
Neuheiten Schachbücher

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Artikel-Nr.: SBRACHVI

How Alekhine Alienated the World

Starting his reign in 1927, Alexander Alekhine dominated the world of elite chess for more than a decade. To this day, he is the only world chess champion to die while holding the title. On his way to the top, Alekhine dodged artillery on World War I battlefields, narrowly escaped a Bolshevik firing squad and negotiated with Nazis to escape occupied Paris. He also earned a reputation as a ”grandmonster“ of chess: arrogant, amoral and alcoholic. Alekhine Alienated the World

41,70 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SBLIKEELOFSTkart

Georgy Lisitsin (1909-72) was a respected Soviet master, theoretician and writer. In 1958 he published a revised edition of his most ambitious work, entitled Strategy and Tactics of Chess, which became one of the most legendary manuals in the Soviet chess school, and no doubt one of the books that motivated the young Bobby Fischer to learn Russian.

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A Year with the Chess Genius

The Willfully Inscrutable Bobby Bobby Fischer, the enigmatic 11th World Chess Champion, lived in Germany for almost a year beginning in April 1990. He had connected with a woman, Petra Dautov, who had reached out to him two years before. It was not a romantic relationship, but quite intriguing nevertheless. In her own words, ”My intention in describing the experiences in this book was to show the human side of the chess genius and allow everyone to make up their own minds.“


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Mastering Dynamics

We all love the dynamics of chess. Spectacular sacrifices, combinations and attacks on the king never fail to enchant us. But how do we improve our understanding of dynamics? How can we recognize the ‘dynamic energy’ in a position? When can we turn 2+2 into 5, as the legendary tactician Mikhail Tal could? The answers can be found in the Hidden Laws of Chess.

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How the Game Was Played, Glorified and Abused

The USSR is famous as the first totalitarian state to promote chess. Less well known is that Nazi Germany was the second. The Third Reich gave chess a tremendous financial and propaganda boost in hopes of making Germany a dominant chess power. Yet this aspect of the Nazi era has received scant attention in later German literature, and even less in English. This book fills that gap.

56,50 *

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21st Century Edition

A Guiding Light for the Royal Game

Almost 100 years ago, one of the classics of chess literature was published in French. It was How Not to Play Chess by Eugene Znosko-Borovsky. It clearly and very simply set forth the basic principles of the game and was immediately embraced by chessplayers worldwide. That first edition originally in French was translated into many languages and became a staple of chess instruction everywhere.

14,50 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SBLIKEELOFTAxgeb

Georgy Lisitsin (1909-72) was a respected Soviet master, theoretician and writer. In 1958 he published a revised edition of his most ambitious work, entitled Strategy and Tactics of Chess, which became one of the most legendary manuals in the Soviet chess school, and no doubt one of the books that motivated the young Bobby Fischer to learn Russian.

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Artikel-Nr.: SBLIKEELOFTAkart

Georgy Lisitsin (1909-72) was a respected Soviet master, theoretician and writer. In 1958 he published a revised edition of his most ambitious work, entitled Strategy and Tactics of Chess, which became one of the most legendary manuals in the Soviet chess school, and no doubt one of the books that motivated the young Bobby Fischer to learn Russian.

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Die Eröffnung 1. d4 Sf6 2. f3!?

Die Eröffnung 1.d4 Sf6 2.f3!? gründet auf der Idee, nach den weiteren Zügen 2... d5 3.e4 dxe4 4.Sc3 die Grundstellung des Blackmar-Diemer-Gambits zu erreichen, wie sie normalerweise aus der Zugfolge 1.d4 d5 2.e4!? dxe4 3.Sc3 Sf6 4.f3 entsteht. Obwohl diese Spielweise nicht neu ist, findet sich bis heute keine systematische Darstellung der Varianten, die sich ergeben, wenn Schwarz nicht mit 2... d5 oder 3... dxe4 fortsetzt.

44,80 *

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Exercises and Training for 2100+ ELO

The astounding success of How To Study Chess on Your Own made clear that thousands of chess players want to improve their game — and like to work on their training at least partially by themselves

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Artikel-Nr.: SBPATHIRENkart

A dynamic opening repertoire for White

Grandmaster Simon Williams was taught the English Opening at the age of six and 1 c4 was his weapon of choice until long after he became an International Master. For this new work, he teamed up with acclaimed theoretician International Master Richard Palliser to explore his old favourite.

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Artikel-Nr.: SBPATHIRENgeb

A dynamic opening repertoire for White

Grandmaster Simon Williams was taught the English Opening at the age of six and 1 c4 was his weapon of choice until long after he became an International Master. For this new work, he teamed up with acclaimed theoretician International Master Richard Palliser to explore his old favourite.

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Learn to Defend and Strike Back with Venom

The book about defense is created as an endeavor to help players who struggle with this very difficult set of chess skills.

How to organize a proper defense?

How to perry opponent’s threats and thwart his plans?

How to create a strong counter-attack?

The book contains detailed examples and advice on:

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Artikel-Nr.: SBMÜTYSP

Effektives Mittelspieltraining

Wer diese oder jene Eröffnung lernen will, kann unter vielen oder gar Dutzenden von Lehrbüchern auswählen. Aber wie sieht es aus, wenn man sich mit der Mittelspielstrategie vertraut machen will, die in Stellungen angewendet werden sollte, die aus genau dieser oder jener Eröffnung hervorgegangen sind? Oder anders ausgedrückt: in Stellungen, die für diese oder jene Eröffnung typisch sind.

22,80 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SBKOSCWM2024

Dommaraju Gukesh vs Ding Liren

Weltmeisterschaften im Schach sind ein Höhepunkt für die Schachspieler- innen und Schachspieler weltweit. Sie lösen zudem ein sonst selten so ausgeprägtes Interesse der Medien aus.

15,00 *

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Tarrasch, Nimzowitsch and the Evolution of Chess

Siegbert Tarrasch and Aron Nimzowitsch could be called the two vainest chess players in history. This book tells the fascinating story of their lifelong rivalry. They clashed as personalities, as players and as chess writers, both searching for the truth in chess, but with very different perspectives.

29,95 *

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Tarrasch, Nimzowitsch and the Evolution of Chess

Siegbert Tarrasch and Aron Nimzowitsch could be called the two vainest chess players in history. This book tells the fascinating story of their lifelong rivalry. They clashed as personalities, as players and as chess writers, both searching for the truth in chess, but with very different perspectives.

34,95 *

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It is not really in doubt that Bobby Fischer is one of the greatest (if not the greatest) chess players of all-time. His name is one that it is recognized immediately by almost anyone with even a passing interest in chess. His numerous brilliant games are very well known and have been seen in numerous anthologies.

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Having the Nimzo-Indian Defence in his repertoire is a must for every 1.d4 player. However, it has been deeply explored, and lately White has been struggling to make something out of the opening. Indicatively, recent years have seen only books from Black’s perspective. This repertoire presents an innovative approach for White.

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Artikel-Nr.: SBPA20ANaud2

Das Schachspiel in Kultur und Alltag

In 20 Antworten auf d2-d4 entfaltet sich das Schachspiel als Schauplatz faszinierender Kurzgeschichten – mal dramatisch, mal heiter, mal mörderisch, mal schicksalhaft, mal tiefgründig. Figuren werden zu Charakteren mit einem eigenen Willen, Spieler geraten in ungewöhnliche Situationen. Sie leiden unter Zeitdruck, bis sie daran zerbrechen, geraten aus Geldgier auf die schiefe Bahn und verstecken Kokain in Schachfiguren. Unschuldige Menschen werden in den Bann eines zwielichtigen Schachspielers gezogen, der nach einer Verlustpartie etwas über die Zukunft seines Gegners sagen kann.

14,00 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SBKEWOCHCH48

The Hague-Moscow

After Alexander Alekhine died in 1946, the chess world suddenly had no reigning champion. FIDE resolved that Alekhine’s successor would be decided by a tournament in The Hague and Moscow in early 1948. Five top grandmasters Botvinnik, Smyslov, Reshevsky, Keres, and Euwe battled for the vacant title for over two months. Mikhail Botvinnik emerged as the new world champion, initiating the Soviet dominance of the international chess scene that would endure until the 1970s.

45,00 *

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Complete repertoire for Black against the Reti

Are you ready to shock your opponent on move 3?

The Reti Opening is a dynamic opening invented by Richard Reti more than a century ago. It has since been featured in the repertoires of countless grandmasters and world champions, including Magnus Carlsen, Hikaru Nakamura, Garry Kasparov, Tigran Petrosian, Vassily

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Artikel-Nr.: SBCAMYCHBE1919

Expanded, updated, edited by C. Hansen

A collection of the third world champion Jose Raul Capablanca's 35 best games from 1901-1919.

Before José Raúl Capablanca became World Champion, he was first a prodigy, next a strong upcoming player, then a grandmaster.

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Are you a parent of a junior chess player who feels that because you don’t know how to play chess, you can’t help your child? Or are you an adult or junior chess player who has taken private chess lessons for years, but feels you haven’t been progressing?

In both cases, there can be a lot of reliance on a chess coach who has been given free rein with lesson content and direction. They probably have some sort of plan but it is likely to be a plan used for all their students. This is not ideal. More important is a well-thought out, individualized plan, that focuses on a specific player’s unique strengths and weaknesses. Formulating such a plan is crucial for making improvements.

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Artikel-Nr.: SBDLTHQUGAAC2nd

A Modern Counterattack in an Ancient Opening

Forging New Paths in an Ancient Opening

The Queen’s Gambit Accepted is one of the oldest known openings in chess. It was first mentioned in chess literature in the late 15th century. Over 500 years later, American Grandmaster Max Dlugy demonstrates in this groundbreaking work that the QGA is still a fighting, uncompromising opening that allows Black to play for a win from the very first move.

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Artikel-Nr.: SBIRSASE11

Capablanca’s Dazzling Debut The international tournament held in San Sebastian, Spain in 1911 is one of the legendary chess tournaments of all time. Of the top ten players in the world at that time, only Emanuel Lasker was missing; he was getting married.

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Get to Know Your Chess Troops! - Vol. 1

SERIES INTRODUCTION There are many various concepts and approaches to creating chess books. Chess strategy books have, more or less, well-known structure and contents. Writers work on “elements, principles, concepts... The chapter titles are more or less known in advance. I suggest an alternative concept. I will try to explain how to use your pieces and how to handle situations with the same pieces in your opponent’s camp!

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Artikel-Nr.: SBNTRE1e4geb

Cunning, Crafty & Concise

Every chess player faces an opening dilemma: big main lines are complicated and time-consuming to learn, while easy-to-learn sidelines usually suffer from other defects. Finding the best of both worlds has been an impossible dream until now!

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Artikel-Nr.: SBNTRE1e4kart

Cunning, Crafty & Concise

Every chess player faces an opening dilemma: big main lines are complicated and time-consuming to learn, while easy-to-learn sidelines usually suffer from other defects. Finding the best of both worlds has been an impossible dream until now!

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Artikel-Nr.: SBKOMACHMOgeb

Puzzles Powering Practical Performance

Magic Chess Moves is a book that will enthral you while also testing and improving your chess abilities. You will be invited to solve a collection of exercise positions, but the accompanying text contains far more than simply the solutions. The author offers his reflections on all manner of other fascinating topics, such as how tactics can be coached, and details of the composer’s life story.

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