
Neuheiten Schachbücher

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271 - 300 von 336 Ergebnissen

A Chess Biography of Rudolf Spielmann

Rudolf Spielmann was one of the strongest chess players in the world in the first half of the 20th century. Following his shared second place at the Carlsbad tournament in 1929 with Capablanca, half a point behind Nimzowitsch, he was considered one of the world’s top five. His career spread over four decades and included a host of tournament and match victories, such as defeating Bogoljubov over ten games in 1932

39,50 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SBHATHMOAN2kart

The Moscow Variation & sidelines

Black is forced to make an immediate decision on move 3 and wait for the right moment to open the position. On top the author created practical difficulties for the Black. Naturally, it is not possible to find an advantage in every variation but Ravi added many detailed explanations to guide plans and aid understanding in the various positions White encounters. Ravi’s analysis makes Black’s path to equality extremely narrow.

35,95 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SBHATHMOAN2geb

The Moscow Variation & sidelines

Black is forced to make an immediate decision on move 3 and wait for the right moment to open the position. On top the author created practical difficulties for the Black. Naturally, it is not possible to find an advantage in every variation but Ravi added many detailed explanations to guide plans and aid understanding in the various positions White encounters. Ravi’s analysis makes Black’s path to equality extremely narrow.

40,95 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SBJATHFRDEkart geb

A Practical Guide for Black

 The French Defense looks to be inexhaustible and there cannot be enough books dedicated to it. This book takes a step in the direction of revitalizing our favorite opening! The authors have decided to set the book in order from the less to the more popular and complex lines.

41,95 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SBJATHFRDEkart

A Practical Guide for Black

 The French Defense looks to be inexhaustible and there cannot be enough books dedicated to it. This book takes a step in the direction of revitalizing our favorite opening! The authors have decided to set the book in order from the less to the more popular and complex lines.

36,95 *

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A Silicon Reappraisal of 25 Classic Game

Are you ready for new strategic insights about thirty-five of the most fascinating and complex chess games ever played by World Champions and other top grandmasters? Grandmaster Matthew Sadler and renowned chess writer Steve Giddins take a fresh look at some classic games ranging from Anderssen-Dufresne, played in 1852, to Botvinnik-Bronstein (1951) and Geller-Euwe (1953). They unleashed the collective power of Leela, Komodo and Stockfish to help us humans understand what happened in games of fan favourites such as Boris Spassky, Mikhail Tal, Bent Larsen and Bobby Fischer.

34,95 *

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An Ambitious White Repertoire for Club Player

The Sicilian Defence is the most attractive and most complicated opening in chess. If you don't play the Sicilian with White or Black, you miss much of the beauty and the challenges our royal game offers. For White 1.e4 players, building a repertoire against 1...c5 should be their priority.

34,95 *

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The Power of Middlegame Knowledge

• Compensation is a chess concept that we only fully understand when we enter the world of serious chess. • The relative value of pieces is perhaps the most difficult chess concept of all to explain. • It is one that every player must feel and believe in and can only be accepted with the help of our own practice, and when we feel it come together as though a part of us.

38,95 *
Artikel-Nr.: SBMÜAN

Man verrät nichts Neues mit der Feststellung, dass die meisten Spieler bei Weitem lieber angreifen, als sich zu verteidigen. Auch ist es nicht verwunderlich, dass sich verschiedenste Autoren schon seit mehr als einem Jahrhundert in etlichen Büchern dem populären Thema 'Angriff' gewidmet haben.

24,80 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SBMÜMACA

Die Schach-DNA eines Genies

Über Magnus Carlsen gibt es schon so viel Literatur. Warum hat der Autor dem noch ein weiteres Buch hinzugefügt? - Weil er den Gedanken hochinteressant fand, das strategische Spiel eines Genies durch die Brille des sogenannten 'Modells der vier Spielertypen' zu betrachten. Und im Ergebnis ist es ihm tatsächlich gelungen, sowohl die herausragenden Stärken als auch die Universalität des 16. Weltmeisters deutlich herauszuarbeiten.

24,80 *

A White Repertoire

Tried and True for More than Two Centuries

The Scotch Game is a solid opening that has been tried and tested in practice by some of the strongest chessplayers in the world for more than two centuries. The idea behind the Scotch Game is simple and easily understandable. White eliminates - in a purely mechanical fashion - Black’s e5-pawn which initially impedes his ambition to dominate in the center.

22,50 *

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Updated & edited by FM Carsten Hansen

Originally published at the beginning of the 20th century as part of a series for beginners on all phases of the chess game, this little book contains samples of all types of endgames that beginners or inexperienced players will greatly benefit from studying.

9,99 *

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Updated & edited by FM Carsten Hansen

In this book, German-English Grandmaster Mieses has selected 125 interesting positions from games played by various masters such as Alekhine, Capablanca, Euwe, Lasker, Marshall, Nimzowitsch, Pillsbury, Rubinstein, Steinitz, Tarrasch, Mieses himself and many more from the classic period of chess up to the mid-1930.

12,99 *

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Originally published at the beginning of the 20th century as part of a series for chess improvers on all phases of the chess game, this little book contains samples of alltypes of endgames that inexperienced and club players will greatly benefit from studying. With more than 100 well-chosen positions, the author illustrates the types of chess endgames that players should master once they understand and master the fundamentals.

9,99 *

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Perunović devoted a lot of time to the analysis of this variation and learned its deepest secrets. In this book, he will convey to you his deep understanding of the theory, accompanied by clear explanations of the key strategic and tactical motives. Given that the author’s experience is not only limited to theory but also to practical experience, he will share and advise you on how to maximize your practical chances with suggestions that are guaranteed to overwhelm your opponents. We believe that adding this variation to your repertoire will have an extremely positive effect on your future chess results.

32,95 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SBTAENPU

Everyone knows they should work on their endgame play. So many hard-earned advantages are squandered in ‘simple’ endings ... But, for a good playing ending, necessary to precisely calculate. This book can help to improve your skills and calculation in endings. In this book, we can find a lot of famous endings played in practical games and how some of the top grandmasters coped with them. Improve your knowledge endings with this book. Start to calculate, and learn ending rules!

342 Seiten, gebunden mit Leseband, Chess Fortress, 1. Auflage 2022

24,95 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SBIVQAPU

This book is the sequel of the successful puzzle-book series from GM Ivan Ivanisevica Known as a great tactical player Ivan Ivanisevic select the 548 puzzles All the puzzles have been collected from practical games (OTB, Blitz, Oline). There are more than 500 examples from GM practice. 

24,95 *

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The Adventure Continues!

Nikola Sedlak is a renowned chess player known for his expertise in the London System. He is a grandmaster from Serbia who has been considered one of the strongest players in the country for many years. Sedlak is also a well-known chess trainer and author, who wrote several books on the London System and other chess openings.

29,95 *

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- Für einen schnellen Einstieg ins Programm.

- Die wichtigsten Funktionen ausführlich erklärt.

- Praktische Themenauswahl für jeden Nutzer.

ChessBase hat den Schachsport revolutioniert! Bei Spitzenspielern und Amateuren ist die ChessBase-Datenbank inzwischen internationaler Standard.

29,80 *

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The author proposes a full repertoire against 1.d4 and 1.c4, which is theoretically sound and leads to sharp, strategically unbalanced positions. It is based on the so-called English Defence 1.d4 e6 2.c4 b6 or 1.c4 b6. A great deal of the book is devoted to White's tries to deviate from theoretical dispute and transfer the game into the Queen's Indian with g3.

236 Seiten, kartoniert, Chess Stars, 1. Auflage 2023

23,95 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SBSMBLWHMAgeb

Colour complexes in chess explained

During his long journey as a chess player and coach, GM Axel Smith came to the realization that understanding colour-complex strategies is one of the key differences between strong and weak players. After many years of delivering lectures and training material to his students, Smith produced a Chessable course on the topic, which has been extensively edited and reorganized by Quality Chess to produce this book.

29,95 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SBSMBLWHMAkart

Colour complexes in chess explained

During his long journey as a chess player and coach, GM Axel Smith came to the realization that understanding colour-complex strategies is one of the key differences between strong and weak players. After many years of delivering lectures and training material to his students, Smith produced a Chessable course on the topic, which has been extensively edited and reorganized by Quality Chess to produce this book.

24,95 *

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Vinay Bhat rose through the ranks of American chess in the 1990s and 2000s, overcoming plateaus, competitive challenges, and academic and professional commitments, before achieving the highest title in chess. Follow Vinay’s path to improvement and the struggles he had to go through, to carve out your own path to improvement and achieve your chess goals.

27,95 *

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I have worked with the best, or perhaps it’s better to say that I have learned from the best; that’s how I can best describe this book, because I spent some time with Svetozar Gligoric in the early 2000s and the Nimzo-Indian was also present. I can’t really say that we went into great detail, but we certainly did discuss various systems.

33,95 *

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This book is about the Nimzo-Indian Classical line 4.Qc2 (also known as the Capablanca Variation) and the 4.Bd2-line, for which basically I could not find an established name.

37,95 *

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Artikel-Nr.: INFORMATOR 155 / CD

Inhalt :

Beschreibung siehe Print Exemplar.

CD in Papiertasche mit Sichtfenster,

29,95 *
Artikel-Nr.: Informator 155 / Buch+CD

Inhalt : Beschreibung siehe Print Exemplar

46,95 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SBInformator 155 print


*** Rejuvenated ***

Presents 350 pages of the very best in chess: Leitao - Brazilian Champion in Wijk aan Zee (Tournament Review)

Moradiabadi - Tata Steel 2023 Wijk aan Zee (Tournament Review)

36,95 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SBBECHCO

The Give and Take of Chess Tactics

Chess students love a Puzzle Rush. And solving tactics puzzles certainly helps you improve your pattern recognition and will help you find good moves in tournament games. But there is a downside to most tactics puzzles we always know who is supposed to win!

Chess in real life is different, not just because no one taps us on the shoulder and tells us to look for a tactic. Sometimes tactics work, and sometimes they don't. Sometimes your opponent has a few tricks up their sleeve, too.

27,95 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SBDOPRPL

Having you ever been tortured at the chessboard? If so, then you have probably been a victim of pressure play.

Elite players are brilliant exponents of pressure play. In situations where they have either a tiny advantage or no advantage at all they are highly adept at constantly setting problems for their unfortunate opponents. The position on the board may appear lifeless but they can probe and find plans and regroupings that will constantly ask their opponents difficult questions. These can be countered only by continual alert and accurate defence and we all know how difficult and wearing that can be.

23,95 *

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* Preise inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand
271 - 300 von 336 Ergebnissen