für Trainer und Spieler, Band 1 Schach als Sprungbrett für die Entwicklung der Spielerpersönlichkeit! Schach ist in erster Linie Sport und Spiel, hat jedoch insbesondere bei Jugendlichen die unschätzbare Eigenschaft, spielend enorm wichtige Fähigkeiten zu entwickeln, darunter logisches Denken, Konzentration, Ausdauer und Entscheidungskompetenz. Gutes Schachspielen erfordert Ziele zu setzen und sie konsequent und beharrlich zu verfolgen. |
26,80 €
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Georgy Lisitsin (1909-72) was a respected Soviet master, theoretician and writer. In 1958 he published a revised edition of his most ambitious work, entitled Strategy and Tactics of Chess, which became one of the most legendary manuals in the Soviet chess school, and no doubt one of the books that motivated the young Bobby Fischer to learn Russian. |
32,99 €
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Artikel-Nr.: SBBRTHCHACV6x
365 Steps to Advanced Tactical Mastery You like chess and want to become a better player? The way to reach this goal is usually to start learning. And there's a lot to learn; an important part of chess knowledge is used for the endgame. Sounds like hundreds of hours of training are waiting for you!? Don't worry, we'll show you a more practicable way. |
34,95 €
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Artikel-Nr.: SBAPRCHTU2
Elements of Strategy and Tactics for Club Players PRACTICAL CHESS TUTOR - FROM BASIC TO MASTERY 2 is a complete manual of chess strategy for club players, with some introductory tactical themes at the very end of the book. All the crucial elements of strategy are examined in great detail by examining the most instructive classical and modern games (100 games in total). |
31,95 €
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Artikel-Nr.: SBMOTHLIIVkart
Practical Exercises: Tactics, Strategy, Endgames Think Like Ivanchuk is a celebration of a true chess genius. This book is a collection of Vasyl Ivanchuk's best games, a chess biography and a highly entertaining training manual all in one. |
29,95 €
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Artikel-Nr.: SBMOTHLIIVgeb
Practical Exercises: Tactics, Strategy, Endgames Think Like Ivanchuk is a celebration of a true chess genius. This book is a collection of Vasyl Ivanchuk's best games, a chess biography and a highly entertaining training manual all in one. |
34,95 €
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Artikel-Nr.: SBBAGR46PU2
from practical games 2019 The traditional puzzle book series by GM Csaba Balogh continues with the "Greatest 468 Puzzles - From practical games of 2019 - PART 2" contains the most beautiful puzzles from the second half of 2019. We follow the usual structure by dividing the book into Easy, Medium and Hard sections.
212 Seiten, englisch, kartoniert, 1. Auflage 2020 |
19,95 €
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6th edition; 3198 examples The Encyclopedia of Chess Combinations is a benchmark work on the art of chess tactics and combinations. It is designed to offer the infinite pleasure for chess enthusiasts, everlasting source of training for most dilligent students, and would-be-grandmasters. There are a total of 3198 examples that re divided by Themes and Levels.
CD-Box, Informator-Verlag, 6. Auflage 2024 |
39,99 €
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Reinforce tactical motifs Introduction Dear chess friends, the collection of exercises in your hands has the main objective of providing you with ample material for practicing evaluation, calculation and overall decision-making in tactically rich positions. The book contains 500 of the most instructive examples from the games played during 2023 in tournaments around the world |
32,95 €
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Artikel-Nr.: SBLUTHCHAC3
Test your chess knowledge
362 Seiten, kartoniert, Thinkers' Press, 1. Auflage 2022 |
37,95 €
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Mit Taktik und Strategie erfolgreich spielen Schach liegt nicht nur aktuell im Trend, sondern ist seit jeher beliebt, denn es schult die Konzentration und das strategische Denken. In ihrem Ratgeber stellt die erfahrene Schachtrainerin Silke Einacker die goldenen Regeln von Eröffnung, Mittel- und Endspiel vor |
24,99 €
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Fundamentales Schachwissen mit GM Thomas Luther In diesem Band setzt FIDE Senior Trainer und Großmeister Thomas Luther den Kurs zur Schachtaktik fort, der er mit dem Buch Einführung in die Elementartaktik begonnen hat. Durch einen Test mit 50 Aufgaben aus aller Welt kann der Leser sehen, wo er steht. Dann werden die wichtigsten Taktikmotive fortgesetzt mit der Hin- und Weglenkung, Figuren in der Falle, Röntgen-Angriff sowie Remis- und Mattkombinationen. |
24,80 €
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This tactics book by FIDE Senior Trainer Grandmaster Jakov Geller teaches the reader how to create mate threats and execute them using a mixture of combination techniques, as well as how to deploy all key defensive techniques to combat mate threats. Unlike most tactics books, the text provides readers with a detailed explanation of all elements of a mating combination, both individually and when combined with others. This knowledge enables the reader to identify tactical opportunities in their game and execute them or defend against them with confidence. |
29,95 €
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Artikel-Nr.: SBBR365xSCTAFÜKL
Wahrscheinlich möchtest du deine Spielstärke verbessern oder, falls du nicht aktiv im Verein spielst, zumindest etwas mehr vom Schachspiel verstehen lernen. Das ist ein begreiflicher Wunsch, dessen Erfüllung jedoch leider mit sehr viel Arbeit und Aufwand verbunden ist, denn das Wissen über das Schachspiel hat mittlerweile die Dimensionen einer Wissenschaft angenommen. |
14,95 €
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Artikel-Nr.: SBSMTHWOME2
Positional Play Since its publication in 2018 The Woodpecker Method has been the go-to manual among chess players with a thirst for tactical improvement. The Woodpecker Method 2 is the long-awaited sequel, designed to skyrocket your positional decision-making skills. |
34,95 €
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Strategies for Success For nearly fifty years grandmasters and amateurs alike have been making their annual pilgrimage to the World Open. Legendary organizer Bill Goichberg created the model of this iconic event in American chess: large entry fees, large prizes, and no-frills. Every year around the 4th of July, Philadelphia is the scene of countless epic battles at the board. |
29,95 €
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Improve your tactical radar Are you ready to improve your tactical game? It has been said that chess is 99% tactics but whether that is an accurate reflection is hard to tell. Nevertheless, it is important. |
20,95 €
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Motive und Kombinationen
Das Schachtraining für Kinder ermöglicht jungen Schachspielern ab 8 Jahren das Erlernte in über 400 Aufgaben zu trainieren. Motive und Kombinationen werden durch das Eintragen in das Aufgabenheft eingeübt und verinnerlicht. Die Unterteilung der Aufgaben in drei verschiedene Schwierigkeitsstufen gewährleistet Spielspaß unabhängig vom Vorwissen des Spielers und garantiert das Ausbauen der eigenen Fertigkeiten. |
10,00 €
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Artikel-Nr.: SBLUTHCHAC1
First Steps in Tactics his book is written for chess friends who are beginners or hobby players without much experience and who want to improve to lower club level. If you are already somewhat stronger you may not like the idea of learning from scratch. But sometimes going a step back in order to take two steps forwards is a good idea. |
29,95 €
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Chess puzzle books are undoubtedly popular - and with good reason. Solving chess puzzles helps to sharpen a player?s tactical and combinational skills. This ability is absolutely fundamental for chess development. You won?t get better at tennis until you can consistently hit the ball with accuracy and you won?t get better at chess until you improve your ability to calculate. It is that simple and there are no shortcuts. |
17,95 €
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Artikel-Nr.: SBWESCJA20
Brandaktuelle Kombinationen aus dem Schachjahr 2019 Das zehnte Schachtaktik Jahrbuch, unser Jubiläumsband, bietet Taktik XXL! Mit über 550 Aufgaben in verschiedenen Stärkeklassen ist es auch diesmal die größte Sammlung brandaktueller Schachtaktik auf dem Markt und bietet dem Leser Material zum Training ebenso wie intelligente Unterhaltung. |
24,80 €
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The Big Book of Chess Tactics is a comprehensive book about chess tactics. The first main part deals with the combinations in which you can gain decisive material advantages. In the second part, after studying how to save your game in difficult situations i.e. how to take the game to a draw instead of losing it, you will find all kinds of mate combinations classified into a coherent system. |
59,95 €
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Artikel-Nr.: SBPSADCHTA2geb.
By the former coach of Garry Kasparov and the Polgar Sisters A mastery of tactics is essential to a competitive chess player, and the original Advanced Chess Tactics became an instant classic in this field. |
32,99 €
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Artikel-Nr.: SBPSADCHTA2kart.
By the former coach of Garry Kasparov and the Polgar Sisters A mastery of tactics is essential to a competitive chess player, and the original Advanced Chess Tactics became an instant classic in this field. |
27,99 €
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Artikel-Nr.: SBBRTHCHAC5x
365 Steps to Tactical Mastery Do you like chess and want to become a better player without putting in hundreds of hours training? 365 Steps to Tactical Mastery has a practical approach with a focus on tactics. |
34,95 €
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First the Idea and then the Move“ First the idea and then the move!” Miguel Najdorf used to say in his habitually enthusiastic fashion; that statement is the perfect summary of planning in chess. Planning is of crucial importance in chess and yet this is an area that has not been well discussed or explained to ambitious players who wish to improve. A very well known saying in chess is “Better a bad plan than no plan at all”. Playing without a plan – effectively staggering from one move to the next – is a recipe for disaster. It is essential to have some kind of idea of what you are trying to achieve and how to go about it. |
22,95 €
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404 tactical puzzles An essential part of improving at chess is working on your tactical ability. Tactics occur at every level of chess but once the players become stronger the elements invoved in spotting the puzzles tend to become more complex and deeper, whereas, among weaker players, elementary skewers, forks, and deadly pins are more frequent visitors. |
18,95 €
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Großmeister Thomas Luther gewann dreimal die Deutsche Meisterschaft, war ein gutes Jahrzehnt Nationalspieler und war Sieger in zahlreichen Turnieren. Jetzt hält er den höchsten Trainerrang "FIDE Senior Trainer" und ist einer von weltweit nur 30 Dozenten die FIDE-Kurse zur Trainerausbildung abhalten dürfen. |
24,80 €
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Artikel-Nr.: SBER1001CHEX
A complete course for club and tournament players
Chess is 99% tactics. This celebrated observation is not only true for beginners, but also for club players (Elo 1500 – 2000). If you want to win more games, nothing works better than training your combination skills. There are two types of books on tactics: those that introduce the concepts followed by some examples, and workbooks that contain lots of exercises. FIDE Master Frank Erwich has done both: he explains all the key tactical ideas AND provides an enormous amount of exercises for each different theme. |
20,95 €
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Artikel-Nr.: SBLUSCFÜKIU10
Schachtraining für Kids
In den letzten ca. zwanzig Jahren ist das Erlernalter für Schach drastisch gesunken. Es gibt immer mehr junge Schachspieler, die bereits im Kindesalter an Wettbewerben auf regionaler und nationaler Ebene oder sogar bei Europa- und Weltmeisterschaften antreten. Leider liefert die aktuelle Schachliteratur noch so gut wie Nichts, was Eltern und Trainern dabei helfen könnte, ihre Kinder / Schüler auf solche Herausforderungen vorzubereiten und zu unterstützen.
24,80 €
Auf Lager |
1 - 30 von 55 Ergebnissen |