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Carsten Hansen: The Nimzo-Indian: 4 e3


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The 4.e3 Nimzo is extraordinarily rich in strategy. All manner of different central pawn-structures can arise, such as the blocked centre characteristic of the Hübner Variation and a variety of IQP positions.
Moreover, in some lines the central tension persists well into the middlegame.
The 4.e3 Nimzo provides a stern test of both players' understanding of chess, and so is an ideal choice for those who are looking to win as either colour.
This book, the first on the subject for seven years, covers all the lines of this important system in detail, with particular focus on its most fashionable lines, such as those used by BGN World Champion Vladimir Kramnik.  


320 Seiten, 300 Diagramme, englisch, kartoniert, 1. Auflage 2002

Diese Kategorie durchsuchen: E20-Nimzowitsch-Indisch
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