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RB Ramesh: Improve Your Chess Calculation , gebunden

Artikel-Nr.: SBRAIMYOCHgeb.

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Grandmaster Ramesh RB is the perfect coach to awaken your chess brain and feed you precisely the right exercises. ‘After only a month of intensive training with Ramesh, I could sense a seismic shift in both the precision of my calculation as well as my general level of sharpness,’ says GM Daniel Naroditsky.

GM Ramesh is one of the world’s most successful coaches. He has trained many of India’s top talents at all stages of their development on their journey to become International Masters and Grandmasters. Ramesh understands what mistakes players can make while calculating.He knows that the best move in a specific position may be the opposite of what your intuition is urging you to play. And he serves you the exercises to correct these misconceptions and start finding the right solutions.

Every chess player will benefit from the hundreds of exercises in this book. Coach Ramesh will take your calculation skills from a club player’s level to grandmaster Level.


336 Seiten, gebunden, New in Chess, 1. Auflage 2023, original erschienen 2022

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