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Artikel-Nr.: SBPAENWO

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Serving as an excellent means to validate acquired knowledge after reviewing examples in the book, this workbook stands out as a rare companion to a chess publication. It’s a fantastic opportunity to delve into something new within the realm of chess literature. Having an entire workbook dedicated to testing your understanding of the book will surely challenge your grasp on the material. If you’re passionate about chess endgames, this workbook can serve as an invaluable tool to hone your skills and solidify your grasp of pawn endgames and their nuances.


160 Seiten, kartoniert, Chess Fortress, 1. Auflage 2023

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* Preise inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand

Auch diese Kategorien durchsuchen: Endspiele, Neuheiten Schachbücher, Fortgeschrittene
103 - 103 von 105 Ergebnissen