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121 - 150 von 163 Ergebnissen
Artikel-Nr.: SB KOAT


Große Angreifer der Schachgeschichte


Das Buch ist den besten Angreifern der vergangenen Schachgeschichte gewidmet.
Das Buch spannt den Bogen von Adolf Anderssen und Paul Morphy bis zu Alexander Aljechin und Michail Tal. Gezeigt werden ihre schönsten Partien und Kombinationen, zum Teil mit Originalkommentaren der Meister.

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Artikel-Nr.: SB ADBLIBA

What´s Withe´s Advantage Anyway?

Many chess players act intimidated and overly cautious when they have the Black pieces. They are so preoccupied with White’s advantage of the first move, that their predominant urge is to defend against possible threats and to safeguard their position.

With his iconoclastic Black is OK books, Andras Adorjan has consistently been fighting this negative mindset. In Black is Back!, the Hungarian grandmaster continues his crusade. He shows that White’s advantage is far from obvious and that winning with Black starts with having the right attitude.

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Artikel-Nr.: SB KAYASE


Legendary Chess Careers 


In this book, the author drives you through the very rich chess career of Yasser Seirawan while interviewing him.
This unique concept makes the book easy to read and gives the reader some inside information about what is happening also off the board, things you normally don't get to know about.
2016, 128 Seiten, 5 Fotos, kartoniert, englisch
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Mikhail Tal is a true legend of chess. He was the World Champion and also holds the world record for the longest unbeaten run in competitive chess. Tal is widely regarded to be the greatest attacking player of all time. Nicknamed ‘the magician from Riga’, Tal was a creative genius who made it look as though absolutely anything was possible over the chessboard.

19,45 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SB RUMOBYMO


Akiba Rubinstein is a famous figure in the in the history of chess. At his peak, he was arguably the strongest player in the World, and only the outbreak of World War I deprived him of the opportunity to challenge his main rival Emanuel Lasker for the World Championship title.

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Bobby Fischer is a legendary chess figure, and many consider him to be the greatest chess player of all time. Fischer was a child prodigy who later developed into a phenomenal force. During his peak years he dominated his nearest rivals in a manner that had previously never been seen

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Artikel-Nr.: SB BRTALE


Siegbert Tarrasch (1862-1934) zu seiner Zeit apostrophiert als Praeceptor Germaniae (lat. Lehrmeister Deutschlands), hat durch seine Schriften weit über die Grenzen Deutschlands hinaus gewirkt, Generationen von aufstrebenden Schachspielern nachhaltig beeinflusst und erheblich zur Popularisierung des Schachs beigetragen. Sein wegweisendes Lehrbuch Das Schachspiel (1931) hat bis in die Gegenwart etliche Neuauflagen oder Bearbeitungen erlebt, und viele kleine und große Meister des Spiels hatten ihre schachlichen Wurzeln in der Tarrasch-Schule.

19,80 *

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Boris Spassky is one of the greatest chess players in the history of the game. He was the World Champion for three years, after winning the title by beating Tigran Petrosian. His name is forever linked with his great rival Bobby Fischer and their epic 1972 ‘Match of the Century’, which did so much to popularize the game throughout the world

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Artikel-Nr.: SB KAJATI

Legendary Chess Careers


In this book, the author drives you through the very rich chess career of Jan Timman while interviewing him.

This unique concept makes the book easy to read and gives the reader some inside information about what is happening also off the board, things you normally don’t get to know about.

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Knapp 50 erlesene Partien, gespielt von den herausragenden Protagonisten ihrer Zeit, dienen den Autoren dazu, einen historischen Überblick über die Entwicklung des Schachspiels zu geben, d.h. das allmähliche Wachsen des Schachverständnisses und den einhergehenden Fortschritt strategischen Denkens zu illustrieren.

19,80 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SB HEROSCH


Der bekannte deutsche Großmeister lässt sechs Jahrzehnte seines Schachlebens von den 50er Jahren bis heute Revue passieren. Von den Anfängen im geteilten Berlin über seine Jahre als Schachprofi in Solingen und als Bundesligist in München schildert Hajo Hecht jede Etappe seiner Schachkarriere und so manche anekdotenreife Episode neben den 64 Feldern.

36,00 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SB DASALI


Samuel Lipschütz was born in Hungary in 1863 and emigrated to New York in 1880. He joined the Manhattan and New York chess clubs, and soon became champion of the latter, representing it at the British Chess Association Congress in London in 1886. Naturalized in 1888, he was the highest-placed American in the Sixth American Chess Congress the following year. 


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Anatoly Karpov is considered to be one of the greatest chess players of all time. He was the undisputed World Champion from 1975 to 1985, and also FIDE World Champion from 1993 to 1999. He was ranked the World’s number one player for 90 months - second only to his greatest rival Garry Kasparov - and he won well over a hundred elite tournaments.

23,45 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SB KAMITABEGA2geb

The World Champion

In this, the second of three volumes, award-winning author Tibor Károlyi continues his groundbreaking exploration of Tal’s sparkling career. Mikhail Tal is one of the most celebrated chess players of all time, and in 1960 he demolished Botvinnik to become the youngest ever World Champion at the time, at the age of twenty-three.

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Artikel-Nr.: SB KAMITABEGA2kart

The World Champion

In this, the second of three volumes, award-winning author Tibor Károlyi continues his groundbreaking exploration of Tal’s sparkling career. Mikhail Tal is one of the most celebrated chess players of all time, and in 1960 he demolished Botvinnik to become the youngest ever World Champion at the time, at the age of twenty-three.

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Artikel-Nr.: SB BRGRBO


Diese Partiesammlung aus dem Jahre 1953, die sich dem Schaffen des Großmeisters Efim Bogoljubow (1889-1952) widmet, füllt eine Lücke in der Schachliteratur, denn es ist nach wie vor das einzige Buch in deutscher Sprache über den aus der Ukraine stammenden Weltklassespieler. Der Autor A. Brinckmann präsentiert nach einer kurzen Biografie und Charakterisierung seines Protagonisten sowie einer Auflistung seiner Match- und Turnierergebnisse eine (kommentierte) Auswahl von 50 seiner besten Partien. Weitere 14 unkommentierte Partien mit bemerkenswerten Spielzügen beschließen das Buch.

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Artikel-Nr.: SB Pet PythoSt geb.


Tigran Petrosian is a titan of chess history. All agree he was a genius of strategy, defence and sacrifice, but didn’t he take too many draws? Possibly so, but when Petrosian selected and annotated his best games, that flaw disappeared, leaving only brilliance and profound chess understanding. As Garry Kasparov said: “My games with the 9th World Champion broadened my understanding of chess. Had it not been for these two defeats, I would possibly not have reached the top in chess."

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Artikel-Nr.: SB Junior Tay: Invanchuk - Move by Move


Vassily Ivanchuk has been one of the World's leading chess players for over two decades. He announced his arrival as a 21-year-old when he defeated Garry Kasparov on the way to winning the Linares Super-tournament in 1991. In a distinguished career he has won countless elite tournaments and in 2002 he was a FIDE World Championship finalist.

27,50 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SB Cyrus Lakdawala Larsen: Move by Move


Despite his relatively young age, Magnus Carlsen has already secured his place in chess history as a legend of the game. In a short space of time his accomplishments have been extraordinary. In December 2012 he broke Garry Kasparov’s record to become the highest-rated chess player of all time. He followed up this achievement in 2013 by defeating Vishy Anand to become World Chess Champion. Carlsen’s universal style, positional mastery and incredible mental strength add up to make him a formidable opponent. In this book, former American Open Champion Cyrus Lakdawala invites you to join him in a study of his favourite Carlsen games. Lakdawala examines Carlsen’s skills in attack and defence, exploiting imbalances, accumulating advantages and endgame play, and shows us how we can all improve by learning from Carlsen’s masterpieces.

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Artikel-Nr.: SB Alexander Aljechin Meine besten Partien 1908-1923


Alexander Aljechin, Schachweltmeister von 1927 bis 1935 und von 1937 bis zu seinem Tode 1946, zählt aufgrund seiner überragenden Schachkunst zu den größten und meist bewunderten Spielern der Schachgeschichte. Nachdem er die Schachkrone im Kampf gegen den übermächtig scheinenden Capablanca errungen hatte, beherrschte er die Turnierszene bis Mitte der 1930er Jahre fast nach Belieben. Heute gilt Aljechin als Pionier eines universellen Spielstils.

19,80 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SB Pol Wie ich Fischers Rekord brach

Judit Polgar lehrt Schach 1


Buch des Jahres 2013 der English Chess Federation

„Die Schachwelt gerät aus den Fugen durch ein junges ungarisches Mädchen – manche würden sie bescheiden und sanftmütig nennen, aber viele Gegner lernen sie am Brett als wilden Tiger kennen – ein Mädchen, das nach Jahren stetigen Fortschritts den Topleuten im Nacken sitzt und nun Einzug in den exklusivsten Klub der Welt hält: Sie ist mit 15 Jahren und 5 Monaten in den Rang eines Großmeisters aufgestiegen, einen Monat eher als Bobby Fischer 34 Jahre zuvor.“ – New York Times 1992

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Artikel-Nr.: SB Bau/Bus Fernschachdramen


Fernschachdramen, das Turnierbuch über das bislang Elo-stärkste jemals gespielte Fernturnier, das Hermann-Heemsoth-Memorial, zeigt auf vielfältige Weise, welche aufregenden Momente Fernschachspieler erleben. Auch “neben dem Brett” ist von dramatischen Ereignissen zu berichten, darunter dem Einsatz von drei Turnierleitern und dem Ausscheiden zweier Spieler.

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Artikel-Nr.: SB Bu Schul Das war Klaus Junge

Meilensteine des Schach

Es war auf dem Neujahrstag vor nunmehr 90 Jahren, als ein großes, vielleicht das größte deutsche Schachtalent (nach Lasker und Tarrasch) das Licht der Welt erblickte. Klaus Junge war indes nur ein kurzes Leben vergönnt. Am 18. April 1945 starb der 21-Jährige kurz vor Kriegsende einen sinnlosen Heldentod im Felde, bevor seine Schachlaufbahn ihren Zenit hätte erreichen können.

19,80 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SB Golo J.R. Capablanca - 75 seiner schönsten Partien


José Raúl Capablanca (1888-1942), das kubanische Schachgenie, gehörte in der ersten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts zu den Lichtgestalten der Schachwelt.
Vielfach als Wunderkind gepriesen, begann seine kometenhafte Karriere im Turnierschach mit dem allseits unerwarteten Sieg im hochkarätig besetzten Turnier zu San Sebastian 1911.

19,80 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SB Chess Informant Team Encyclopedia of Chess Miniatures


The new Encyclopedia of Chess Miniatures presents a rich collection of short games that will evoke a sense of surprise, sensation and even shock in the mind of the chess playing reader. The prime objective of this Encyclopedia, lie in promoting an acute awareness of the many potential disasters lying in wait for the unsuspecting chess player in the early stages of the game.

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Artikel-Nr.: SBJohn S. Hilbert James A. Leonard 1841 - 1862

The Tragic Life and Short Chess Career of...


Born in 1841, in New York, killed in the Civil War, James A. Leonard was the son of a poor Irish immigrant - but even a poor child could play the game of kings. Leonard grew up in a time when interest in chess was experiencing a revival, and Paul Morphy had captured nation's interest. Leonard defeated a number of the country's notable chess players and was widely viewed as the "New Morphy." Game scores and diagrams from 96 of Leonard's games are included.

41,50 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SBOlimpiu G. Urcan , Albin in America

A European Chess Master´s Sojourn, 1893-1895


Adolf Albin, a Romanian-born chess master of German origins, was renowned in epoque for his originality, eccentric and dashing playing style, aggressiveness and edgy character. Through previously unpublished data, tournament reports, newspaper articles, consultation games this work covers Albin's brief but highly significant period spent in New York, 1893-1895, with details on his life and chess career.

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Artikel-Nr.: SB Tibor Károlyi: Mikhail Tal´s Best Games 1 kart.


1949 - 1959 The Magic of Youth

Mikhail Tal is one of the most celebrated chess players of all time. The eighth World Champion not only won the title at a record young age, but did so using a ferocious, high-risk attacking style. Tal's spectacular games, along with his charming personality and witty sense of humour, endeared him to the chess public like no other player.

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Artikel-Nr.: SB Ko Ca Ass o t Thr





In 2013 chess returned to world headlines. The energetic Norwegian prodigy Magnus Carlsen was front page news and his fans were not disappointed: the World Number 1 won the World Championship.



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Artikel-Nr.: SB Pol From Gm Top Ten 2


Judit Polgar Teaches Chess 2


This exceptional book continues the unique project where one of the greatest players of our time transforms her personal journey to the top into a roadmap for everyone who ever wanted to better themselves in the game of chess. In this volume, Judit tells the story of her rise from teenage grandmaster to Top Ten superstar.




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* Preise inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand
121 - 150 von 163 Ergebnissen