Benjamin Glover Laws : The Two-Move Chess Problem (AGBC 16)

Artikel-Nr.: SBLATHTW16

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In this work by the renowned writer, editor, and chess problem composer, B. G. Laws (1861-1931) goes over the details involved in composing two-move chess problems, both from practical and aesthetical perspectives, and for all the details that go into making a chess problem work. In addition to the detailed discussion of chess problems, there is a section with problems by many of the leading composers of his time. In this new edition, FIDE Master Carsten Hansenthoroughly reanalyzed all of the compositions and analyses and made the material accessible to modern readers and fans of chess problems.


115 Seiten, kartoniert, Reprint, CarstenChess, 1. Auflage 2024, original erschienen 1890

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