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11 - 20 von 51 Ergebnissen

Fundamentales Schachwissen mit GM Thomas Luther

In diesem Band setzt FIDE Senior Trainer und Großmeister Thomas Luther den Kurs zur Schachtaktik fort, der er mit dem Buch Einführung in die Elementartaktik begonnen hat. Durch einen Test mit 50 Aufgaben aus aller Welt kann der Leser sehen, wo er steht. Dann werden die wichtigsten Taktikmotive fortgesetzt mit der Hin- und Weglenkung, Figuren in der Falle, Röntgen-Angriff sowie Remis- und Mattkombinationen.

24,80 *

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This tactics book by FIDE Senior Trainer Grandmaster Jakov Geller teaches the reader how to create mate threats and execute them using a mixture of combination techniques, as well as how to deploy all key defensive techniques to combat mate threats. Unlike most tactics books, the text provides readers with a detailed explanation of all elements of a mating combination, both individually and when combined with others. This knowledge enables the reader to identify tactical opportunities in their game and execute them or defend against them with confidence.

29,95 *

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A Word from the Authors

The sequel, or the second part of the “Secrets of Positional Sacrifice” manual is titled “Positional Sacrifice in Modern Chess”. We assume that readers will conclude that the subject of our analysis are recently played games, especially the games played over the last few years. The book is intended for chess players who aspire to raise the level of positional play in this particular field of expertise, as well as coaches working on chess education.

34,95 *

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Strategies for Success

For nearly fifty years grandmasters and amateurs alike have been making their annual pilgrimage to the World Open. Legendary organizer Bill Goichberg created the model of this iconic event in American chess: large entry fees, large prizes, and no-frills. Every year around the 4th of July, Philadelphia is the scene of countless epic battles at the board.

29,95 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SBBR365xSCTAFÜKL

Wahrscheinlich möchtest du deine Spielstärke verbessern oder, falls du nicht aktiv im Verein spielst, zumindest etwas mehr vom Schachspiel verstehen lernen. Das ist ein begreiflicher Wunsch, dessen Erfüllung jedoch leider mit sehr viel Arbeit und Aufwand verbunden ist, denn das Wissen über das Schachspiel hat mittlerweile die Dimensionen einer Wissenschaft angenommen.

14,95 *

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Improve your tactical radar

Are you ready to improve your tactical game? It has been said that chess is 99% tactics but whether that is an accurate reflection is hard to tell. Nevertheless, it is important.

20,95 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SBLUTHCHAC1

First Steps in Tactics

his book is written for chess friends who are beginners or hobby players without much experience and who want to improve to lower club level. If you are already somewhat stronger you may not like the idea of learning from scratch. But sometimes going a step back in order to take two steps forwards is a good idea.

29,95 *

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Chess puzzle books are undoubtedly popular - and with good reason. Solving chess puzzles helps to sharpen a player?s tactical and combinational skills. This ability is absolutely fundamental for chess development. You won?t get better at tennis until you can consistently hit the ball with accuracy and you won?t get better at chess until you improve your ability to calculate. It is that simple and there are no shortcuts.

17,95 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SBWESCJA20

Brandaktuelle Kombinationen aus dem Schachjahr 2019

Das zehnte Schachtaktik Jahrbuch, unser Jubiläumsband, bietet Taktik XXL!

Mit über 550 Aufgaben in verschiedenen Stärkeklassen ist es auch diesmal die größte Sammlung brandaktueller Schachtaktik auf dem Markt und bietet dem Leser Material zum Training ebenso wie intelligente Unterhaltung.

24,80 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SBPSADCHTA2geb.

By the former coach of Garry Kasparov and the Polgar Sisters

A mastery of tactics is essential to a competitive chess player, and the original Advanced Chess Tactics became an instant classic in this field.
"This book is absolutely superb. For serious players... this volume will provide a wonderful breadth of study material and act as a workbook to advance your skills and understanding of this important topic..." was Carsten Hansen´s comment when awarding the book 6/6 stars.

32,99 *

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* Preise inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand
11 - 20 von 51 Ergebnissen