Vishnu Warrier : The Chess Bible


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Vishnu isn't an ordinary person: his methods of improvement aren't ordinary, and neither is he as a coach. When he won the Chicago Open, despite being 60th out of 116 in the starting list, many people were surprised. But they wouldn't be if they saw how smart and interesting his system of chess improvement is. Vishnu proved that his methods work and how important pattern recognition is. And exactly that's what he teaches in this book!

When I saw the draft of it I was blown away by the hard work he had done, the quality of the research, and how carefully he was choosing the examples. I want to congratulate you on having this book in your hands. You avoided traps, you found a man who has walked the talk and has spent years learning and preparing for you material that you can digest in a short period of time. And if your rating is somewhere between 1000-2000, this book will be one of the best books for you! Grandmaster,

Founder and CEO of ChessMood,

Avetik Grigoryan


384 Seiten, kartoniert,  1. Auflage 2022

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