
Neuheiten Schachbücher

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91 - 120 von 334 Ergebnissen
Artikel-Nr.: SBKAYEBYYE3 geb


The third volume of Elk and Ruby’s treatise on Viktor Korchnoi, penned by FM Hans Renette and IM Tibor Karolyi, covers the period 1981-1991. This encompasses Korchnoi’s famous world championship match with Karpov at Merano in 1981, his candidates matches against Portisch and Kasparov in 1983, Hjartarson in 1988 and Sax and Timman in 1991, as well as the candidates tournament of 1985 at Montpellier, the GMA world cup series and major tournament performances.

53,50 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SBICFIGOBO1924

Limited 100th anniversary edition

Collector's volume, developed by FIDE for the 100th anniversary - printed in only 500 copies The history of the International Chess Federation (FIDE), one of the oldest global sporting organizations, is not only an important part of the centuries-old story of chess but also charts FIDE's growing influence on the world stage.

58,00 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SBFI100YEOFFI

An illustrated History -1924 2024

Collector's volume, developed by FIDE for the 100th anniversary - printed in only 1000 copies For one hundred years, FIDE has stood at the heart of the global chess scene – standardizing regulations and titles, organizing tournaments and matches, and promoting and protecting the game's integrity.

60,00 *

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We all have an intuitive feeling of the stress, pressure and frustration on the path to winning a World Championship in sport, but rarely will you get as unfiltered and raw an insight into the struggle to succeed as in The Mental Game.

27,90 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SBLICHSU

Chess Classics

In Chess Survivor – The Last of the Greats a chess legend shares his life story and annotates his best games. When FIDE introduced the grandmaster title in 1950, Andor Lilienthal was one of the 27 names on that original list. And when he died at age 99, he was the last survivor of that historic group. This inspired our title. Douglas Griffin translated Lilienthal’s book from Russian and added 17 games to the 60 that Lilienthal annotated.

29,99 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SBHATHLIOF12x

Updated, edited and expanded by Carsten Hansen

François-André Danican Philidor (1726-1795) was unique in countless ways. He had a great career in music, composing many popular pieces of music, but it is from his accomplishments in chess that he is most remembered. His book "Analyse du Jeu des Échecs" ("Analysis of the Game of Chess") was translated into several languages and was updated in several, expanded editions.

12,99 *

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500 hand-picked training exercises

Why not just to have a simple puzzle book where you are supposed to find best move in each position? Every single position is picked carefully and this method will help you develop different strategic concepts and patterns. There are no chapters or indicative names or comments to help you find solution more easily. Just positions. ”Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication“ - Leonardo da Vinci.

33,99 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SBJACHWA

The Life & Games of Géza Maróczy

Ask any chessplayer today if they recognize the name ”Maróczy“ and you will probably get a reply that it describes a pawn configuration designed to limit black pawn levers. While technically correct, such a reply would overlook the life and legacy of one of the great grandmasters, organizers, and arbiters in chess history.

39,95 *

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Ein komplettes Eröffnungsrepertoire

Dieses Buch enthält ein Eröffnungsrepertoire mit 60 Varianten, in denen sich für den Repertoirespieler Möglichkeiten zu einem raschen Gewinn ergeben, mindestens aber zu spürbarem Vorteil. Der Fokus des Repertoires liegt auf den von den Gegnern am häufigsten gespielten Varianten und dort auf Zügen, die zwar häufig gespielt werden, die aber trotzdem mehr oder weniger große Fehler sind. Die weitaus meisten dieser Varianten sind nicht in den gängigen Fallensammlungen enthalten. Schon das macht den Text zu einem Gewinn für den Leser.

27,80 *

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Artikel-Nr.: INFORMATOR 160 pri.+CD

Step ahead





46,95 *

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Artikel-Nr.: INFORMATOR 160 print

Step ahead





36,95 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SBBRTHCHAC5x

365 Steps to Tactical Mastery

Do you like chess and want to become a better player without putting in hundreds of hours training? 365 Steps to Tactical Mastery has a practical approach with a focus on tactics.

34,95 *

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The g2-g4 (or ...g7-g5) pawn push is considered unconventional and often associated with backroom chess games or old-fashioned openings like the King’s Gambit.

Despite being one of the most weakening moves available, g2-g4 has been seen more frequently at the top level of chess

. While g2-g4 (or ...g7-g5) can lead to interesting fights, it also entails considerable risk and often results in messy, non-traditional positions with higher chances of mistakes.

44,95 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SBSTMO3TO10

for improving chess players

I used to play a lot of chess as a teenager many decades ago. Those days, there were hardly any computers that played the game and there was certainly no Internet. Learning new ideas in the game was possible only through books or magazines and if something was not clear, there weren’t too many people to consult for explanations. I was never a great player and quit when other things in life took precedence. Then, a few years ago, I decided to start playing again and be better than before.

41,95 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SBZLTHIMLOx

Understanding and logic are everything you need with static positions on the board. A chess game is full of decision-making moments, and there are many methods you should use to find solutions. We will present a wide spectrum of ideas that will help you to decide.

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Although known for a long time, the London started to catch up in popularity just in the last decade or so. I guess the reason for this is probably the desire of many players to focus more on the practical side of chess, with less use of engines and less memorization of long theoretical lines, and more about positional understanding of game.

41,95 *

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Stationen eines anspruchsvollen Spiels 1900-1950

Schachbücher mit klugen Analysen und Kommentaren guter und gar berühmter Partien sind zur Genüge geschrieben worden. Hingegen versucht das vorliegende Buch quasi in einem Spaziergang dem Leser einen Eindruck über das Flair des Schachspiels in der auch schachhistorisch interessanten ersten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts zu vermitteln. Dabei sollen die kleinen Episoden, in denen Schlüsselmomente der Schachgeschichte zum Leben erweckt werden, nicht nur Schachfreunde ansprechen.

22,80 *

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Fritz & Fertig - Übungsbuch und Onlinekurs

Auf dem Tablet tauchen Kinder in das rasante und spannende Schachabenteuer mit Prinz Fritz und seiner frechen Cousine Bianca ein. Und ganz nebenbei werden dabei die Schachregeln kapiert, das strategische Denken aktiviert und mit großer Freude die kniffligsten Schach-Rätsel gelöst.

29,90 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SBVO64UNSC

Kunstwerke aus 400 Jahren Schachgeschichte

In Zeiten, in denen nahezu alle jemals gespielten und einigermaßen bedeutsamen Schachpartien auf Knopfdruck digital zur Verfügung stehen, und beliebig verästelte, rechnergenerierte Analysen inklusive weitreichender Kommentare per Mausklick abrufbar sind, schlägt dieses Buch einen anderen Weg ein: den Nachspielenden soll die Ästhetik des königlichen Spiels in überschaubarer Art und Weise vor Augen geführt werden.

27,80 *

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Kurzbiografien mit 47 Partien und 55 Aufgaben

Die Rolle, die insbesondere jüdische Meisterspieler, Problemkomponisten, Turnierorganisatoren, Verleger, Autoren und Mäzene für die Entwicklung des Schachs in Deutschland gespielt haben, ist bislang kaum systematisch zusammengefasst und illustriert worden. Diesem Manko soll mit diesem Buch ohne Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit ein wenig abgeholfen werden.

30,00 *

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Your Tool Kit of Key Concepts and Pawn Structures

Every serious trainer must insist on strategy work, because strategy will be a powerful and probably decisive weapon against players who neglected it in their own chess study. That was my motivation to write this book, to present crucial elements and principles of strategy and to reveal its secrets to you, dear reader. After careful study of the book you will be fully equipped with strategic concepts, patterns and definitely you will catch “how it works” in chess game.

31,95 *

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Das Buch "Aktivität - der Schlüssel zum Erfolg" stellt den psychologischen Aspekt des Schachs in den Mittelpunkt. Dort wird an mehreren Beispielen gezeigt, wie wichtig es ist, aktiv vorzugehen, genauso wie im Leben.

24,80 *

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The Semi-Slav Defense transcends its classification as a mere defensive response to 1.d4. It embodies a dynamic and multifaceted system that offers Black not only solidity in defense but also active counterplay and strategic flexibility. Here’s why the Semi-Slav is more than just a defense:

38,95 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SBDEDEPROP1

Scandinavian, Pirc & Modern Defenses

The book provides general ideas for each opening and includes a selection of 30 typical combinations for you to solve. Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced player, you’ll find practical insights and fun challenges within its pages.

314 Seiten, gebunden, Thinkers Publishing, 1. Auflage 2024,

41,95 *

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A Master of British Chess

While today, Reginald Pryce Michell (1873-1938) is largely forgotten, he was a quiet giant of his time. A leading British master, he beat all nationally leading players from Blackburne and Atkins to Golombek, as well as internationally renowned players such as Bogoljubow, Reti and Sultan Khan, and drew former, reigning, and future world champions such as Capablanca, Alekhine, Euwe, and Botwinnik.

24,98 *

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Ein Schachlehrbuch für Kinder

Wenn du eine Schachpartie spielst, schickst du deine Figuren sozusagen auf ein gedankliches Schlachtfeld und zwar selbstverständlich mit dem Ziel, den Kampf zu gewinnen. Dabei leuchtet es ein, dass deine Siegchancen umso größer sind, je besser du mit den Eigenschaften jeder einzelnen Figur vertraut bist.

24,80 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SBHOCHST

In 1851, Horwitz & Kling published the first edition of the book. The collection of endgame studies was truly monumental, covering endgames of all types, often uncovering previously unknown truths about a variety of endgames, both simple and more complex ones.

18,99 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SBHANOPA

Opening Hacker Files Vol. 9

Everyone knows that the Petroff is one of Black's most solid options to King's Pawn openings, which has endured for centuries. Most people DON'T know that the Damiano Variation - a subset of Petroff - is equally sound and not a beginner's trap into which we fell. The lines of the Damiano may be tailored from the same cloth as Petroff, yet they are quite different.

19,99 *

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The Chess Champion (AGBC 10)

After having conquered chess America, Paul Morphy issued a challenge to European chess players and traveled there to play the best players of the game, and in particular wanting to face Howard Staunton, the English master who was widely considered to be the best player in the world.



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The Big Book of Chess Tactics is a comprehensive book about chess tactics. The first main part deals with the combinations in which you can gain decisive material advantages. In the second part, after studying how to save your game in difficult situations i.e. how to take the game to a draw instead of losing it, you will find all kinds of mate combinations classified into a coherent system.

59,95 *

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* Preise inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand
91 - 120 von 334 Ergebnissen