Learn to Defend and Strike Back with Venom The book about defense is created as an endeavor to help players who struggle with this very difficult set of chess skills. How to organize a proper defense? How to perry opponent’s threats and thwart his plans? How to create a strong counter-attack? The book contains detailed examples and advice on: |
36,95 €
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Artikel-Nr.: SBLIKEELOFSTkart
Georgy Lisitsin (1909-72) was a respected Soviet master, theoretician and writer. In 1958 he published a revised edition of his most ambitious work, entitled Strategy and Tactics of Chess, which became one of the most legendary manuals in the Soviet chess school, and no doubt one of the books that motivated the young Bobby Fischer to learn Russian. |
24,99 €
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Artikel-Nr.: SB Mauricio Flores Rios: Chess Structures geb
A Grandmaster Guide
Mauricio Flores Rios provides an in-depth study of the 28 most common structures in chess practice. In Chess Structures - A Grandmaster Guide you will find:
29,99 €
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Artikel-Nr.: SBAANMESY
Eines der berühmtesten Lehrbücher der Schachgeschichte DER Klassiker des modernen Poditionsspiels, sorgfältig bearbeitet von Matthias Vettel. Edle, dem zeitlosen Titel gerecht werdenden Ausführung im Großformat mit Festeinband, hochwertiger Fadenheftung, Schutzumschlag und Leseband. 415 Seiten, gebunden mit Leseband, Niggemann, 2022, original erschienen 1925 Information ! |
29,95 €
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Find your role model This book contains games from every single female World Champion, as well as young up and comers, top seasoned professionals, streamers, and even a section at Beth Harmon from the recent famed Queen’s Gambit hit show. |
34,95 €
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Artikel-Nr.: SBAPRCHTU2
Elements of Strategy and Tactics for Club Players PRACTICAL CHESS TUTOR - FROM BASIC TO MASTERY 2 is a complete manual of chess strategy for club players, with some introductory tactical themes at the very end of the book. All the crucial elements of strategy are examined in great detail by examining the most instructive classical and modern games (100 games in total). |
31,95 €
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Artikel-Nr.: SBMOTHLIIVkart
Practical Exercises: Tactics, Strategy, Endgames Think Like Ivanchuk is a celebration of a true chess genius. This book is a collection of Vasyl Ivanchuk's best games, a chess biography and a highly entertaining training manual all in one. |
29,95 €
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Artikel-Nr.: SBMISTUNDY2
für Trainer und Spieler, Band 2 Mit dem zweiten Band von “Statische und Dynamische Stellungsbewertung” möchte ich meinen Lesern konkrete Methoden der Stellungsbewertung im Schach vermitteln und somit weitere Türen auf dem Weg des fachlichen Aufstiegs öffnen. |
29,80 €
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Artikel-Nr.: SBMOTHLIIVgeb
Practical Exercises: Tactics, Strategy, Endgames Think Like Ivanchuk is a celebration of a true chess genius. This book is a collection of Vasyl Ivanchuk's best games, a chess biography and a highly entertaining training manual all in one. |
34,95 €
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Tiviakov's Unbeatable Strategies: Pawn Structures Sergei Tiviakov was unbeaten for a consecutive 110 professional chess games as a grandmaster, a record that has only been broken by World Champion Magnus Carlsen. Who better to teach you rock-solid chess strategy than Tiviakov. He was born in Russia and trained in the famous Russian chess school. In his first book, he explains everything he knows about the fundament of chess strategy: pawn structures. |
27,95 €
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Pawn Structures I have known Boroljub since childhood. When I think of him, the first word that comes to my mind is “PASSION”. Be it chess or football, the Dunst Opening or the Nimzovich Defense, he always seemed to be able to reach heights due to his devotion and dedication to whatever he was currently busy with. |
36,95 €
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Concentrate on Strategy and Logic instead of Opening This book will bring something new to your chess library. In our computer era, focus is usually on openings. Watching recent broadcasts, the new generation would rather choose games of a certain opening and look for an interesting idea or even a brilliant novelty. I offer, and recommend, a different concept altogether, based on the famous Soviet school of chess |
32,95 €
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Mit Taktik und Strategie erfolgreich spielen Schach liegt nicht nur aktuell im Trend, sondern ist seit jeher beliebt, denn es schult die Konzentration und das strategische Denken. In ihrem Ratgeber stellt die erfahrene Schachtrainerin Silke Einacker die goldenen Regeln von Eröffnung, Mittel- und Endspiel vor |
24,99 €
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Artikel-Nr.: SBSHSMST 2
Mastering Passed Pawn Play Pawn play is a fundamental aspect of chess strategy, yet often neglected in chess literature. In this, his second book on pawn play, Super-GM Sam Shankland sheds light on the vital topic of Passed Pawns. Passed pawns - whether connected, lone or protected - are common occurrences in middlegames and endgames, and your effectiveness in playing with or against them will make the difference between victory and defeat. Just like in his previous book, Shankland breaks down each topic into a series of crystal-clear guidelines to aid the reader. |
34,99 €
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Fundamentales Schachwissen mit GM Thomas Luther In diesem Band setzt FIDE Senior Trainer und Großmeister Thomas Luther den Kurs zur Schachtaktik fort, der er mit dem Buch Einführung in die Elementartaktik begonnen hat. Durch einen Test mit 50 Aufgaben aus aller Welt kann der Leser sehen, wo er steht. Dann werden die wichtigsten Taktikmotive fortgesetzt mit der Hin- und Weglenkung, Figuren in der Falle, Röntgen-Angriff sowie Remis- und Mattkombinationen. |
24,80 €
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In chess, as in repair or construction jobs, you will not get very far without the right equipment. If you want to win more games you simply need the right tools. Unfortunately, most amateur chess players have no toolbox to speak of. What’s more, they don’t even know which tools they actually need. Or what tools are available. If a chess hardware store would exist, most amateur chess players would be clueless what to ask for. |
24,95 €
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Artikel-Nr.: SB ZENTR
Das Buch Zentrumsformen ist ein Strategielehrbuch für erfahrene Schachspieler. In jeder Partie ist die Kontrolle des Zentrums von hoher Bedeutung. Vor allem in den Partiephasen Eröffnung und Mittelspiel steht der Schachspieler vor der Frage, wie er das Zentrum kontrollieren, schließen oder öffnen kann. |
19,80 €
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Master Pawn Play in Chess
In chess you cannot take your move back, but you can always return a misplaced piece to its former square at the cost of some time. Pawns on the other hand can never move backwards, making pawn moves truly permanent decisions. |
29,99 €
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Artikel-Nr.: SB LACHFOHA
Improve Your Vision, Sharpen Your Talons, Forget Your Fear Are you a dove or a hawk? Is your natural instinct at the chessboard for caution and strategy or do you crave adventure and confrontation? This question may be more important than you think because being aware of your personal style (and that of your opponent) is essential in your development as a chess player. |
22,95 €
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Artikel-Nr.: SB GEDYDEMA
In Dynamic Decision Making in Chess former World Championship Challenger Boris Gelfand continues his investigation into decision-making at the top level, discussing some of his best games as well as his worst slips, giving the reader a unique insight into the mind of a world-class grandmaster. Grandmaster Boris Gelfand has been an elite player for 30 years, winning the World Cup, Olympiad Gold, Candidates and many other top tournaments. In 2015 Positional Decision Making in Chess won the ECF Book of the Year award. |
29,99 €
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Artikel-Nr.: SB MÜDULB
Teste und verbessere deine Fähigkeiten in der Verteidigung Die Verteidigungskunst hat in der Schachliteratur generell weniger Aufmerksamkeit erfahren als das Angriffsspiel. Die Autoren haben sich in diesem Buch der Verteidigung in besonderer Weise angenommen, indem sie den Leser nicht nur anhand instruktiver Beispiele in die einzelnen Themen einführen, sondern ihn gleichzeitig motivieren, als Löser von ausgewählten Übungen und Denksportauf- gaben an die "Grenzen seiner Komfortzone“ zu gehen. Zu den behandelten Themen gehören: |
22,80 €
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Artikel-Nr.: SBDWSTFOPR2x
Improving Important Endgame Concepts Develop Imaginative and Preventive Thinking Nowadays, chessplayers spend almost all their free time preparing openings, and rarely spend the time necessary to perfect the vitally important technique of calculating. Regular training in solving and playing out endgames studies is a good recipe for eliminating that shortcoming. |
24,95 €
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500 hand-picked training exercises Why not just to have a simple puzzle book where you are supposed to find best move in each position? Every single position is picked carefully and this method will help you develop different strategic concepts and patterns. There are no chapters or indicative names or comments to help you find solution more easily. Just positions. ”Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication“ - Leonardo da Vinci. |
33,99 €
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Artikel-Nr.: SB Gel PosDeMa
Positional Decision Making in Chess offers a rare look into the mind of a top grandmaster. In his efforts to explain his way of thinking, Boris Gelfand focuses on such topics as the squeeze, space advantage, the transformation of pawn structures and the transformation of advantages. Based on examples from his own games and those of his hero, Akiba Rubinstein, Gelfand explains how he thinks during the game. |
29,99 €
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Artikel-Nr.: SB GuWinning Chess Manoeuvre
Strategic Ideas that Masters Never Fail to Find
When a chess master finds a winning strategic idea it is seldom by accident. An amateur, staring at a position on the chess board is often fumbling in the dark, his head spinning with a multitude of general rules and vague notions. The master’s approach is concrete. He knows how and where to look, because he has studied the games of other masters. |
24,95 €
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Artikel-Nr.: SB Sm Pum up y rating geb
Unlock your chess potential
Any man in the street knows how to increase his physical strength, but among most chess players confusion reigns when it comes to improving their playing strength. Axel Smith's training methods have guided his friends, teammates and pupils to grandmaster norms and titles. Hard work will be required, but Axel Smith knows how you can Pump Up Your Rating. Every area of chess is covered - opening preparation, through middlegame play, to endgame technique. Smith delves into both the technical and psychological sides of chess, and shows how best to practise and improve.
29,99 €
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Artikel-Nr.: SB Sm Pum up y rating ka
Unlock your chess potential
Any man in the street knows how to increase his physical strength, but among most chess players confusion reigns when it comes to improving their playing strength. Axel Smith's training methods have guided his friends, teammates and pupils to grandmaster norms and titles. Hard work will be required, but Axel Smith knows how you can Pump Up Your Rating. Every area of chess is covered - opening preparation, through middlegame play, to endgame technique. Smith delves into both the technical and psychological sides of chess, and shows how best to practise and improve.
24,99 €
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Strategic Elements I have known Boroljub since the childhood. When I think of him, the first word that comes to my mind is PASSION. Be it chess or football, Dunst Opening or Nimzovich Defense, he always seemed to be able to reach hights due to his devotion and dedication to whatever he was currently busy with. It doesn’t surprise that this finally results in encyclopedic knowledge of whatever area he chooses to focus on. I will mention an interesting episode. |
35,95 €
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Your Tool Kit of Key Concepts and Pawn Structures Every serious trainer must insist on strategy work, because strategy will be a powerful and probably decisive weapon against players who neglected it in their own chess study. That was my motivation to write this book, to present crucial elements and principles of strategy and to reveal its secrets to you, dear reader. After careful study of the book you will be fully equipped with strategic concepts, patterns and definitely you will catch “how it works” in chess game. |
31,95 €
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Das Buch "Aktivität - der Schlüssel zum Erfolg" stellt den psychologischen Aspekt des Schachs in den Mittelpunkt. Dort wird an mehreren Beispielen gezeigt, wie wichtig es ist, aktiv vorzugehen, genauso wie im Leben. |
24,80 €
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1 - 30 von 46 Ergebnissen |