When Grandmaster Viktor Moskalenko started playing the Budapest many years ago, its all-round appeal struck him, and since then he has won many games with it. This book contains quite a few of Moskalenko’s own games, as well as games by other star players from the past and the present. They illustrate perfectly the dynamic character of this gambit as well as its solid strategic foundations.
Moskalenko does not shower you with long computer-generated variations but clearly explains the plans for both White and Black.
This New Edition is completely reworked and fully updated from the original 2007 publication; it has been extended by 25% and contains new analysis, new games, new ideas and lots of novelties.
288 Seiten, kartoniert, englisch, 2. bearbeitete und erweiterte Auflage 2017,
Erstauflage 2007.
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