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31 - 60 von 156 Ergebnissen

The Power of Middlegame Knowledge

• Compensation is a chess concept that we only fully understand when we enter the world of serious chess. • The relative value of pieces is perhaps the most difficult chess concept of all to explain. • It is one that every player must feel and believe in and can only be accepted with the help of our own practice, and when we feel it come together as though a part of us.

38,95 *
Artikel-Nr.: SBHOCHTHFR1735

Information !

Buch zur  Zeit vergriffen, voraussichtlich ab Mitte bis Ende April wieder lieferbar !

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Most chess biographies present the games of famous players but not their writings. Filling that gap, this book begins with Syrian master and author of chess studies Philip Stamma, and finishes with the first world champion William Steinitz. The main novelties in opening, middlegame and endgame theory in the 160 year period are examined and biographical sketches put the contributions of more than 30 masters into context.

97,50 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SBSOMIBOkart

Life and Games of a World Champion

The games of Mikhail Botvinnik, world chess champion from 1948 to 1963, have been studied by players around the world for decades. But little has been written about Botvinnik himself. This book explores his unusual dual career--as a highly regarded scientist as well as the first truly professional chess player--as well as his complex relations with Soviet leaders, including Josef Stalin, his bitter rivalries, and his doomed effort to create the perfect chess-playing computer program.

53,95 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SBHASTINLOkart

A Chess Biography with 623 Games

Drawing on new research, this first biography of William Steinitz (18361900), the first World Chess Champion, covers his early life and career, with a fully-sourced collection of his known games until he left London in 1882. A portrait of mid-Victorian British chess is provided, including a history of the famous Simpson’s Divan.

58,50 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SBVETHLIANGAkart

Second revised & extended edition

Here is what has been added to this edition: More accurate and more extensive annotations, computer-assisted. Every game has been examined under Stockfish 14, probably the best analytical engine available for home computers at this time. For the first edition we had only Fritz 4 and 5, which compare to Stockfish like a Model T Ford to a Ferrari, and many games were given no computer examination at all.

39,50 / Byte *

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Artikel-Nr.: SBVETHLIANGAgeb

Second revised & extended edition

Here is what has been added to this edition: More accurate and more extensive annotations, computer-assisted. Every game has been examined under Stockfish 14, probably the best analytical engine available for home computers at this time. For the first edition we had only Fritz 4 and 5, which compare to Stockfish like a Model T Ford to a Ferrari, and many games were given no computer examination at all.

44,95 *

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The Fascinating Games and Tragic Life of...

Almost as fascinating as chess is the community of chess players. In every major city in the world, you are guaranteed to meet interesting people when you walk into a local chess club or chess cafe. This book pays tribute to one of those characters who gave colour to the chess world, the Russian grandmaster Alexey Vyzhmanavin.

24,95 *

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Now in Hardcover - limited edition

In this modern chess classic, the great David Bronstein shares his insights in his wonderful games. The revised and expanded edition that was published in 2009, two years after Bronstein passed away, is now released in hardcover. The expanded edition contains additional material, 32 pages of unique photographs, extensive articles by Bronstein himself, and two moving In Memoriams, one by Bronstein’s widow Tatiana Boleslavskaya and one by his co-author and friend Tom Fürstenberg. Winner of The Guardian 2009 Chess Book of the Year Award and The British Chess Federation 1995 Book of the Year Award.

37,95 *

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The Growing Pains of a Chess Genius

Spielmann had comments on all the games that he gave the moves for. The treasure of the book is his introductory comments to each game. That was the point of the book. It was not to analyze all the moves or even most. Just where he felt it was worth mentioning.

23,95 *

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A Chess Memoi

American-Czech Grandmaster Lubomir Kavalek (1943-2021) was a three-time US Chess Champion and one of the best chess writers of the last decades. He reached millions of chess fans with his much-acclaimed columns in the Washington Post and the Huffington Post.

34,95 *
Artikel-Nr.: SBVOBOFI

Eine Schachlegende zwischen Genie und Wahnsinn

Wichtige Information!

Das Buch beinhaltet keine Schachpartien !

Es zeichnet die schachliche Laufbahn Fischrs, vom Anfang seines Schachlebens bis zu seinem bitteren Ende.

22,00 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SBFOLA 1

World Chess Champion for 27 Years

001 Chapter 1 - A Biographical Compass: Part 1 (Michael Negele)
051 Chapter 2 - Ancestors, Family, and Childho450 Seiten, Leinen mit Goldprägung, 1. Auflage 2018od (Wolfgang Kamm and Tomasz Lissowski)
101 Chapter 3 - Lasker in Great Britain (Tony Gillam)
145 Chapter 4 - Lasker: The American Views (John Hilbert)
187 Chapter 5 - Lasker and Mathematics (Joachim Rosenthal)
223 Chapter 6 - Lasker's Endgame Studies (Jürgen Fleck)
239 Chapter 7 - Lasker's Chess Problems (Ralf Binnewirtz)
257 Chapter 8 - The Battle Lasker vs. Tarrasch (Raj Tischbierek)
329 Chapter 9 - Dominator of the Chess World (Mihail Marin)

450 Seiten, englisch, Leinen mit Goldprägung, 1. Auflage 2018


55,00 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SBFOEMLA2

World Chess Champion for 27 Years

Biographie in englisch in drei Teilen


464 Seiten, 188 Fotos, Leinen mit Goldprägung, englisch, 1. Auflage 2020.

59,00 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SBFOEMLA3

Chess, Philosophy, and Psychology

This final volume of the Lasker trilogy covers the later part of his life from 1914 onwards and his manifolds ambitions and writings in chess and science. The biographical compass by Richard Forster shows the ups and downs of the world champion during World War I, his loss of the world championship, the subsequent economic crisis in Germany, the raise of the Nazis, and Lasker’s escape, illustrated with dozens of private documents and letters

64,00 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SBKOSC

Die Schachgeschichte kennt viele bedeutende Spieler. Sie begeisterten die Welt mit ihrem Können und ihrer Phantasie. Der gehaltvolle Zeitvertreib Schach wurde durch sie zur Kunst und auch zu einem angesehenen Sport. Doch viele Schachhelden von einst sind heute vergessen!

20,00 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SBKAYEBYYEV2geb


International Master Tibor Karolyi and FIDE Master Tigran Gyozalyan have written a comprehensive two-volume treatise on the life and games of Tigran Petrosian, who was world champion from 1963-1969. The present Volume II takes the reader on a journey from Tigran’s victory in the 1963 world title match against Mikhail Botvinnik, when he firmly established himself as the best player in the world, through his next two title matches against Boris Spassky in 1966 and 1969 and subsequent candidates matches against Bobby Fischer, Victor Korchnoi and other world-class players of the era. It covers all his tournaments and matches of the second half of his career, ending with his final games in 1983.

41,50 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SBKAYEBYYEV2kart


International Master Tibor Karolyi and FIDE Master Tigran Gyozalyan have written a comprehensive two-volume treatise on the life and games of Tigran Petrosian, who was world champion from 1963-1969. The present Volume II takes the reader on a journey from Tigran’s victory in the 1963 world title match against Mikhail Botvinnik, when he firmly established himself as the best player in the world, through his next two title matches against Boris Spassky in 1966 and 1969 and subsequent candidates matches against Bobby Fischer, Victor Korchnoi and other world-class players of the era. It covers all his tournaments and matches of the second half of his career, ending with his final games in 1983.

33,95 *

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The Enigmatic Rashid Nezhmetdinov

Rashid Nezhmetdinov (1912-1974) played fearless attacking chess. With his dazzling style, the Soviet master already was a legend during his lifetime, but international fame largely eluded him. Only once did he get permission to show his exceptional talent in a tournament abroad.

29,95 *

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And some Stories

Robert (“Bobby”) Fischer was the great revolutionary in the history of chess in the twentieth century. Thanks to his dazzling career and his demands for better conditions for players, chess was popularised and was converted into a professional activity with many offshoots. His practically single-handed struggle to overthrow Soviet domination of the world of chess is an achievement difficult to match.

24,95 *

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The story in more than 200 photos

Magnus Carlsen: A Life in Pictures tells the story of the reigning World Chess Champion. Magnus Carlsen, born in 1990 in Oslo, Norway, became a Grandmaster by 13. Carlsen was crowned World Champion in 2013, when he defeated Anand and has successfully defended his title three times. He will again play for the title in November in Dubai.

29,95 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SBLANEMO

Ian Nepomniachtchi, challenger to Magnus Carlsen’s World Championship title in 2021, is an outstanding chess talent. “Nepo” as he is universally known is a fascinating player and this book assesses his career and analyses his original and creative style in great depth with numerous deeply annotated games.

24,95 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SBKAMEGRVO1-7kart

Die herausragenden Partien der Weltmeister

Das Jahrhundertwerk für alle ­Schach­freunde jetzt als Sonderausgabe in Paperback!

Dieses Jahrhundertwerk des 13. Weltmeisters mit seinen faszinierenden Analysen der bedeutendsten Partien der besten Spieler aller Zeiten ist die Einladung zu einer Zeitreise in die letzten 200 Jahre Schachgeschichte

99,00 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SBKAMEGRVO7kart

Anatoli Karpow

Der siebte Band, der dem zwölften Weltmeister Anatoli Karpow und seinem historischen Gegner Viktor Kortschnoi gewidmet ist, bildet den krönenden Abschluss des Jahrhundertwerkes von Garri Kasparow "Meine großen Vorkämpfer ... “

25,00 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SBKAMEGRVO6kart

Robert James Fischer

Robert James Fischer, geboren 1943 in Chicago, gilt als der rastloseste und rätselhafteste König des Schachs. Der energische Stil des einstigen Wunderkindes glich dem "eines Mörders auf dem Schachbrett“: eine ungeheure Zielstrebigkeit und ein ungestümer Drang, alles aus dem Weg zu räumen, was sich ihm entgegenstellt

25,00 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SBKAMEGRVO5kart

Tigran Petrosjan, (1963 bis 1969) – Als perfekter Sohn seiner Zeit übertraf Tigran Petrosjan selbst Botwinnik in Konformismus, Reserviertheit und Vorsicht, den weit verbreiteten Tugenden der damaligen Sowjetmenschen. 1929 in Tiflis geboren und in armen Verhältnissen aufgewachsen fand er dank Talent und Besonnenheit, den in seiner Epoche genau richtigen Eigenschaften, seinen Weg zum Ruhm als Weltmeister. Petrosjan starb 1984.

19,95 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SBKAMEGRVO4kart

Wassili Smyslow, Michail Ta

Wassili Smyslow (1957 bis 1958) – Im Gegensatz zu Botwinnik wirkt der positionelle Schachstil Wassili Smyslows leicht und anmutig. 1921 in Moskau geboren, hat er sich auch nie dem Kornmunismus verschrieben, sondem eine Religiosität bewahrt, die das Wiederaufleben der russischen Orthodoxie vorwegnahm. Als Sänger, der es beinahe in die Bolschoi-Oper geschafft hätte, weiß er, wovon er spricht, wenn er sagt: "Der Schachkünstler muss breit und kreativ nach neuen Wegen suchen“. Smyslow lebt in Moskau.

19,95 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SBKAMEGRVO3kart.

Michail Botwinnik

Michail Botwinnik (1948 bis 1957, 1958 bis 1960, 1961 bis 1963) – 1911 in St. Petersburg geboren, war Michail Botwinnik seit seiner Jugend ein überzeugter Kommunist, der es später verstand, sich bestens mit dem Stalin-Regime zu arrangieren. Als Professor der Elektrotechnik beschäftigte er sich auch mit Computerschach, doch berühmt wurde der Patriarch, wie ihn alle nannten, als Begründer der legendären Sowjetischen Schachschule, in die er raffiniertes Eröffnungswissen, exzellente Endspieltechnik und die Kunst der psychologischen Vorbereitung einbrachte. Botwinnnik starb 1995 in Moskau.


184 Seiten, kartoniert,  2021

19,95 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SBKAMEGRVO2kart

Capablanca, Aljechin, Euwe

José Raoul Capablanca (1921 bis 1927) – Der Kubaner, geboren 1888, galt als begnadeter Spieler, dem mit Leichtigkeit gelang, was sich andere hart erarbeiten mussten. Traumwandlerisch sicher wusste er in jeder Stellung, auf welche Felder die Figuren gehören und war kaum zu schlagen. Das Publikum mochte ihn aber auch als Darling der Frauen und liebte sein kultiviertes Auftreten und seinen extravaganten Lebensstil. 1942 starb er in New York.

19,95 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SBKAMEGRVO1kart.

Steinitz, Lasker u. Philidor etc.Die bedeutendsten Partien der besten Schachspieler aller Zeiten, analysiert von Garri Kasparow

Die Idee von Garri Kasparow ist faszinierend: Eine Zeitreise in die letzten 200 Jahre Schachgeschichte! Sein im wahrsten Sinn des Wortes Jahrhundertwerk hält, was es verspricht, denn es erzählt unglaublich originell vom Schicksal der großen Schachmeister und dem erbitterten Kampf um die Schachkrone. Seine ganz persönliche Sicht der Dinge garantiert damit nicht nur den ca. 100.000 im deutschen Sprachraum organisierten Schachspielern Hochspannung.

19,95 *

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Life and Games of a Grandmaster

Albin Planinc was born in the middle of the Second World War, on 18th April 1944, in the little village of Brise, near the small town of Zagorje ob Savi, approximately 30 kilometers from Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia. He spent his childhood with his mother Ljudmila (unofficially Milka), a simple, uneducated woman who earned money from various unskilled jobs.

32,95 *

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* Preise inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand
31 - 60 von 156 Ergebnissen