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Artikel-Nr.: SBIVCHPA

Strategy and Tactics

Learn from the legacy of one of the most talented players to ever grace the chess world.

All elements of the game explained in an easy-to-digest and highly entertaining fashion.

Dear readers, it is both our solemn duty and exceptional honour to present you a collection of Ivkov’s instructive explorations on various chess themes. In this book you will find a great number of intriguing anecdotes casting a new light on some of the greatest chess players of all time, and some lesser known heroes of our bellowed game.

32,95 *

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The Essential Skills for a Forceful Finale

Any good chess coach will tell you to study the endgame. Improving your knowledge of the ‘third phase’ in a chess game will bring you many extra half or even full points.

34,95 *

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Grandmaster Knowledge

The most hated cliché in chess is: And the rest is a matter of technique. In A Matter of Endgame Technique Grandmaster Jacob Aagaard deals with one of the few things chessplayers hate even more – losing a winning position. No serious chessplayer is new to the misery of spoiling hours of hard work in a few minutes...

44,95 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SBSCENST

Revised and Expanded Edition

In this widely acclaimed chess classic, Russian trainer Mikhail Shereshevsky explains how to master the most important endgame principles. Where other endgame manuals focus on the basics and theoretical endgames, this book teaches the ‘big ideas’ that will help you find the most promising and most practical moves in any endgame.

34,95 *

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Chess Endgame Magic & Tactics 1

003 Introduction

004 Chapter 1: White to Play and Win Studies

075 Chapter 2: Drawing Studies

145 Chapter 3: Composed Mating Problems

153 Chapter 4: Practical Rook Endings

160 Chapter 5: Real Life

184 Index of Study Co-composers

184 Index of Opponents


190 Seiten, kartoniert, 1. Auflage 2022

22,95 *

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29,95 €
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Artikel-Nr.: SBJU100MAINTW

Headingly Hard

This book might cause a headache!

Warning! The book contains 100 really hard mate-in-two puzzles by one of the best chess composers to have lived. You might get severely challenged while solving these puzzles.

About Sam Loyd

11,50 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SBJUTHTALA1

Do you want to try out a new systematic chess training method? If yes, then read here:

The Tactics Ladder

Many improving players are told to use either the Yusupov's 9-book series or the Woodpecker-book to improve their tactical skills. These books are however quite hard for most intermediate players. The idea behind the woodpecker method is quite interesting, which is to repeat the puzzles 7 times in cycles. The book however only has 222 easy puzzles, before the level gets harder.

11,50 *

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The Eternal Battle (with other pieces)

Bishop or knight? An eternal dilemma!

The legendary Bobby Fischer would likely vote for the bishop. Other authorities like Nimzowitsch would prefer the knight. The truth is somewhere in the middle. Of course, it is clear a bishop usually dominates in open positions while the knight should be preferred in blocked positions.
But what does that "usually" mean? Are there exceptions

28,95 *

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A World Champion’s Favorite Studies

Sergei Tkachenko, a member of the Ukrainian team that won the 5th World Chess Composition Tournament in 1997 and which came second in 2000, 2004, 2013, and 2017, has collected 100 studies whose common theme is that white ends up with just two bishops in the finale, yet manages to win or draw.

10,95 *

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A World Champion’s Favorite Studies

Sergei Tkachenko, a member of the Ukrainian team that won the 5th World Chess Composition Tournament in 1997 and which came second in 2000, 2004, 2013, and 2017, has collected 100 studies whose common theme is that white ends up with just two knights in the finale, yet manages to win or draw.

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Artikel-Nr.: SBVI100ENPA

Recognize Key Moves and Motifs

If you are aware of endgame patterns, you spot key moves quicker, analyse and calculate better, avoid making errors and memorize what you have studied more fully.

Most of the patterns Jesus de la Villa presents in this new book are from the phase of the game just before a theoretical endgame turns up. Knowing these practical endgame fundamentals will enable you to fully reap the benefits of what you learned in De la Villa’s widely acclaimed classic 100 Endgames You Must Know.

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Edited by Karsten Muller and Alex Fishbein

The FastTrack to Endgame Expertise!

Since it first appeared in 2003, Dvoretsky’s Endgame Manual has been acclaimed as the best single volume ever written on the endgame. With staggering depth and accuracy, it clearly reveals the secrets of this most important stage of the game.

One of the unique characteristics of the Endgame Manual has been the highlighting of text considered to be essential to the understanding of endgame theory. The late, great trainer Mark Dvoretsky carefully selected the text to be highlighted so that players at all levels could benefit from this monumental work.

18,95 *

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How to Create a Deadly Attack on the King

Attacking your opponent’s king is not just a shortcut to victory, it’s also one of the most enjoyable and gratifying experiences in chess. If you want to win more games you should become a better attacker. Studying typical attacking motifs and ideas easily brings dividends while you are having a good time.

22,95 *

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von Petrosjan bis Carlsen

Da die Schachweltmeister natürlich in allen Bereichen des Spiels herausragen, kann man von ihrem Können am meisten lernen, und es versteht sich von selbst, dass das Endspiel diesbezüglich keine Ausnahme bildet. Ganz gleich, ob sie renommierte Taktiker oder hervorragende Positionsspieler waren - ganz gleich, ob sie ihre Eröffnungen in aller Tiefe analysierten oder diese eher intuitiv spielten: Es ist vollkommen ausgeschlossen, dass einer von ihnen den höchsten Titel hätte erlangen können, wenn er nicht auch die Endspielphase weltmeisterlich beherrscht hätte.

29,80 *

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von Steinitz bis Tal

Da die Schachweltmeister natürlich in allen Bereichen des Spiels herausragen, kann man von ihrem Können am meisten lernen, und es versteht sich von selbst, dass das Endspiel diesbezüglich keine Ausnahme bildet. Ganz gleich, ob sie renommierte Taktiker oder hervorragende Positionsspieler waren - ganz gleich, ob sie ihre Eröffnungen in aller Tiefe analysierten oder diese eher intuitiv spielten: Es ist vollkommen ausgeschlossen, dass einer von ihnen den höchsten Titel hätte erlangen können, wenn er nicht auch die Endspielphase weltmeisterlich beherrscht hätte.

29,80 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SBIV2020ENMA

Dear readers and Informant aficionados, this book is intended to be a companion volume to our 2020 PUZZLE QUEST. Our primary intention was to provide you with as much quality material for self-study as possible. So, it was quite natural to present to you a book with a complete coverage of most instructive and entertaining endgames that were played in 2020

27,50 *

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Goethe once wrote, “Everything is both simpler than we can imagine, and more complicated than we can conceive.” He could well have had chess endgames in mind. Endgames have fewer pieces on the board than middlegames but this does not necessarily make them “easier” to play or understand.

23,95 *

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A Memoir of Players, Games and Engines

Larry Kaufman can safely be called an exceptional chess grandmaster

Larry Kaufman started out as a prodigy, however not in chess but as a whizz kid in science and math. He excels at shogi (Japanese chess) and Go, and is also a world-famous computer programmer and a highly successful option trader. Remarkably, as a chess player he only peaked at the weirdly late age of fifty.

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Artikel-Nr.: SBZLBIVEKN1

The Eternal Battle

Bishop or knight? An eternal dilemma! The legendary Bobby Fischer would likely vote for the bishop. Other authorities like Nimzowitsch would prefer the knight. The truth is somewhere in the middle. Of course, it is clear a bishop usually dominates in open positions while the knight should be preferred in blocked positions.

27,95 *

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5. Auflage des legendären Endspielklassikers.


Das Endspiel-Standardwerk des berühmten Schachtrainers. Der Erfolgsautor und Toptrainer bietet mit seiner Endspieluniversität einen kompakten und umfassenden Überblick über alle wichtigen Endspielthemen. In jeder Endspielgattung werden die entscheidenden Verfahren und Prinzipien von außerordentlich tiefschürfenden und hochklassigen Analysen begleitet. Dworetski gelingt hier das Kunststück, aus der verwirrenden Vielfalt des Endspiels klare Essenz zu destillieren.

31,90 *

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The Daunting Domain of Queen Endgames Explained!

Knowing the abilities and limitations of the powerful queen is very valuable for mastering the secrets of the royal game, and this can be studied best in the endgame.

Queen endgames are very difficult, if only for purely mathematical reasons – the queen is the most mobile peace in chess, and the amount of possible options is incomparably higher than in any other type of endgames.

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Artikel-Nr.: SBJUEFEN

Das dritte Trainingswerk der Erfolgsautoren und Spitzentrainer erscheint nun in einer neuen Auflage. Zeitgemäße Veränderungen wurden vorgenommen.
Durch die veränderten Regeln im Turniersport, muss eine Entscheidung des Partieverlaufs am Schachbrett während des Turniers gefällt werden. Ohne ausgezeichnete Kenntnisse und ohne das Verständnis der Endspielgesetze ist es schwer, diese Aufgabe zu bewältigen. Dieses Buch soll allen Spielern helfen, schnell Erfolge am Schachbrett zu haben

18,90 *

In Decision Making in Major Piece Endings former World Championship Challenger Boris Gelfand discusses his path to decision making in endgames involving rooks or queens, as well as the often neglected “4th Phase.” Countless games are decided by good or bad technique in such endgames, so readers are certain to benefit from the insights of a world-class Grandmaster on this vital topic.

29,40 *

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In Technical Decision Making in Chess former World Championship Challenger Boris Gelfand discusses his path to decision making in endgames and positions where one side possesses a structural or material advantage. This investigation into a top Grandmaster’s technical understanding will illuminate difficult parts of the game that many players find elusive. Concepts like the “Zone of one mistake” are certain to be a revelation to many.

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444 endgame positions to entertain and instruct

Everyone knows they should work on their endgame play. So many hard-earned advantages are squandered in "simple" endings... But it´s tough finding a way to study endings that doesn´t send you to sleep and that helps you actually remember and apply what you have learnt.

20,00 *

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Endgame studies and mating Problems to enhance your tactical ability

Rewire Your Chess Brain is not your average chess book. It does not deal with opening theory or middlegame strategy. It focuses purely on problems and studies, all of which are the results of artificial construction rather than scenes from real-life battles.

27,40 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SBMÜMAEN

Dies ist das letzte Ergebnis der Zusammenarbeit zwischen dem Bremer Schachtrainer und Analytiker FM Claus Dieter Meyer (1946-2020) und GM Dr. Karsten Müller. C.D.Meyer wollte zum Abschluss noch ein Werk über Endspiele bringen.

Im Mittelpunkt stehen dabei Themen wie Matt, Patt, Zugzwang und Turmendspiele. Der Fokus liegt auf Beispielen, in denen Magie mit Lehrreichem verbunden wird, so dass auch viele Faustregeln und fast noch wichtiger Ausnahmen gebracht werden.

24,80 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SBGA101ENCR

This endgame tactics textbook by Grandmaster Alexander Galkin, who was named Children's Trainer of the Year in 2016 by the Russian Chess Federation, provides a large volume of practical knowledge. The vast majority of chess combination textbooks contain a selection of positions and exercises where the student is asked to find a tactic or carry out an attack against the enemy king. That way, they learn to develop their combinational vision and ability to attack. However, there is not much focus on the mistake by one of the players that led to the critical position where the combination or decisive attack became possible.

17,95 *

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Efstratios Grivas (30.03.1966) is a highly experienced chess trainer and author. He has been awarded by FIDE the titles of GM, Senior Trainer, International Chess Arbiter and International Chess Organiser. His main successes over the board are the Silver Medal Olympiad 1988 (3rd board), the Gold Medal European Team Championship 1989 (3rd board) and the 4th pl ace World Junior Championship U20 1985.

31,95 €
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31 - 60 von 103 Ergebnissen