Who is MC Hammer and other Chess Trivia The most famous team ever participating in a chess pub quiz was MC Hammer. The team members are pretty decent chess players and happened to know their bit of chess trivia and chess history. Do you know or can you guess their names? This book offers a collection of hundreds of chess trivia and chess-related trivia. You can use it by yourself, solving puzzles. Or you can use the book for multiple thematic pub quizzes at your local chess café or chess club. Enjoy. The best game ever. Grandmaster Dimitri Reinderman won the Dutch championship in 2013, is one of the few chess players with purple (or blue) hair, and loves games. During the pandemic, he created the holiday season in-house chess pub quiz for New In Chess Publishers.
144 Seiten, kartoniert, New in Chess, 1. Auflage 2023
17,95 €
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Chess Training for Amateurs (1600-2200 Elo) Boris Zlotnik, the former coach of U.S. Champion Fabiano Caruana, offers practical chess lessons for amateurs about highly original subjects like creativity or 'putting up resistance' - topics seldom touched on in other chess manuals. Zlotnik covers a wide variety of topics and uses a wealth of material in an extraordinarily instructive chess manual.
248 Seiten, kartoniert, New in Chess, 1. Auflage 2023 |
27,95 €
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Using a Space Advantage in the Opening Do you struggle to score against the Hedgehog and find it difficult to break the Black fortress? This opening manual, which could double as a positional middlegame manual, will show you how White can use a space advantage in this chess opening with maximum results. |
19,95 €
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Artikel-Nr.: SBVI100ENYOMU
Vital Lessons for Every Chess Player New and improved edition of an all-time classic The good news about endgames is: - there are relatively few endings you should know by heart - once you know these endings, that's it. Your knowledge never goes out of date! |
32,95 €
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Die Entscheidung fällt nach dem 40. Zug Nicht immer liegt dem Gewinn eines bedeutenden Titels eine spektakuläre Angriffspartie zugrunde, sondern manchmal auch ein filigraner Sieg im Endspiel. Großmeister Matthias Blübaum wurde 2022 Europameister, weil es ihm gelang, auch aus schwierigen Endspielen das Beste herauszuholen. Außer Intuition und Nervenstärke sind in der letzten Partiephase auch fundiertes Wissen über theoretisch bedeutsame Positionen sowie die Kenntnis wichtiger Prinzipien im Endspiel unverzichtbar |
29,80 €
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Artikel-Nr.: SBVETHLIANGAkart
Second revised & extended edition Here is what has been added to this edition: More accurate and more extensive annotations, computer-assisted. Every game has been examined under Stockfish 14, probably the best analytical engine available for home computers at this time. For the first edition we had only Fritz 4 and 5, which compare to Stockfish like a Model T Ford to a Ferrari, and many games were given no computer examination at all. |
39,50 €
/ Byte
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Artikel-Nr.: SBVETHLIANGAgeb
Second revised & extended edition Here is what has been added to this edition: More accurate and more extensive annotations, computer-assisted. Every game has been examined under Stockfish 14, probably the best analytical engine available for home computers at this time. For the first edition we had only Fritz 4 and 5, which compare to Stockfish like a Model T Ford to a Ferrari, and many games were given no computer examination at all. |
44,95 €
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The Fascinating Games and Tragic Life of... Almost as fascinating as chess is the community of chess players. In every major city in the world, you are guaranteed to meet interesting people when you walk into a local chess club or chess cafe. This book pays tribute to one of those characters who gave colour to the chess world, the Russian grandmaster Alexey Vyzhmanavin. |
24,95 €
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Celebrating 85 Years Tata Steel Tournament Every winter, the world's strongest chess players and most promising chess prodigies travel to a small seaside village in the Netherlands to immerse themselves for two weeks in chess and chess only. Usually, the World Champion is there, vying for victory. Garry Kasparov won three times, Vishy Anand won five times, and Magnus Carlsen won a record eight times. |
24,95 €
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Artikel-Nr.: SBMALEFRBELgeb
Bent Larsen is one of the most celebrated chess players of the twentieth century. Larsen is the man who pushed Bobby Fischer down to Board 2 on the Rest of the World team in 1970. The Danish grandmaster had spectacular results, but chess fans appreciated even more his creativity and fighting spirit. For Larsen, a drawish-looking position was no reason to halt a game, as he had the ability to create magic out of thin air.
32,95 €
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Nach dem großen Erfolg des ersten Buches zum Modell der vier Spielertypen enthält dieser Folgeband außer gezielten Aufgaben auch allgemeine schachliche Fragen wie beispielsweise: Berechnen Sie lieber konkrete Varianten oder treffen Sie Ihre Entscheidungen eher intuitiv? Haben Sie ein gutes Gespür für Harmonie und Koordination? |
22,80 €
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Guidelines for the Fundamentals of the Endgame There are many books devoted to basic endgames, even from the Middle Ages. Principles of typical endgames (such as keeping the rook behind a passed pawn, not setting pawns on the same colored squares as your bishop’s, distant pawns being more dangerous than central ones etc.) are well known too. But what about "complex endgames"? I have in mind endgames with at least two pieces on each side; well I don’t find them often nor sufficiently well-explained in the past! It is exactly this fact (together with my passion and great endgame experience) that has motivated me to write this book (many friends simply call me “Endgame Wizard” ). |
39,95 €
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Opening Repertoire The Tarrasch Variation of the Queen’s Gambit Declined is a fierce counter-attacking line arising after 1 d4 d5 2 c4 e6 3 Nc3 c5. In this variation Black gains free and easy piece play but in return usually has to accept the structural weakness of an Isolated Queen’s Pawn (IQP). In the early development of chess theory this line was somewhat frowned upon due to the vulnerability of the IQP. However, Siegbert Tarrasch, after whom the opening is named, famously declared that, “he who fears an Isolated Queen’s Pawn should give up chess”. |
23,50 €
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271 - 283 von 283 Ergebnissen |