
Neuheiten Schachbücher

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121 - 150 von 334 Ergebnissen

100 Years Later, Nimzovich Is Still Good

Almost a century ago, a chess book about positional play and strategic concepts appeared on the chess scene. Written by a Latvian grandmaster residing in Denmark, it quickly took its place as one of the classics of chess literature. Since then, Aron Nimzovich’s magnum opus My System has been embraced by every generation of chessplayers.

19,95 *

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The Autobiography of a Chess GM and FIDE Executive

Victor Bologan is not only a strong and creative chess grandmaster, he has also made a career in Moldovan and world chess politics. His strong will and incredible versatility have enabled him to lead a colourful and interesting life. ‘Believe in yourself’ is his motto and it has taken him to places many of us will never see.

29,95 *

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The Chess and Football Careers of Simen Agdestein

Simen Agdestein was awarded the title of chess grandmaster at the age of eighteen, the youngest in the world at the time. Two years later he wrote in his diary that he believed he could become the best in the world.

But chess wasn't his only passion. He also excelled at football and was selected nine times for the Norwegian national team. Foreign clubs wanted to sign him as a professional.

29,95 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SBREZWkart

A Comprehensive Guide to Intermediate Moves

Zwischenzug! is the first-ever comprehensive guide to the chess tactic also known as the intermediate move, or intermezzo. This exciting manoeuvre can catch opponents off guard because it is against the expected run of play. You will learn how to spot Zwischenzugs, when to look out for them, and how to set them up in your games.

29,95 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SBREZWgeb

A Comprehensive Guide to Intermediate Moves

Zwischenzug! is the first-ever comprehensive guide to the chess tactic also known as the intermediate move, or intermezzo. This exciting manoeuvre can catch opponents off guard because it is against the expected run of play. You will learn how to spot Zwischenzugs, when to look out for them, and how to set them up in your games.

34,95 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SBKOSCKÖ

Dieses Buch ist eine Hommage an das Frauenschach. Es räumt auch gründlich mit dem Vorurteil auf, dass Mädchen oder Frauen nicht so gut Schach spielen können wie Männer. Schließlich gibt es genügend Spielerinnen, die diesen anspruchsvollen Sport meisterhaft beherrschen und vielen Männern darin überlegen sind

28,00 *

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Accelerate and Win

Turbo-Charge Your Tactics 2 concludes a multi-year effort by GM Mykhaylo Oleksiyenko and world-renowned trainer IM Vladimir Grabinsky to create the perfect chess puzzle books. This second volume builds upon the first, using games from the World Champions and their challengers. Most chess games are decided by tactics, so solving tactical puzzles is the most effective path to improvement.

32,99 *

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Drive Your Improvement

Turbo-Charge Your Tactics 1 is essentially a chess puzzle book, but not a typical one. It’s a multi-year effort by GM Mykhaylo Oleksiyenko and his world-renowned trainer IM Vladimir Grabinsky to introduce you to the world of ”unnatural“ tactical moves.

32,99 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SBVL1000CHPR

1000 Chess Problems is a book where the title tells part of the story, but the vital point in such books is the care and expertise that the author has put into selecting just the right examples. Yakov Vladimirov is superbly qualified for this task, and has selected positions that will instruct and entertain competitive chessplayers.

32,99 *

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GM Endgames Collection II

Knight Endgames Workbook comprises 300 pawn endgame exercises curated by GM Branko Tadić. These tests are categorized based on the number of pawns, mirroring the structure of the book “KNIGHT ENDGAMES – GRANDMASTER ENDGAMES COLLECTION” by GM Vlatko Kovačević.

172 Seiten, kartoniert, Chess Fortress, 1. Auflage 2024

14,95 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SBKOKNEN

GM Endgames Collection I

Discover the hidden secrets of chess in its knight endgames! While many focus on openings and middle-game tactics, true mastery lies in understanding the nuances of endgames. 

29,95 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SBACHTUMA1

Essential Skills for Ambitious Improvers

Dear readers, the book in your hands is primarily intended for all who are entering the magical world of chess, beginners, children and their parents and of course - adult ambitious improvers. This chess textbook will enable readers to strengthen their knowledge of the chess basics and fundamentals and will help trainers and chess teachers in working with their students.

31,00 *

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It is not really in doubt that Bobby Fischer is one of the greatest (if not the greatest) chess players of all-time. His name is one that it is recognized immediately by almost anyone with even a passing interest in chess. His numerous brilliant games are very well known and have been seen in numerous anthologies.

24,95 *

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Artikel-Nr.: INFORMATOR 159 print

*** VIGOROUS ***





36,95 *

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Second revised and updated edition 2024 


404 Seiten, gebunden, Thinkers Publishing, 2. Auflage 2024, Erstauflage 2016

38,95 *

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A Dynamic Repertoire for Black

The history of the Queen’s Gambit is connected with the very beginnings of modern chess, the opening being cited in the earliest published books on the science of the game, such as the Göttingen manuscript (1490) and the books of Ruy Lopez (1561) and Salvio (1604). The so-called Queen’s Gambit Declined – or Refused – is, together with the Slav, the main defense in the universe of queenside openings, and shares with the aforementioned defense a well-earned reputation for being a reliable and very solid scheme.

49,95 *

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The Life and Games of a Grandmaster


I sincerely hope that you, dear readers, will enjoy the wonderful masterpieces you will find in this book. In addition to the authors, some of Drasko’s contemporaries were also involved in the writing, and they immediately responded with pride and love to the request to keep the memory of the Serbian genius alive. I would like to thank all those who participated in this project.

44,95 *

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Problemschach-Urdrucke 2020-23 (mit CD)

Band VI enthält alle zwischen 2020 und 2023 in der Augsburger Allgemeinen (meiner Schachecke) veröffentlichten Urdrucke von Schachaufgaben (auch eigene). Jede Schachaufgabe, die für sich ein kleines Kunstwerk darstellt, habe ich sehr ausführlich besprochen und gründlich gelöst, so dass insbesondere mit dem Genre des Problemschachs nicht vertraute Personen, auch Jugendliche und

28,90 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SBCOFOTA

Chessplayers Lost in the Labyrinth of Life

Lost in the Labyrinth of Life Throughout the history of chess, elite players have been studied, celebrated and adored. But there also been players, while perhaps not regarded as world-class competitors, who had a precious gift, but who did not know (or could not find) the way to success. They were lost in the labyrinth of difficulties that life always places before every human being.

24,95 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SBDWSTFOPR2x

Improving Important Endgame Concepts

Develop Imaginative and Preventive Thinking Nowadays, chessplayers spend almost all their free time preparing openings, and rarely spend the time necessary to perfect the vitally important technique of calculating. Regular training in solving and playing out endgames studies is a good recipe for eliminating that shortcoming.

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Studies in Chess Combinations

In this book, the English author E.G.R. Cordingley carefully selected 250 positions, covering all types of combinations and types of sacrifices from all phases of the game. The solutions are frequently annotated in detail, illustrating both the actual game continuations as well as numerous relevant alternatives.

14,99 *

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A guide for chess beginners

In this book, German-English Grandmaster Mieses has selected material from all types of endings relevant to players that vary from beginners to experienced club players.

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Artikel-Nr.: SBNEIMYOCHgeb

The Upgraded 2024 Edition

The best advice for chess players who want to improve quickly is: get better at tactics! Because the vast majority of amateur games is decided through tactics. You will immediately start beating more opponents when you improve your tactical skills.

Improve Your Chess Tactics presents more than 700 decisive combinations from tournament practice and is a self-tutor and a sparring-partner in one. Experienced Russian chess master Yakov Neishtadt has selected those examples that have the biggest instructional value for club players.

29,95 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SBBACHCO

The Profound+Lasting Influence of Mark Dvoretsky


This remarkable book is a tribute to a man who is probably the greatest chess coach of all time. Mark Dvoretsky was a fascinating, intelligent, honest, decent, hard-working and good-natured man who dedicated his life to chess and its players.

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Artikel-Nr.: AMAYOMOV2

From the pages of Chess Life

In this book, you will be challenged over 250 times with positions taken from the author's popular Chess Life (in italics) column. Also included are four sets of previously unpublished puzzles.

16,95 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SBFI4THBRCH

HTC 039

"Fourth Brooklyn Chess Club Tournament, 15 January - 28 March 1870", which became the prey of the unforgettable American chess champion G. H. Mackenzie. In a tournament where nearly 30 players competed, more than 600-700 games were most likely played (the tournament was played in a two-round, each-player system). In addition to GHM, the tournament featured other great 19th-century New York chess players such as F. Perrin, J. Mason, E. Delmar, F. E. Brenzinger, Ch. A. Gilberg, etc.

9,00 *

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Artikel-Nr.: DVDERÖLE24


Wer sich ernsthaft mit Eröffnungen beschäftigt, kommt am Eröffnungslexikon nicht vorbei. Ob Einsteiger oder Großmeister. Das Eröffnungslexikon ist das mit Abstand umfassendste Theoriewerk für den Schachsport!

149,90 *

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Artikel-Nr.: DVDERÖLE24UP23

von Version 2023 - Seriennummer erforderlich

Wer sich ernsthaft mit Eröffnungen beschäftigt, kommt am Eröffnungslexikon nicht vorbei. Ob Einsteiger oder Großmeister. Das Eröffnungslexikon ist das mit Abstand umfassendste Theoriewerk für den Schachsport!

79,90 *

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The Ultimate Guide for Beginner and Beyond

Learn chess from International Master and YouTube's top chess teacher Levy Rozman (aka GothamChess) in this refreshing and fun guide for beginner and intermediate players

27,90 *

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174 Master Classes

There are many secrets in chess, knowledge of which distinguishes a chess virtuoso from an amateur. One of these secrets is the ability to play positions with opposite-colored bishops.

26,50 *

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* Preise inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand
121 - 150 von 334 Ergebnissen