Nach dem großen Erfolg des ersten Buches zum Modell der vier Spielertypen enthält dieser Folgeband außer gezielten Aufgaben auch allgemeine schachliche Fragen wie beispielsweise: Berechnen Sie lieber konkrete Varianten oder treffen Sie Ihre Entscheidungen eher intuitiv? Haben Sie ein gutes Gespür für Harmonie und Koordination? |
22,80 €
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Guidelines for the Fundamentals of the Endgame There are many books devoted to basic endgames, even from the Middle Ages. Principles of typical endgames (such as keeping the rook behind a passed pawn, not setting pawns on the same colored squares as your bishop’s, distant pawns being more dangerous than central ones etc.) are well known too. But what about "complex endgames"? I have in mind endgames with at least two pieces on each side; well I don’t find them often nor sufficiently well-explained in the past! It is exactly this fact (together with my passion and great endgame experience) that has motivated me to write this book (many friends simply call me “Endgame Wizard” ). |
32,95 €
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Opening Repertoire The Tarrasch Variation of the Queen’s Gambit Declined is a fierce counter-attacking line arising after 1 d4 d5 2 c4 e6 3 Nc3 c5. In this variation Black gains free and easy piece play but in return usually has to accept the structural weakness of an Isolated Queen’s Pawn (IQP). In the early development of chess theory this line was somewhat frowned upon due to the vulnerability of the IQP. However, Siegbert Tarrasch, after whom the opening is named, famously declared that, “he who fears an Isolated Queen’s Pawn should give up chess”. |
23,50 €
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Artikel-Nr.: SOSBVETHLIANGAkart |
39,50 €
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331 - 334 von 334 Ergebnissen |