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Over two decades of working as a coach has confirmed my opinion that endgames are the biggest problem for young players. Today, in the computer era with a lot of information easily provided, youngsters all over the world rather play blitz, or solve some tactical puzzles in a manner that is "the faster the better" (or even spend time on some other chess disciplines). All of this neglects the basis of chess - the importance of endgames! It is not uncommon that everyday you can be witness to some strange endgame misunderstanding, even at the top level.

This is why I consider some of my favorite endgame books based on logic as the best I've ever read - I learned the endgame from some of the best endgame players and authors. And this is why I want to fill that gap in chess literature and to share my devotion, ideas, principles, opinions with you! I hope you will enjoy this material and I am pretty sure you will broaden your endgame horizons.

Introduction from the author.


496 Seiten, kartoniert, Thinkers Publishing, 1. Auflage 2023

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Auch diese Kategorien durchsuchen: Neuheiten Schachbücher, Endspiele