Christof Sielecki : KEEP IT SIMPLE 1.E4 - EDITION 2.0

Artikel-Nr.: SBSIKEIT1.e4E2

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International Master Christof Sielecki has created a hit series with his reliable opening lines for chess players of almost all levels. He developed this repertoire by working with students looking for something easy to understand and learn. Sielecki always clearly explains the plans and counter plans and keeps you focused on the position's requirements. Ambitious players rated 1500 or higher will benefit from studying this extremely accessible book.

Christof Sielecki is an International Master from Germany. He has taught and trained chess for many years and runs a popular YouTube channel called ChessExplained. He won numerous awards with his course on Chessable and has created three volumes of the Keep it Simple opening manuals.


630 Seiten, gebunden, New in Chess, 1. Auflage 2023

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