11 - 20 von 105 Ergebnissen



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Conceptual Rook Endgames goes in a different direction. Focused on two dozen major concepts, the book explains the mechanisms of rook endgames in a novel way, by building foundations with simple examples, which can be seen in the most complicated examples as well. Rook endgames will remain rich and surprising, as they are for the greats, but armed with this book, your comprehension of them will skyrocket.

Grandmaster Jacob Aagaard is the most talented chess writer of his generation. He won the British Championship in 2007, but is mostly known for his multi-award winning books and his work with students that have won club, country, state, national, continental and world championships, as well as Olympiad golds (board and overall), the World Cup and Candidates tournament.


416 Seiten, gebunden, Quality, 1. Auflage 2023

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Auch diese Kategorien durchsuchen: Neuheiten Schachbücher, Endspiele


Artikel-Nr.: SBNIENLA

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A few years of extensive selection, analysis, reselection, reanalysis and refining have gone into putting together the study book for the practical player with the most value ever.

Steffen Nielsen is the reigning World Champion in endgame composition. His creativity and aesthetics in his compositions have had a massive influence on modern competition. He is a strong club player, with a good understanding of the difficulties practical players face over the board. Steffen is also a life-long supporter of the football club AaB, which is less successful...

GM Jacob Aagaard is one of the leading chess writers and trainers of his generation. His students have played successfully at all levels and continue to do so. His books are used all over the world, by top players and amateurs alike.


424 Seiten, gebunden, Quality, 1. Auflage 2023

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Auch diese Kategorien durchsuchen: Neuheiten Schachbücher, Endspiele


Artikel-Nr.: SBAAENLA

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A few years of extensive selection, analysis, reselection, reanalysis and refining have gone into putting together the study book for the practical player with the most value ever.

Steffen Nielsen is the reigning World Champion in endgame composition. His creativity and aesthetics in his compositions have had a massive influence on modern competition. He is a strong club player, with a good understanding of the difficulties practical players face over the board. Steffen is also a life-long supporter of the football club AaB, which is less successful...

GM Jacob Aagaard is one of the leading chess writers and trainers of his generation. His students have played successfully at all levels and continue to do so. His books are used all over the world, by top players and amateurs alike.


424 Seiten, gebunden, Quality, 1. Auflage 2023

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Auch diese Kategorien durchsuchen: Neuheiten Schachbücher, Endspiele


Artikel-Nr.: SBTIARENREgeb

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In this fascinating book, first published in 2011, Timman has collected studies by other composers and explains in his lucid style how they inspired him to create dozens of brand-new studies.

Timman has revised the book for this new edition. With the help of engines, Timman discovered that a few studies needed to be corrected or had alternative solutions. He removed six studies and replaced another six with better versions. And fourteen new studies have been added, two of which are published here for the first time.

Jan Timman is a former world championship candidate who rose to number two on the FIDE world rankings. He is the author of several highly acclaimed bestsellers, such as Timman’s Titans and Max Euwe’s Best Games. He was awarded the title of FIDE Master of Composition in 2022.


256 Seiten, gebunden, New in Chess, 2. Auflage 2023, Erstauflage 2011

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Auch diese Kategorien durchsuchen: Neuheiten Schachbücher, Endspiele


Artikel-Nr.: SBTIARENREkart

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In this fascinating book, first published in 2011, Timman has collected studies by other composers and explains in his lucid style how they inspired him to create dozens of brand-new studies.

Timman has revised the book for this new edition. With the help of engines, Timman discovered that a few studies needed to be corrected or had alternative solutions. He removed six studies and replaced another six with better versions. And fourteen new studies have been added, two of which are published here for the first time.

Jan Timman is a former world championship candidate who rose to number two on the FIDE world rankings. He is the author of several highly acclaimed bestsellers, such as Timman’s Titans and Max Euwe’s Best Games. He was awarded the title of FIDE Master of Composition in 2022.


256 Seiten, kartoniert, New in Chess, 2. Auflage 2023, Erstauflage 2011

Auch diese Kategorien durchsuchen: Neuheiten Schachbücher, Endspiele



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 Many factors are at play, but an accurate assessment of the remaining resources, both present and latent, allows these players to make better plans and maximize the potential for a positive outcome.

In this book, experienced authors, IM Lakdawala and FM Hansen, look at this phenomenon and help the reader better “read” the positions to understand what measures are needed in a given position.

Along with numerous practical examples, and endgame studies with practical application, there are also many exercises for the student to work through, either on their own or with a coach.


245 Seiten, kartoniert, CarstenChess, 1. Auflage 2023

Auch diese Kategorien durchsuchen: Neuheiten Schachbücher, Endspiele

Dagobert Kohlmeyer :ZAUBERWELT SCHACH

Artikel-Nr.: SBKOZA

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Der Autor hat wunderbare Beispiele ausgewählt, um die Zauberwelt des Spiels zu erklären. Kohlmeyers Erinnerungen sind spannend und ein imponierendes Zeugnis seiner Arbeit als Reporter, Buchautor, Übersetzer und Fotograf. Für seine Verdienste um die Verbreitung unseres Denksports wurde der vielseitige Journalist vom Deutschen Schachbund 2006 mit dem Deutschen Schachpreis geehrt. (Herbert Bastian, Internationaler Meister und DSB-Präsident von 2011-2017)


222 Seiten, kartoniert, Chaturanga, 1. Auflage 2023

Auch diese Kategorien durchsuchen: Neuheiten Schachbücher, Endspiele

Jerzy Konikowski Karsten Müller : ENDSPIELZAUBER

Artikel-Nr.: SBKOEN

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Im Abschnitt 'Übung macht den Meister' erhält der Leser die Möglichkeit, seine bereits vorher gegebenen Kenntnisse sowie das im ersten Teil Hinzugelernte sogleich anhand von 100 Übungsaufgaben zu überprüfen. Sodann werden 100 durchweg faszinierende Studien geboten, wobei Wert darauf gelegt wurde, dass es sich um praxisnahe Stellungen handelt, die durchaus auch einer gespielten Partie entnommen sein könnten und deren Lösungen klar nachvollziehbar sind. An die gebotenen Übungsaufgaben kann man entweder unter turnier- nahen Bedingungen herangehen, oder man kann das Buch als reines Lehrbuch ansehen und sich direkt mit den Lösungen beschäftigen, denn selbst bei diesem Herangehen kann man sein bereits vorhandenes Wissen um viele typische Endspielmotive bereichern.

Als Leser können Sie sicher sein, dass der Zauber aus dem Reich der Endspiele auch Sie in seinen Bann ziehen wird und dass Sie die Faszination der letzten Partiephase genießen werden.


340 Seiten, kartoniert, Beyer, 1. Auflage 2023

Auch diese Kategorien durchsuchen: Neuheiten Schachbücher, Endspiele



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Leichtfiguren - 2. Auflage

- New, completely revised and expanded edition - 2020 examples of greatest historical and educational value - Diligently checked with modern engines and endgame tools

592 Seiten, gebunden mit Leseband, Informator-Verlag, 2. Auflage 2023

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Auch diese Kategorien durchsuchen: Neuheiten Schachbücher, Endspiele

Carsten Hansen Joseph Henry : Blake CHESS ENDINGS FOR BEGINNERS


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With 124 well-chosen positions, the author illustrates the fundamental knowledge of chess endgames that all players should master. The material has been reexamined and lightly edited by FIDE Master Carsten Hansen.


102 Seiten, kartoniert, CarstenChess, 1. Auflage 2023

Auch diese Kategorien durchsuchen: Neuheiten Schachbücher, Endspiele
11 - 20 von 105 Ergebnissen