very high number of comments, evaluations, new ideas, original analyses, full-fledged annotations and novelties provided by Luc Henris. This is a really astounding accomplishment.

Detailed theoretical texts introduce each chapter, and the author often points to refutations of Black's play that haven't been mentioned in other works.

This book is undoubtedly the most important work ever realized on the Albin Counter-Gambit.

Anybody who plays this opening as Black will want to own this work and those concerned about being up-to-date with the latest theory as White should definitely get it too.


614 Seiten, englisch, kartoniert, 1. Auflage 2013

Diese Kategorie durchsuchen: D06-Damengambit
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