
Axel Smith : The Woodpecker Method 2

Artikel-Nr.: SBSMTHWOME2

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The Woodpecker Method means solving a large number of puzzles over a period of weeks; then solving the same puzzles again and again, faster each time. This will program the unconscious mind, improving both accuracy and speed of one’s decision-making.

The Woodpecker Method 2 contains 1000 positional exercises and solutions, with detailed guidance on how to gain maximal benefit from them. All exercises have been checked and rechecked using the latest engines, as well as tested for valuable human feedback among others by GM Nodirbek Abdusattorov, who ascended to 4th in the world rankings after working through this book.

GM Axel Smith used The Woodpecker Method as one of his tools to jump from a 2100 FIDE rating to becoming a Grandmaster. More of his ideas on chess improvement can be found in the award-winning Pump Up Your Rating, and his other acclaimed books.


384 Seiten, gebunden, Quality, 1. Auflage 2024

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