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A Killer Weapon against the DD

The Staunton Gambit is a very rewarding opening. White’s piece development follows the classical principles of gambit play. White is ahead in development and obtains a fine initiative. Even without the theoretical knowledge of certain variations, White should be able to find his way. Best of all, White determines the direction of the game already on move two, without the risk of having to play the maneuvering games we know from the Leningrad Dutch, the Stonewall Dutch or the Classical Dutch.

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Artikel-Nr.: SBMADUSIgeb

The Dutch is one of Black’s most ambitious replies to 1.d4, as with 1...f5 Black creates asymmetrical and richly complex play. Mihail Marin is the ideal author to explain both the strategic ideas and the latest theory.

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Artikel-Nr.: SBMADUSIkart

The Dutch is one of Black’s most ambitious replies to 1.d4, as with 1...f5 Black creates asymmetrical and richly complex play. Mihail Marin is the ideal author to explain both the strategic ideas and the latest theory.

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Artikel-Nr.: SBMALEDUgeb

The Dutch is renowned as a fighting weapon against 1.d4, as 1...f5 immediately sets up an unbalanced struggle. Then Black’s kingside fianchetto, which defines the Leningrad Dutch, allows pawn-storming play in similar style to the King’s Indian Defence. Mihail Marin is the ideal author to explain both the strategic ideas and the latest theory

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Artikel-Nr.: SBMALEDUkart

The Dutch is renowned as a fighting weapon against 1.d4, as 1...f5 immediately sets up an unbalanced struggle. Then Black’s kingside fianchetto, which defines the Leningrad Dutch, allows pawn-storming play in similar style to the King’s Indian Defence. Mihail Marin is the ideal author to explain both the strategic ideas and the latest theory.

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Artikel-Nr.: SBSEPLTHSTDUkart

A Bold Repertoire

The Dutch Defence is one of Black’s most combative responses to 1.d4, and the Stonewall is the boldest version of this opening. Black immediately seizes space in the centre and clamps down on the e4-square, laying the foundations for a complicated strategic battle.

24,50 *

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A Bold Repertoire

The Dutch Defence is one of Black’s most combative responses to 1.d4, and the Stonewall is the boldest version of this opening. Black immediately seizes space in the centre and clamps down on the e4-square, laying the foundations for a complicated strategic battle.

29,40 *

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Finding the right opening against 1.d4 has always been a difficult task. Keeping the balance between a solid position and having decent winning chances is very difficult. If you have experienced this problem, have you ever tried the Leningrad Variation of the Dutch Defense? When you play 1 ... f5, your opponent understands that you are not afraid and are out to win the game. Some White players like this, since they will also get more winning chances, but your choice might also unsettle many others.

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Artikel-Nr.: SBKAPLTHDU2

Playable options for black against the g3 lines


GM Mateusz Bartel - 4-times Polish Champion:

"Are you bored with the classical or popular positions after 1.d4? Are the tonnes of theoretical lines overwhelming for you sometimes? Then you should try the Dutch Defence instead!

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Artikel-Nr.: SBKAPLTHDU1

1.d4 f5 without the main g3 setup


GM Mateusz Bartel - 4-times Polish Champion:

"Are you bored with the classical or popular positions after 1.d4? Are the tonnes of theoretical lines overwhelming for you sometimes? Then you should try the Dutch Defence instead!

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Artikel-Nr.: SB Simon Williams The Killer Dutch


Grandmaster Simon Williams has played the Classical Dutch for over twenty years. It remains his favourite opening and has featured in some of his greatest individual results, including a win over World Championship finalist Boris Gelfand.

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Artikel-Nr.: SB Ko Hei Hollä richtig gespielt


Es waren wohl die Analysen des holländischen Meisters Elias Stein (1748-1812) zur Eröffnung 1.d4 f5, veröffentlicht in seinem Buch "Nouvel essai sur le jeu des échecs, avec des réflections militaires relatives à ce jeu" (Den Haag 1789), die zur Namensgebung der Holländischen Verteidigung geführt haben. Zwei erste Partien mit der Zugfolge 1.d4 f5 (2.c4 Sf6 3.Sc3 e6, Jaenisch - v.d. Lasa) sind uns aus dem Jahre 1842 überliefert. Im 19. Jahrhundert lange Zeit als einzige ernsthafte Alternative zu 1… d5 gehandelt, war Holländisch verpönt in der von Steinitz und Tarrasch geprägten Ära des soliden Positionsspiels, bis diese Verteidigung bei den Hypermodernen in den 1920er Jahren eine mühsame Wiedergeburt erlebte

19,80 *

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Artikel-Nr.: SB Roman Ovetchkin, Sergei Soloviov The Modern Vienna Game


The Vienna set-up aims for very aggressive play, which often includes sacrifices, but White prefers to be on the safe side, without burning all the bridges and to try to justify his actions from the point of view of positional play as well. This is how this usually happens. At first, he deploys his minor pieces to active positions, then he advances the thematic move f4, castles (usually on the kingside) and begins an attack only after all this.

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Opening Hacker Files Vol. 10

The Bogo-Dutch is a hypermodern defense to 1. d4 which is based on 1. d4 e6 2. c4 f5. It is a hybrid opening that is based on the Bogo-Indian Defense (1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3. Nf3 Bb4+) and the Dutch Defense (1.d4 f5).

122 Seiten, kartoniert, CarstenChess, 1. Auflage 2024

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