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151 - 180 von 230 Ergebnissen

When was the last time you won a perfect game? A game that wasn’t tainted by inferior moves?

Every chess player knows that smooth wins are the exception, that play is often chaotic and positions are frequently irrational. The road to victory is generally full of bumps and misadventures. Welcome to the world of imperfection!

22,95 *

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Chess has very strict, but also fairly simple, rules: rapid development, control of the center with pawns or pieces, timely castling and defense of the king, the creation of various weaknesses in the opponent’s position, attacking those weaknesses, and control of open lines. At the same time a player shouldn’t get his queen stuck in the enemy camp, or ruin his own pawn structure. Those who know these rules will succeed. It is necessary for a chess player to know opening and endgame theory, standard combinations and motifs, as well as pawn structures and many other things.

28,95 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SBEHGROPPR kart

There are hundreds of opening books available, full of deep analysis, but many of them fail to explain the reasons for choosing one computer line over another. And how top players distinguish between good and bad opening lines remains a mystery to most of the chess world.

25,99 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SBMCCOYO

Many players are serious about their chess but become stuck at a certain playing strength. It’s rarely a lack of talent or practice or opening knowledge that holds them back. Usually they get left behind because they don’t know how to make best use of the time they have available to study chess.

22,95 *

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The First Volume of the Power of Pieces Series examines the Bishop.


In his new, ground-breaking series, The Power of the Pieces, Belorussian grandmaster Sergey Kasparov examines the strengths, weaknesses and overall characteristics of each piece on the chessboard.

This first volume in the series is about the bishop. Its role in the opening, middlegame and endgame is discussed in detail, amply supported by over 140 examples from tournament praxis.

23,50 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SB MIMO THCE

A modern strategy guide


There is a blank spot in the huge world of chess literature: systematically presented middle- game. Th erefore authors, both long-term chess trainers, decided to fi ll this vacuum. With a series of books about the middle-game, we would like to present diff erent topics of chess tactics and strategy in a slightly diff erent way. Books, which will be published in the coming years as part of the series, are planned to cover all frequently discussed themes, as well as many others topics — those about which chess players and also trainers usually do not think as deeply as they should in order to achieve better results.

24,95 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SBBRSTSC

Finden Sie den richtigen Plan und überspielen Sie Ihren Gegner


n Schachaufgabenbüchern geht es üblicherweise um die Taktik. In den meisten Fällen jedoch, wenn man während einer Partie über die Stellung brütet, gibt es keine taktische Lösung. Hauptsächlich denkt man darüber nach, wie man seine eigene Stellung verbessern und zugleich die des Gegners schwächen kann.

Der erfahrene Schachtrainer Emmanuel Bricard hat ein praktisches Aufgabenbuch mit sorgfältig ausgewählten und getesteten Trainingsstellungen zusammengestellt, die Sie darin unterrichten, wie man den jeweils richtigen Plan entwickelt. Das Buch wendet sich alle, die sich folgendes wünschen:

19,80 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SOSBEN300MOIM

A great little book of understanding the most important chess positions in the opening of a game, the middle game and the endgame. It cuts to the chase on the most useful positions at all those stages. Perfect for players who want to reach a higher level but don’t have time to sit for hours and hours each week in less productive study.

16,95 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SB LEF&FARSCH


Mit dem Fritz & Fertig Schach-Lernprogramm für Kinder haben weltweit hunderttausende Kinder Schach gelernt. Jetzt gibt es das Fritz & Fertig Schüler-Arbeitsheft für den Schulunterricht! In diesem Heft wird alles so erklärt, dass du es in jedem Fall verstehst, egal ob du Fritz & Fertig kennst oder nicht: Erklärungen und Übungen zu den Gang- und Schlagarten aller Figuren, Matt & Patt, Sonderregeln, Benimmschule, Mattmotive, Tipps & Tricks für die Übungen in der Fritz & Fertig Software, tolle Lernspiele u.v.m.

9,90 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SBLACLIT

How to Convert an Advantage into a Win in Chess


How good are you at bringing in the full point when you hold a clear advantage or are just plain winning? Pondering this question may well evoke some painful memories. Perhaps the single greatest frustration for club-level chess players is that time and again they see wins turn into draws or even losses.

24,95 *

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22,50 €
14,50 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SB JU/DWEFER


Geheimnisse und Tipps aus einer neuen Schachschule.

Das vorliegende Werk des erfolgreichen Autorengespanns Jussupow und Dworetski, nun in der 6. Auflage erschienen, wendet sich an Spieler, die die Anfangsgründe des Schachs hinter sich gelassen haben und sich vertiefend dem Thema Eröffnungsbehandlung widmen möchten.

24,80 *

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Ein lehrreicher Streifzug durch die Jugendmeisterschaften der letzen Jahre

Übersetzung des bei New In Chess erschienenen Titels Super Chess Kids

Während die Schachwelt ihr Interesse zumeist auf die Großmeister und Weltmeister von heute konzentriert, richtet der Italiener Franco Zaninotto (ein FIDE-Meister und erfahrener Schachtrainer) sein Hauptaugenmerk auf die Altersgruppe, aus der die Großmeister und Weltmeister von morgen hervorgehen werden - nämlich die der Schüler und Jugendlichen bis zum Höchstalter von 14 Jahren.

19,80 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SBDWCHLE

Solving Problems and Avoiding Mistakes


In this, his penultimate work, legendary chess instructor Mark Dvoretsky (1947-2016) explores identifying and dealing with problems on the chessboard.

While working on the games that I have included in this book, I have sought to uncover their core ideas which are important for a chessplayer?s improvement and demonstrate them as vividly as possible. Those may include both approaches to playing out certain typical situations and mastering various positional and tactical ideas, as well as improving technical skills and training an ability to search for decisions and to make them on the basis of the precise calculation of variations.

22,50 €
14,95 *

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Is chess a logical game? What constitutes an advantage in chess? How can we set problems and create psychologically difficult situations for the opponent? These are big questions, and Erik Kislik tackles them and others head-on in this thought-provoking, thoroughly modern, and original work.

He answers the first of those questions with a resounding ‘yes!’. His assessments focus on concrete points: pawn-structure, material imbalance and compensation. Even though the analytical proofs may be complex, he repeatedly shows that these elements are the keys to evaluating positions and forming plans.

22,50 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SBEHGROPPR geb

There are hundreds of opening books available, full of deep analysis, but many of them fail to explain the reasons for choosing one computer line over another. And how top players distinguish between good and bad opening lines remains a mystery to most of the chess world.

29,99 *

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The most significant difference between a grandmaster and a club player is not simply that the grandmaster calculates more accurately, but rather that he sees more deeply. This book invites you beneath the surface, where you can learn to navigate the depths of chess. Jan Markos shows how a strong player perceives chess, which features of a position he focuses on, and how he thinks at the board.

29,99 *

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9,80 *

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Win Like the World’s Young Champions


If you want to improve in chess you often find instructional material based on games played long ago by old masters with who you have no affinity at all. Franco Zaninotto has a different approach. He knows from experience how stimulating it is to study the games of the best players in your peer group.

14,95 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SBSHME

Two instructional classics condensed into one practical volume

In 2014 the Russian Chess Federation started a wide-ranging programme aimed at the revival of chess in Russia. One of the first actions that were taken was commissioning legendary Belarusian chess coach Mikhail Shereshevsky to recapitulate and condense his famous training methods.

25,95 *

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Three brilliant books from Everyman Chess in One volume and an essential guide to to the new chess player.

  • Starting Out in Chess by Byron Jacobs
  • Rapid Chess Improvement by Michael de la Maza
  • Tips for Young Players by Matthew Sadler

Starting Out in Chess: International Master Byron Jacobs provides a thorough grounding of the game. This is the first book in the Starting Out series and is for newcomers to chess and those looking to improve their game.

20,95 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SBKOSCTR


Alexander Koblenz, der langjährige Trainer und Vertraute von Michail Tal (WM 1960-61), präsentiert in diesem Buch einen Schachkurs in 16 Lektionen, den er seinerzeit in Riga abgehalten hat.
Er widmet sich thematisch der Mittelspielstrategie und -taktik sowie ausgewählten Endspielfragen, die in Partien und Partiefragmenten erläutert werden. Der Kurs integriert zwölf Übungseinheiten mit je sechs Aufgaben, die mit keiner spezifischen Forderung verknüpft und selbstständig vom Leser zu meistern sind; die zugehörigen Lösungen sind jeweils den einzelnen „Praktikumsteilen" nachgestellt.



19,80 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SB AAGRVEAMgeb

Learn to think like a grandmaster.

A multinational array of top grandmasters explain the differences in thinking between professional and amateur chess players, and how the amateur can bridge the gap.

It usually takes at least a decade of sustained effort for even the most talented player to reach the grandmaster level and though this book cannot guarantee to make the reader a grandmaster, it is certainly a healthy nudge in the right direction.

29,95 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SB DWO FR

Dvoretsky: Für Freunde und Kollegen, Bd.1


27,90 *

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In Thinking Inside the Box Jacob Aagaard describes his chess improvement philosophy, developed over more than twenty years of thinking about one question: How do we make better decisions at the chess board?

As the final volume in the award-winning Grandmaster Preparation series, this book unifies the concepts of the previous five books and delves into such topics as:

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Artikel-Nr.: SB LITEYOCH

Compilation of the following three titles:

- First Challenge

- Master Challenge

- Grandmaster Challenge


Russian chess trainer Livshitz, who has had extensive experience teaching a wide range of players from novices to masters, presents here a course for developing your combinational skill, based on the recognition of tactical motifs.

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Artikel-Nr.: SB FLIMYOCH

Opening, Middlegame and Endgame Play


Zusammenstellung der folgenden Titel:

- Improve Your Opening Play von Chris Ward

- Improve Your Middlegame Play von Andrew Kinsman

- Improve Your Endgame Play von Glenn Flear



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Artikel-Nr.: SB EUMEGEME


Meister gegen Meister ist der dritte Band einer längst klassisch zu nennenden Trilogie, die mit den beiden ersten Bänden Meister gegen Amateur und Amateur wird Meister ein grundlegendes Lehrwerk der gehobenen Partieführung im Schach darstellt. Der hier vorliegende Band enthält die ursprünglichen 25 Partien aus dem Zeitraum 1970-75 sowie 5 ergänzende Partien aus den Jahren 2008-2010.

22,80 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SB MÜKAMÜPO

Teste verbessere deine positionellen Fähigkeiten


Das Positionsspiel unterscheidet sich grundlegend vom Kombinationsspiel, das durch taktische Manöver einen schnellen Materialgewinn oder das Matt anvisiert. Das Positionsspiel zielt hingegen darauf ab, die Stellung allmählich zu verbessern, bis diese für einen entscheidenden Schlag reif ist. Bei dieser Schritt-für-Schritt-Strategie ist in der Regel keine präzise Berechnung oder abschließende Bewertung der Abspiele möglich.

27,80 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SB SCYOOPIS


A practical guide to inducing errors

Which opening does better in practice: the wild, “unsound” and “refuted” Latvian Gambit (1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 f5) or the solid Philidor Defence (1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 d6)?

As James Schuyler points out, referring to the definitive Megabase, the Latvian Gambit scores higher.

How can such a discredited opening (and the same story is repeated with other “unsound” openings) do so well? The point is that playing like this throws the opponent off balance, makes them anxious and induces mistakes.

22,50 *

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* Preise inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand
151 - 180 von 230 Ergebnissen